Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Gender Based Violence Free District launched in district Kasur, Lahore


Gender Based Violence Free District launched in district Kasur

 ‘Gender Based Violence Free District’ campaign was launched in district Kasur by Aurat Foundation in collaboration with the Women Development Department (WDD), Government of Punjab, on 12 November 2015, at Garden City Club, Kasur. The event was organized to launch OXFAM GB supported project ‘Institutional Capacity Strengthening of WDD department Punjab’.
Ms Hameeda Wahuddin, Provincial Minister for Women’s Development & Social Welfare Department, Punjab, Secretary WDD Punjab, Australian High Commissioner Ms Margaret Adamson, Member Provincial Assembly Ms Mari Gill, Secretary women Development Department Dr Aamina Imam, Oxfam GB Country Director Mr Arif Jabbar, DCO Kasur Mr Adnan Arshad Aulak, DIG Motorway Mr Faraan Baig, prominent writers Mr Munno Bhai and Mr Hassena Moin, AF Director Outreach & Network Mr Asim Malik, AF Provincial Manager Ms Mumtaz Mughal, representatives from civil society and government officials attended the event.

Ms Hameeda Wahuddin said the Punjab government had taken concrete measures for the empowerment and development of women and Punjab women empower package 2012-15 are part of it. She said the Punjab government has increased job quota for women from 5% to 15%. Similarly, 50 % funds have been allocated for women in youth business loan programme, she added.
Kasur DCO Mr Adnan Arshad in his address said that the administration and all departments in Kasur would take every possible step for making the district free from gender violence. He said that the transfer of inherited property is being made immediately to women after amendment in Land Revenue Act. Mr Ali Nasir Rizvi said that 2,138 police employees are ensuring elimination gender based violence and protection of women rights.

Mr Arif Jabbar said that Oxfam is working since 1973 and supporting women leadership program from 2004. Oxfam will continue assistance in a various strategies and standards such as Oxfam Pakistan Country Strategy - 2015-2020, humanitarian strategy 2020, Gender Minimum Standards in Emergency, and strategy on women rights in humanitarian programming. Oxfam envisions to bringing about a sustainable changes for ensuring women could control over financial resources, and leadership opportunities. He further shared that Oxfam has signed a MoU with WDD Punjab for their institutional capacity building. This programme will also contribute to piloting women crisis centers to replicate Oxfam’s women protection center model. It also builds synergies and strengthens linkages between federal and provincial ministries to create and ensure compliance to the international commitments and Pakistan Vision 2025.
Ms Aamina Imam said the Government of Punjab, in consultation with all civil society organizations, has evolved legal and institutional system. Similarly, an effective review and monitoring process of women-friendly laws has great importance, she added.Mr Muno Bhai said it is shame for us being resident of very developed province of Punjab in which most of the crimes against women happened during last year. We should treat women as human being. Mainspring equal status and do not show kindness and in courteous. Ms Haseena Moeen said only education can bring change in our society to attain violence free society. She appreciated the struggle of Ms Nigar Ahmad, Executive Director Aurat Foundation, for women’s empowerment in Pakistan.

Ms Mumtaz Mughal said that this situation has marked Pakistan as ‘off-track’ on the global obligations and Pakistan is ranked 2nd worse country in Gender Gap Report, 2013. According to the last six months data on violence against women gathered by Aurat Foundation, 2926 cases have been reported. Many more cases of domestic violence remain unreported. Program target districts fall in top 15 districts of Punjab where more gender based violence cases are occurring i.e., Rawalpindi (149 cases), Muzaffargarh (113 cases), and Kasur with 72 cases are reported while the ratio of unreported cases is high. However the conviction rate for such cases is still very low. According to Punjab DIG Investigation Branch 2013 report, 6 women are murdered or attempted to murder, 8 raped, 11 battered and assaulted, and 32 women are abducted in Punjab daily

Ms Merry Gull said don’t segregate children’s as boys and girls. Treat them human being and only children. Effective implementation of pro-women laws can play vital role to eliminate violence against women. This program will be a unique programme as it is for the first time that the ‘GBV free City/District’ concept will be tested and developed in Pakistan, and we are optimistic for success to achieve the target.