Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Women and Youth Needs to Equipped with Knowledge in Multiple Roles of Peace-Building, Karachi


Women and Youth Needs to Equipped with Knowledge in Multiple Roles of Peace-Building

Women and Youth Needs to Equipped with Knowledge in Multiple Roles of Peace-Building Dr. Syed Mohsin Naqvi, a Religious Scholar said that creating and promoting fraternity and harmony among various communities could help ensure peace and prosperity in society. He also emphasized that women and youth should be equipped with knowledge in multiple different roles of peace-building through training, enhancing their potential, and utilizing it at their maximum for the improvement of the community. The Consultation was organized on December 22, 2023, at the Marriot Hotel, Karachi. A total of 83 (23 male, 59 female) individuals participated. Apart from this, members of the local government, representatives of political parties, police, and law enforcement agencies, police, health, nursing, education, human and women rights commissions, prominent lawyers, academia, students, media, NGOs, CSOs, Individual experts and think tanks other participated.

Ms. Nuzhat Shirin, Chairperson Sindh Commission on the Status of Women highlighted that during recent times, the role of women in making and shaping peace has been widely acknowledged. She emphasized that implementing these commitments would be a first step toward utilizing all available resources to establish and sustain peace. To promote the peace at grassroots level, there is a need to empower the local governments and women's rights commission. Awareness should increase among society on passed CVE laws and increase the women's participation in leadership positions. It could be possible through joint efforts.

Shahid Rahim, Senior Programme Specialist, SFCG said that we should struggle for the elimination of unjust social and economic relations, including unequal gender relations. The active inclusion of women in prevention and response strategies enables them to play a crucial role in fostering sustainable peace.

Ms Mahnaz Rehman, Resident Director Aurat Foundation said that the exclusion of women from peace processes directly discriminates against half of the population, depriving them of involvement in meaningful political change and the promotion of peace and harmony. She said that women's gender perspective and engagement in the peace process can lead to long-term advances for women's equality.

Ms. Sania Asghar, Member, Women Peace Architects, Karachi said that Inclusion goes beyond advocating for women's participation in formal settings; it also involves acknowledging their impact in various contexts. Women have the potential to build peace in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, and society at large.

Ms Mumtaz Mughal, Manager, SHE the Peacebuilder project highlighted She Peacebuilder project activities and shared the volunteer actions of WPAs. She said that building bridges among women's organizations and networks can offer considerable promise. The necessity to protect girls and women against violence, especially gender-based violence. There is a need to actively support women's inclusion and leadership in politics. The session was moderated by Ms. Malka Khan, Provincial Focal person of SHE the Peacebuilder, Sindh