Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Reference & vigil for the slain aid workers., Peshawar Press Club, Peshawar.

Peshawar Press Club, Peshawar.

Reference & vigil for the slain aid workers.

Aurat Foundation and the Pakhtunkhwa Civil Society Network (PCSN) arranged a meeting to pay homage to the slain workers aid workers including six women in swabi. The participants were from of Aurat Foundation, Khwendo Kore, South Asia Partnership, Strengthening Participatory Organisation, Bacha Khan Education Trust, Fata NGO Ittehad, End Violence Against Women Alliance and Shirkat Gah.

The speakers Shabina Ayaz , Professor Khadim Hussain,Aimal Khattak , Arshad Haroon and Qamar Naseem, said terrorists were targeting the civil society organisations for working for human rights, education and health care as they didn`t want the people`s empowerment and development. They said the civil society should end the `culture of silence` over such attacks to contribute to counterterrorism efforts. The speakers also called for better public awareness of how to counter terrorism for development.They urged the government to fulfill its constitutional responsibility of protecting the public life and property. The speakers said under the constitution, the people, especially workingwomen, had the right to earn a respectful livelihood for themselves and their families in a peaceful atmosphere. They said the security of the people was the responsibility of the government but it had failed to fulfill it.
The speakers demanded that like government staff, families of slain women aid workers be provided with Rs3 million each as compensation and that their children be provided with free education.  Participants offered Fateh for the deceased aid workers.

The participants later demonstrated and held a candlelight vigil outside the press club.