Activity title: Launching NGO Alternative Report on CEDAW – 2012, and National Women’s Assembly.
Date: December 13, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief highlight:
Aurat Foundation organized the launching ceremony of Pakistan NGO Alternative Report on CEDAW – 2012, on Thursday, December 13, 2012, at Islamabad Hotel. Ms Lena Lindberg, Country Director, UN Women -Pakistan participated as the Guest of Honour. Ms Anis Haroon, Member, Board of Governors, Aurat Foundation, presided over the ceremony. Ms Maliha Zia and Ms Riffat Butt, authors of the report presented main findings of the report. Ms Tahira Abdullah, one of the four contributors, who wrote separate chapters, was the Guest Speaker.
The various attempts made by the Government to improve the legal, socio-economic and political status of women are commendable, but they are few in number and have proven not to be very effective. The agenda for eliminating all forms of discrimination against women failed once again to make its place in the priority list of the Government. As a result, there remain numerous issues for women, resulting in de facto and de jure discrimination against them, which are either ignored by the Government, or are not sufficiently dealt with.
Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer of Aurat Foundation, while elaborating the process of producing the NGOs alternative CEDAW report, said that Aurat Foundation has been preparing the shadow report on CEDAW for a couple of years. The report, technically called ‘NGO Alternative Report on CEDAW’, attempts to examine the response of the Government of Pakistan to concerns expressed in the observations of the CEDAW Committee on the earlier Country Report in 2007. An examination of these responses reveals that the major impediments to gender equality and the elimination of discrimination are an ambivalent political will on the part of the State, and resultantly its institutions; the absence of a firm commitment to the inherent principles; and a reluctance to own the State’s obligations under the CEDAW Convention.
He also criticized the government and the Ministry of Human Rights that didn’t consult the civil society and other concerned quarters while it was preparing the government’s CEDAW report for the UN. He expressed strong disapproval that the M/o HR even didn’t bother to make its report public, and demanded that the government shall urgently make it public and seek response and opinion from concerned quarters and women’s rights organization.
Ms Riffat But, one of the author, said that 4th report covers the period from 2005-2009, Ministry of Women Development prepared but it was submitted by the M/o HR in 2011. This report mentions the challenges of earthquake, poverty, political instability, issue of IDPs while having impact on the efforts of government to fulfill its obligation of the DEDAW Convention.
Ms Maliha Zia, the second author of the report, said that although a number of pro-women laws were passed from the year 2009 to 2012 including Protection against Harassment at the Workplace Act 2010 and three amendments in Criminal Law during 2010 and 2011 which focus on harassment against women; customary practices including deprivation of inheritance, forced marriages, exchange of women in settlement of cases, marriage of women to the Quran; and acid crimes. This has been an appreciated move by the Government. However, the State continued to avoid the passage of laws or amendments that are considered more controversial due to the fact that they might affect the traditional set up of the family and society and above all their political alliances. These include laws pertaining to domestic violence, social protection and child rights and amendments pertaining, among other topics, to citizenship rights of women and their spouses. It is pertinent to note that the majority of pro-women initiatives have been taken by Private Member Bills as opposed to Government Bills.
Ms Tahira Abdullah, who contributed a chapter on ‘Implementing CEDAW in Pakistan’ in the report, elaborated on the lack of political will and commitment to ensure the participation of CSOs and women’s rights activists in the preparation of the government’s CEDAW report, and to ensure the harmonization of domestic laws with the State’s binding legal obligation to adhere to CEDAW and other ratified instruments. She presented 38 action recommendations for the implementation of CEDAW, which, 16 years after Pakistan became a State Party to CEDAW, are now long overdue.
The shadow report is primarily a commentary on the Fourth Periodic Report of the Government, identifying gaps and presenting an objective analysis of the situation of women in Pakistan. This analysis is conducted from a perspective held by the unambiguous position of mainstream women’s rights and human rights activists and organisations on core issues of women’s rights. The Report is authored by Maliha Zia and Riffat Butt and; has been reviewed by Neelam Hussain, Naeem Mirza, Nasreen Azhar and Younas Khalid.
