Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Introductory Meeting with Punjab AIDs Control Program (PACP), Lahore


Introductory Meeting with Punjab AIDs Control Program (PACP)

After a thorough consultative process, an introductory meeting was held on 16th June, 2023 at PACP office where representatives of PACP i.e., Mr. Azhar and Dr. Atif, while Ms. Sidra from UNDP participated. Ms. Shamaila Tanvir, project Manager along with regional head of Punjab Ms. Sarah Sheraz and Legal Aid Desk Officers from all over Punjab, including Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan, and Faisalabad, from Aurat Foundation participated.

The purpose of the meeting was to orient the PACP team about the objectives of the project as well as services offered by Legal Aid Desk Officers. Detailed discussion on stigma and discrimination linked with HIV, legal services to PLHIV or at risk of HIV, issues of PLHIV and sensitivity and confidentiality while dealing the cases of HIV or at risk of HIV was held.

Ms. Shamila Tanvir provided a detailed overview of the project. She also shared the roles and responsibilities of Legal Aid Desk Officers with them. She shared that the purpose of visiting ART centers was only to provide information about the legal assistance to be offered to PLHIV is free of cost. Such practices such as visiting ART centers and having interaction with PLHIV in order to sharing of information about their human and legal rights and legal assistance will pave ways to encounter stigma and discrimination against them.

Mr. Azhar shared that Punjab Aids Control Program (PACP) operates ART centers throughout Punjab, providing medical care to HIV-positive people while also working to prevent HIV transmission among key population and people living at risk of HIV. Legal Aid Desk officers offered visits to these centers. In order to make these visits more productive in a scheduled way, PACP requested to have introductory meeting with all legal Aid Desk Officers of Punjab.

Ms. Shamaila thanked the PACP for their precious time and availability and committing their assistance for the cause. It was a great meeting to provide clarity about the project interventions and role of partners.

Major Decisions:

  • AF will share the first final plan of visits to ART centers of Punjab with Ms. Sidra. She will further share it with PACP for approval
  • WhattsApp group has to be created for sharing of visit plan to ART centers after 1st round of visits.
  • WhatttsApp group will be acted as sharing forum in order to share any relevant information


  • Coordination mechanism has developed among AF, PACP and UNDP Lahore office.
  • Legal Aid Desk Officers of Punjab are conducted meetings at ART centers after getting approval from PACP.
  • A good working relation has developed with staff of ART centers
  • IEC material i.e. Project Introductory Flyer has also been shared with Doctors at ART centers and displayed as well for further sharing with PLHIV who are visiting ART centers.
  • WhattsApp group comprising representatives of PACP, UNDP, AF’s regional and national staff and Legal Aid Desk Officers has been formed.