Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Legislative Quotas for Women - A Global & South Asian Overview of Types and Numbers’
Legislative Quotas for Women - A Global & South Asian Overview of Types and Numbers’

Reports and Books


Author:    Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment                 (LWP-WE)
Publishing place:     Islamabad.
Publishing year:       2012.
Size:  Letter.


Background and Context
The Quotas 
Reserved Seats in Pakistan
Situation in the Region

About The Book

Legislative or political quota is a critical way of removing historical discriminations against women and mainstreaming them into politics. There are numerous studies conducted in several countries which indicate that quotas set the numbers and gender balance right in political and legislative institutions.

Some experts on quota systems think that types of quota system also matter. Quotas do have an impact, whether they are voluntary or binding. However, some quota systems are not effective. For some experts, types of electoral system also matter. There are electoral systems which are more likely to produce better results. For example, international experience tells us that ‘first past the post’ electoral systems are less likely to get women elected than proportional systems.

This booklet is aimed at facilitating in developing better understanding of the rationale behind affirmative action measures for quotas for women in legislatures; different types of quotas and some best practices vis-à-vis these quotas in various countries, including Pakistan.