Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Preliminary finding of GBV interventions in complex emergency launched, Islamabad


Preliminary finding of GBV interventions in complex emergency launched

A lunching ceremony to share the preliminary findings of the scoping review on Gender Based Violence (GBV) intervention in humanitarian context was held on 16 December, 2015, at Ramada Hotel. Ceremony was started with standing ovation to Army Public  School students and teacher followed by national anthem. Mr. Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer welcomed the participation and highlight the importance of study.

Ms. Graceila from UNFPA addressed the participants and talk about the project, importance of scoping review and role of UNFPA in eradicating the GBV. Ms. Uzma Zarrin, Director Programmes, Aurat Foundation presented the preliminary findings of the scoping review on GBV interventions in humanitarian context. Speakers of a penal discussion included Ms. Gulalai, Director Programmes, Khwendo Kor, Mr. Furqan Abbas, Deputy Director, Information Dept. Social Welfare, Punjab, Ms. Roohi Zahir Shah, President Girls Guide Association of Pakistan, Mr. Haroon Dawood, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation, Quetta, Mr. Taj Marri, Programme Manager, Bhandar Hari Sangat, and Dr. Nusrat Rana, Psychiatrist.

Speakers shared their experiences and good practices regarding GBV intervention on response and prevention. After that a Question & answer session was conducted.  Ms. Shamaila Tanvir, Coordinator Research & Development, Aurat Foundation moderated the event.  Mr. Younis Khalid concluded the session and thanked all the participants coming from different regions of Pakistan.