Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
“We must differentiate between same and equal” – Kamla Bhasin, Islamabad


“We must differentiate between same and equal” – Kamla Bhasin

Concepts related to feminism were clarified as renowned activist Ms. Kamla Bhasin gave a detailed talk on ‘Contemporary Issues of Feminist Discourse and Challenges in South Asia’, on Friday 29 January 2016, at the National Press Club, Islamabad.  The talk was jointly organized by Aurat Foundation, SPO and Rozan from the platform of ‘One Billion Rising for Love, Peace and Justice’ campaign.

Ms. Kamla Bhasin said that feminism is an ideology that equals men and women. She called it a fight between two mentalities: “One mentality says that patriarchy is better, whereas the other says that equality is better. On both sides there are women and men.  There are women who are ready to kill their daughter before she is born. Women are involved in pornography. They are those who dance half naked in films of Bollywood. So there are both men and women, who protect and nurture patriarchy.”

She said that every constitution in the world is against discrimination. “If we believe in the constitution that advocates for equal rights, we cannot practice social and cultural norms in our homes and communities that discriminate and reinforce patriarchal notions making women powerless and insecure,” she said.

She stressed the need to differentiate between same and equal.  She said that institutions of family and education play critical role in defining the gender roles in the society. “When home becomes democratic and non-violent, only then the country and society become non-violent and democratic.”
