Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Dinner hosted in the honour of Ms. Kamla Bhasin and Ms. Chandni Joshi, Islamabad


Dinner hosted in the honour of Ms. Kamla Bhasin and Ms. Chandni Joshi

Aurat Foundation hosted a dinner in the honour of renowned women’s rights activists, Ms. Kamla Bhasin and Ms. Chandni Joshi, on 29 January 2016, at AF office, Islamabad.  Both activists were presented with shields in recognition of their commitment and contribution to women’s movement in South Asia and their long association with Aurat Foundation.  The shield to Ms. Chandni Joshi was presented by Mrs. Anjum Riyazul Haque, Member Board of Governors, AF, and Ms. Kamla Bhasin received shield from Ms. Surriya Ameeruddin, former Senator and Member General Body, AF.  The dinner reception was attended by representatives of UN agencies, international and local NGOs as well as AF’s staff.