The Shadow Report also attempts to give the reader a brief overview of the situation of women in Pakistan beyond the reporting time period, till the present day. This overview is essential in light of several major developments that have taken place after the reporting period. Realising the significance of a few landmark developments related to democracy, governance and the deteriorating situation of minority women, four addendum chapters have been included in the report. These are contributed by Tahira Abdullah, Ayehsa Khan, Rubina Saigol, Peter Jacob and Jennifer Jag Jewan.
Aurat Foundation took the lead in compiling and drafting an alternative Report to the Government Report on behalf of the civil society of Pakistan in 2008. The process concluded in 2012, consisted of a number of steps, was based on the principle of inclusion and ownership of the Report by civil society organisations. The Report has been prepared with the earnest intent to strengthen Pakistan’s national institutions and entities working for women’s rights. It is hoped that mainstreaming gender into national policies and laws and bringing them in conformity with the articles of CEDAW will result in de facto equality for women.
At the end of the launching ceremony, the participants, human rights activists and organizations, hailed the selection of Ms Khawar Mumtaz as Chairperson of National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW). They expressed satisfaction and hope that her selection would further strengthen the NCSW. Ms Anis Haroon, former Chairperson of the NCSW, expressed happiness and satisfaction on the selection of Ms Mumtaz as the new Chairperson of the NCSW. She said that Khawar has the courage and potential and long enough experience to benefit and further extend the recently achieved autonomy of the NCSW.
Earlier in the day, Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with Insan Foundation Trust, also organized National Women’s Assembly at Islamabad Hotel. Both the organizations are working to advance women’s cause at different levels. Partnering with UN Women, AF is working in 6 districts and Insan Foundation in 25 districts of Pakistan including FATA, AJK and GB under the said initiatives. The event provided community women from various ethnic backgrounds and cultures, CSOs, activists, parliamentarians, students and academia an opportunity to share their experiences, role and contributions in promoting peace and security in all the regions of Pakistan.
The first panel on ‘Situation and impact of conflict on women’ was chaired by eminent human and women rights activist Ms Tahira Abdullah. Speakers representing five provinces of Pakistan and AJK, representing various ethnic backgrounds, urged the policy makers to incorporate women’s perspective in the efforts of social cohesion and their active participation in peace-building in bringing meaningful results. They stressed the need to root out violence from the society and create environment religo-ethnic and cultural harmony They stressed that women can and do play a vital role in combating extremism, prevention of the crisis, and broadening the perspective of the relevant stakeholders for developing gender sensitive mechanisms for the protection of women from sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) in crisis situations. The women also shared their stories as survivors of conflict which brought sadness and tears in the eyes of most of the participants.
A women participants from Balochistan, of Hazara ethnic group, gave an emotional / heart breaking account of the ethnic cleansing of Hazara community. Kashmala from AJK said that while travelling from her home to Islamabad, the Capital Territory, she had a strong sense of deprivation, that people, and women, from far flung areas do not have opportunities. She also read a poem ‘mujh ko dekho izat sey, aurat nahien insaan hoon mien. Shakeela Asghar from interior Sindh demanded the government to clear the society from weapons so that to bring peace. The weaponization in the society has also marred way for free and fair elections and democracy in Pakistan. Fatima from Swat said that she would speak not for herself but for the whole Swat, for the girls and women of Swat who have been facing violence since long.
Ms Tahira Abdullah, while concluding the session, demanded the government to reduce the military expenditure and instead increase the budget for education, health and other development sectors.
The second panel of respondents on the ‘Role of State and Democratic Institutions in Prevention of Conflict’ was chaired by Ms Anis Haroon. Representatives from National Assembly and provincial assemblies spoke at the occasion including Ms Ghazala Gola, Minister for Women’s Development, Government of Balochistan, Ms Ms Shagufta Sadiq, MNA MQM, Sindh, Ms Naseem Nasir Khawaja MPA PML-N, Ms Shirin Fatima, MNA, PPP, Gilgit Baltistan, and senator Ms Syriya Amir-ud-Din, PPP.
