Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
International Women’s Day , Islamabad


International Women’s Day

ISLAMABD: Today we, as women of Pakistan, declare our solidarity with the women of the world on the 102nd anniversary of International Women’s Day - a day that has been commemorated since 1911 to voice women’s concerns and highlight their perspective on social, economic and political issues. Through the years women have demanded the right to vote and hold public office, the right to work and an end to discrimination at work. They have protested against war and violence and struggled for the attainment of peace.

The issue of women’s rights eventually won official acknowledgment from the UN and 1975 was declared the International Women’s Year. The First World Conference on Women was held that same year in Mexico, and the Government of Pakistan sent a strong women’s delegation, which was led by Begum Nusrat Bhutto. March 8 was designated as International Women’s Day by the nations of the world at this historic conference.


The women of Pakistan have a rich history. They participated in the struggle for independence under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam and have continued to play an active role in the country’s development. Today, as we celebrate International Women’s Day, our hearts go out to all those who have lost their relatives and friends in the cold-blooded violence unleashed in our country in the name of religion. Today, while hundreds of thousands have been senselessly killed, many more have been maimed and are spending their days in pain and misery. We believe that violence whether against women, or people of another sect, religion, ethnicity or country, is a product of a patriarchal mindset – a mindset that seeks to exploit and subjugate others and appropriate resources and power for itself.

We, as women of Pakistan, reiterate our commitment to peace and social justice, and demand that those who have committed heinous crimes against the nation’s citizens must not be allowed impunity. We call upon the nation to pledge on this day to stand up for a peaceful and just Pakistan – a tolerant and just Pakistan that was dreamed of by the Quaid and those women and men who sacrificed much to make Pakistan a reality - where all citizens can have equal opportunities and live in peace and harmony.

The rally is organized by different civil society organizations and networks including Insani Huqooq Ittehad (IHI) Network, End Violence against Women and Girls (EVAW/ G) alliance, Women Action Forum (WAF), Fight against Dowry Advocacy Network (FADAN) & dosti YAN (Youth Advocacy Network).