Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
Refresher training with police moharrars and investigation officers held, Karachi


Refresher training with police moharrars and investigation officers held

Aurat Foundation started a police training workshop programme a year ago to discuss the new pro-women laws such as Child Marriage Act, Domestic Violence Act and Anti-Women practices Act to ensure the security and protection of women. This year again, on 10-11 November, 2015, at Hotel PC-Karachi, trained police officers met after 6 months under a 2-Days ‘Refresher Training with Police Moharrars and Investigation Officers’ to consider the implementation of the laws and the number of cases submitted under the newly passed Acts. The workshop commenced with a detailed discussion on human rights and its importance by Ms Mahnaz Reham, Resident Director Aurat Foundation. This followed with an informative session by Mr Iqbal Ahmed Detho, Advocate and Trainer, whereby the constitution of Pakistan together with the police rules under PPC were discussed in detail. Mr Detho defined the role and duties of the police under Article (3), Article (4), Article 25(2) and Article (34) of the constitution together with the PPC laws. He also briefed the participants regarding the introduction of a new subject of 'Human Rights' under police training. Ms Shireen Aijaz, Regional Coordinator, coordinated the session forward and discussed the key issue of FIR issuance in regard to women victims. Mr Faizullah Korejo, SSP Sindh Police South, further shed light on the same topic in regard to PPC laws and discussed the implementation of these. The 2nd day of the training specifically discussed pro-women laws together with Hudood and Family laws. This was followed by a Certificate Distribution Ceremony by Mr Mushtaq Mahar, CCPO Sindh Police. Mr Mahar also conducted a brief session on importance of FIR issuance and the role of police in regard to women protection directly and indirectly. Women are a crucial part of the society and thereby , they deserve justice.