Ms Shirin Fatima said that since last 65 years, Pakistan ignored the people of Gilgit-Baltistsan and combined the issues of Gilgit-Baltistan with the issue of Kashmir, and gave it anonymous title of ‘Northern Areas’ which was like depriving various ethnic group of GB of their identities. While highlighting various positive steps of the Government of Gilgit-Batistan, she said that the government has ensured 10% women’s quota in all government departments due to which a lot of women joined the police department. She said that although GB government has introduced many positive legislation but we still need strong commitment and line of action for implementation. She said that soon they will introduced the bill to combat sexual harassment of women at workplace, which would be made as per the cultural and social needs of Gilgit-Baltistan.
Ms Shagufta Sadiq said that women parliamentarians are struggling hard to get the domestic violence bill sail-through the Sindh assembly. Ms Suriya Amir-ud-Din, senator from Balochistan, while analyzing the situation of Balochistan, said that at first only the people from Punjab, living in Balochistan, were targeted but now each and every community is being targeted; political activist are being kidnapped, and turning them into ‘internally displaced persons’. She said the all political parties and the civil society shall together work for bringing peace in the country. Ms Ghazala Gola,
Ms Ghazala Gola while highlighting the positive steps of Balochistan government said that her party (PPP) introduced a lot of pro-women legislation including bill to curt sexual harassment of women and legislation for empowering home-based women workers. She said the all women legislators in the Balochistan assembly are struggling hard to pass the law against domestic violence.
Ms Anis Haroon, while concluding the session, said that criticizing the politicians is not the good strategy but need to find out a solid political strategy to bring peace in the country. She also emphasized the need that all the political parties shall work together for bringing out a solution how to end terrorism and violence in the society. She also demanded for enhancing of reserved seats for women from 17% to 33% in all legislatures.
Ms Kishwar Sultana, Executive Director, Insan Foundation, coordinated the question-answer session. Ms Arifa Mazhar of Aurat Foundation, read the declaration of the women assembly which the participants approved collectively.
Activity title: Launching ‘One Billion Rising (OBR)’ campaign to end violence against women.
Date: December 10, 2012.
Venue: Auditorium, Quaid-e-Azam University.
Brief highlights:
Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with ROZAN, WLP, AMAL, WORD, We Can and RSPN organized the launching ceremony of ‘One Billion Rising - OBR’ campaign in Pakistan on the international Human Rights Day on December 10, 2012. The ceremony was organized at the auditorium of Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam University. The participants included university students, members of civil society organizations, NGOs, academia and media.
'One Billion Rising (OBR)' is the collective voice of one billion women, men, children and trans-genders across the globe for ZERO tolerance to violence against women. According to international statistics, 1 out of 3 women in the world will be rapped or beaten in her life time which comes to more than 1 billion women. In Pakistan approximately 70-90% Pakistani women are subjected to domestic violence each year.
It is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls started by Eve Ensler, a prominent activist who addresses issues of violence against women and girls. In 1998, her experience performing The Vagina Monologues inspired her to create V-Day, a global activist movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day raises funds and awareness through annual benefit productions of The Vagina Monologues.
Speakers urged youth to speak up against any kind of violence around them. Nighat Rizvi from AMAL briefly introduced participants with the history of OBR and V-Day. Dr Farzana Bari, Chairperson Department of Gender Studies, QAU, gave a detailed presentation on ‘situational analysis of Violence Against Women (VAW) in Pakistan (and why OBR in Pakistan?). she said that creating awareness and personal commitment to refrain from inflicting violence on other especially on women is imperative but we should not forget that gender based violence is a structural issue and power imbalance between men and women is central to all forms of VAW.
Dr Ambreen Ahmed, from Rozan, gave an overview of OBR campaign activities. She told the audience that today peoples, both women and men in 177 countries of the world are raising their voice to end violence against women. While elaborating about the OBR activities, she informed that the activities include signature campaign, arranging music programmes, theatres, poster competition etc. She said that so far 3666 signatures have been signed to end violence against women.
