Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
National Training of Trainers on Community Leadership and Local Government System, Lahore


National Training of Trainers on Community Leadership and Local Government System

Aurat Foundation organized a "Training of Trainers" on Community Leadership and Local Government System from 17-20 March, 2020 at Four Points Hotel, Lahore under Democracy and Empowered Women or Jamhuriat aur Baikhtiar Aurat "JAZBA Project. It was a national event that was attended by engaged districts' staff of JAZBA and CSO members from already engaged targeted districts of Pakistan.

The objective of the TOT was to equip the district staff and CSO members with the proper knowledge of leadership and local government system and clarity to downstream the trainings in their respective districts. The training was started with the welcome note by Team Leader Mr. Irfan Mufti, SAP-PK. He gave a brief introduction of JAZBA project to participants, he answered the questions raised by the participants during his presentation.

Ms. Shamaila Tanvir, Programme Manager said that initially, TOT was planned for four days in order to deliver contents of training in first two days while other two days were the replication of the training contents by the participants. Keeping in view the current situation of COV 19 prevailing in Pakistan make it difficult to complete the four days because most of the participants were from Sindh, Punjab and KP Provinces.

The main themes were covered in the training were; Gender Concepts, Power Walk, Power and its Dynamic, Gender Based Violence, Understanding Leadership, History and Importance of Local Government System in Pakistan, Citizen's participation in Politics, Analysis of Existing Local Governments in Provinces, Pre- and Post-Election Role and Skills for Ideal Representation. Training techniques were participatory, group works with fun, brainstorming with their experience and ideas that enabled participants to innovate ideas and perspectives. The medium of training was Urdu and manual and hands outs distributed among participants were also developed in Urdu for their more clarity on the topics.

The training team was comprised of capacity building experts Ms. Saima Munir, Ms. Shabina Ayaz, Nabeela Shaheen and Ms. Shamaila Tanvir from Aurat Foundation, Mr. Shakeel Abbas from SAP-PK and Mr. Salman Abid, Executive Director IDEAS.

The training was ended with vote of thanks and hope that all human kind will be successfully survived from this COV 19 virus and field activities will be resumed in the mid of April 2020. At the end, certificates were also distributed among the participation as an appreciation token for their active and energetic participation.