Renown poet Kishwar Naheed recited two of her famous poems – one ‘wo jo bacheon sey bhi dar gaey…, written for Malala Yousufzai’ and the second ‘tum swami ram baney mery, tum majnoon qais baney merey, kabhi chhorr dia, kabhi …iss khel saraey sey niklo, tum merey jaisey insaan ho, merey dost bano’.
Babar Bashir, Managing Director, ROZAN, highlighted the importance of involving men in ending violence against women and in the ‘One Billion Rising campaign’. He said that un-fortunately, most of the perpetrator of violence against women are men which highlights the importance of focusing men in this campaign. He also said that violence against women is not only damaging for women but it also damages men’s personality and ultimately it affects the whole country and the whole world.
Aqsa Khan, Executive Director WORD, spoke on the sexual harassment laws in Pakistan. She gave a full background of the sexual harassment at workplace law 2010 and the institutional procedures to deal cases of sexual harassment at workplace. She also stressed the need to raise awareness about the law in all government and non-government institutions and organizations.
Farkhanda Aurangzeb, Manager Legislative Watch Programme of Aurat Foundation, in her concluding remarks said that the event was just a beginning and the campaign has a long way to go and see much success. She urged the audience the when back at home, office or class, each one should further spread the message of ‘stand against violence against women’. She also said that violence, in each form, and from anyone, whether men or even from women (which is hardly a case) must be condemned.
The OBR message of ‘rise against all kind of violence’ was loud and clear that ‘No More Violence against Women’. The event included interactive sessions where participants, mostly students, were introduced with aims and objectives of the campaign. Awards were also distributed among the university students who won the poster competition. The poster competition was organized among students from NUST University, Fatima Jinah University, Bahria University and Arid Agriculture University.
The event also included musical performance by renown young singer Arieb Azhar, and emerging young artists Yaruq and his band.
One Billion Rising (OBR) Campaign is being taken up by different countries across the globe to mobilize general public and motivate makers to take their responsibilities in ending VAW. More than one out of every three women on this planet will face violence during their lifetime. With 7 billion people on this planet, it makes 1 billion women.
Message on the wall – posters selected for the OBR campaign. |
Poster with signatures to stand against violence against women. |
Poster, paintings and slogan depicting struggle against women 1. |
Poster, paintings and slogan depicting struggle against women 2. |
Activity Title: Celebrating 16-days of activism to end gender based violence and human rights day.
Date: December 10, 2012.
Venue: Serena Hotel, Quetta.
Brief highlight:
Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with UNHCR, Human Rights Department, and other civil society organizations organized an event to observe ‘16-Days of Activism to end violence against women’ and International Human Rights Day. Members of different NGOs/CBOs participated in the event. Mr Justice Qazi Faiz Essa, Chief Justice Balochistan High Court, was the chief guest of the event. He shared his views on 16-days of activism and International Human Rights Day and visited the stalls setup by Aurat Foundation and other organizations.
Activity title: Launching ‘One Billion Rising’ to end violence against women.
Date: December 2, 2012.
Venue: Arts Council, Karachi.
Brief highlight:
Aurat Foundation Karachi office launched a campaign called ‘One Billion Rising’ to end violence against women on December 2, 2012, in Arts Council, Karachi. A seminar, theatre and a musical concert by the Sketch were also organized to support the above mentioned theme. Various non-profit organizations set up their stalls to showcase their work as well.
Anis Haroon, former Chair Person of National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), in her address with the audience, said that ‘One Billion Rising’ is a global campaign started by Eve Ensler, a movement to end violence against women. She also said that according to the UN Reports, one out of each three women is the victim of violence. VAW is a global issue and is happening around the world but the difference between us and them is that their social and legal institutions are in place to provide protection to women survivors. The campaign is being run across the globe to mobilize the grass root communities, individual men and women, intellectuals, politicians to raise their voices against violence against women.
Renowned personalities from the development sector and civil society organizations addressed the occasion. Famous journalist Mr Babar Ayaz discussed the ‘Extremism & its Impact on Women’, Justice (Retd.) Majida Rizvi spoke on ‘Legal System and Violence against Women’, Ms Farhat Parveen, Executive Director Now Communities, talked about the ‘Economic Aspects of Violence Against Women’, and Ms Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Minister for Women Development, Sindh, spoke on ‘General Violence’.
Ms Farhat parveen said that Pakistan is a signatory of different ILO conventions but it failed ensure the provisions of the conventions which demand equal employment opportunity without any discrimination on the basis of gender. She also highlighted the hardships faced by industrial workers. She also gave the reference of Ali Garments where factory workers including women were burnt alive but government failed to provide relief to the dependents of deceased.
In 2011 the total 8539 cases of violence against women were reported in Pakistan, 6.74% higher than the previous year in which 8000 cases were reported. But these figures do not represent a true picture. Violence against women is widely prevalent in Pakistan but a vast number of cases are not registered by the police and the media only gets to hear about the most gruesome and shocking incidents.
In the end, Dr Masooma Hasan, Chairperson Aurat Foundation’s Board of Governors, formally launched poster ‘Enough!’ which calls for ‘no more violence against women’. This poster has been published with the support of Women Learning Partnership (WLP).
Participants from education and development sectors, government and non-government organisations, media and students attended the event and pledged to work against violence against women.
Activity title: Focus Group Discussion on women’s right to vote.
Date: November 28, 2012.
Venue: Aurat Foundation office. |
Brief highlights:
In order to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Government, Political Parties, media, lawyers and civil society in ensuring women’s right to vote in coming general elections, Aurat Foundation organized a focused group discussion at its office on 28th November 2012.
The purpose of the focus group discussion was to outline the role and responsibility of all stakeholders and to form a collaborative strategy on how to help women practice their right to vote in Pakistan. The participants included political party members PMLN and PML (HK), local and international NGO’s, Ministry of Finance representative and a lawyer.
Some participants were of the view that there are various laws and international commitments which ensure women’s right to vote, however these are not implemented due to lack of awareness. The importance of counselors and media was highlighted, in raising awareness and motivating women to vote.
The need for additional laws was also highlighted, particularly one through which an election be considered void if there is less that 10% votes cast by women. The role of Election Commission Pakistan in ensuring a transparent election process, and providing gender disaggregated data was stressed. Women’s mobility due to cultural and financial factors was discussed, and one suggestion for this was that there should be an increase in polling stations so that women can reach them easily.
The participants recommended that: ECP shall maintain gender disaggregated data of voters, declare 10 % women’s vote mandatory, prepares reliable / accessible mechanism for updating / maintaining electoral roll, ensure that transparency – observers have access to polling and results, hold consultation with political parties ECP prepares binding Code of Conduct to a peaceful election process, put penalties for violence or rigging, in law or under ECP, ensure fresh legal reforms process in the parliament harmonize the primary election reforms with the post- 18th Amendment scenario.
The FGD was a part of Aurat Foundation’s project ‘Gender-based Violence Advocacy and Capacity Building’ funded by Trocaire. The detailed strategy and recommendations will be shared with relevant stakeholders, and a follow-up meeting will be held in year 2013.
Activity title: Aurat Foundation inaugurates its liaison office in Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan.
Date: November 07, 2012.
Venue: Gilgit-Baltistan.
Brief highlight:
Fida Hussain Briefing the participants. |
Praying for success. |
Shereen Fatima Member BG LA cutting the inaugural ribbon AF office Skardu. |
Shereen Fatima Member GBLA addressing. |
Activity title: Consultative meeting to strategize ‘One Billion Rising (OBR)’ campaign.
Venue: Documentation and Resource Centre, Aurat Foundation, Islamabad.
Date: October 18, 2012. |
Brief highlights:
Aurat Foundation and Rozan organized a consultative meeting of various organization on the ‘One Billion Rising’ (OBR) campaign. The purpose of the meeting was to brainstorm strategies for OBR Campaign. Dr Ambrin Ahmed gave a brief introduction of the OBR campaign given, including the purpose and history. Ms Nighat Rizvi, Advisor AMAL organization, gave the updates on the progress. This was followed by a brainstorming session on the launch event. The participants also gave suggestions and commitments on how their organizations can contribute to the campaign.
- Updates from Rozan:
- OBR committee has been formed at Rozan, which includes volunteers and permanent staff
- Initiated a signature campaign
- Initiated a banner signing at universities
- Have formed a Facebook page for OBR Pakistan
- Are developing a short introductory video
- Senior producers from PTV are on board and are giving their time to OBR
- Have held a meeting with KuchKhaas on ways to collaborate
- Updates from AMAL:
- Are organizing 2 theater performances which will be performed in January
- Are developing a 25 minute documentary which focuses on engaging men.
- At a smaller level, are organizing sessions in schools and colleges.
- Updates from b Aurat Foundation, Karachi:
- Have conducted 2 meetings. In the last meeting, it was decided that they would hold a launch event in Karachi on the 2nd of December.
Suggestions and ideas:
- All partners should take the message of the campaign in all their workshops, events, and meetings at the village level. This can be done through banners and signature campaign. We can also show campaign’s video to local communities.
- Participate suggested that a brief on the history of the OBR campaign shall also be prepared to for public sharing.
- Displaying posters and signature sheets at places like National Council of Arts (PNCA).
- Distributing brochures on OBR campaign.
- Highlighting the campaign during the 16-days of activism under the theme of ‘rise up’.
Decisions made and commitments:
- That there shall be an OBR campaign launch event in Islamabad in the first week of December.
- Local artists, media, youth and politicians shall be invited to the launch event.
- Messages from various renown celebrities shall be displayed along with their pictures at the event, as inviting them will not be feasible due to budget constraints.
- Preparing a ‘promo’ video in English with Urdu subtitles for the campaign was discussed.
- Instead of designing posters ourselves, it was suggested to arrange an undergraduate-level student poster competition. It by the of November 15, 2011.
- Aurat Foundation took the responsibility of inviting men and women parliamentarians to the launch event.
- The tone of the campaign will be a positive one, to celebrate the strength of women.
OBR Declaration
Activity title: Discussion on ‘National Voter Day’.
Date: October 17, 2012.
Venue: AF Lahore office.
Brief highlight:
Aurat Foundation’s Lahore office organized a focus group discussion on October 17, at AF Office. Around thirty members of human rights organization, human and women’s rights activists, youth groups, political parties and representatives of PPPP, PML-N, PTI, PML-Q, All Pakistan Muslim League, and parliamentarians including Sajjida Mir, MPA (PPPP), Nighat Nasir, MPA (PML-N).
/Pic 1.JPG) |
/Pic 2.JPG) |
Participants from different walks of life discussion strategies for spreading the message of National Voters Day. |
A view of the meeting at AF office, Lahore. |
Activity title: Demonstration in solidarity with Malala.
Date: October 17, 2012.
Venue: Lahore Press Club.
Brief highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s team at Lahore office organized a peaceful demonstration to express solidarity with Malala Yousufzai, the young activist and icon of peace and education for girls’ right to education. The demonstration was organized on October 15, 2012, in front of Lahore Press Clube.
Demonstrators placards reading ‘Malala! You are icon of struggle’. |
Participants in front Lahore Press Club. |
Activity title: FGD on the importance of being a voter and casting vote.
Date: October 17, 2012.
Venue: AF Peshawar office.
Brief Highlight:
Under the legislative watch program, Aurat Foundation held a focus group discussion (FGD) on October 17, 2012, the ‘National Voters Day’, at its Peshawar office. The objective was to raise awareness among participants on the importance of vote. The discussion revealed that most of the educated women do not vote due to a lack of interest. A number of women’s rights activists and lawyers present on the occasion admitted that they had never voted.
Ms Saima Munir, the resource person for the session, explained that casting vote was not just the right of a woman, but actually more than that. A woman actually takes part in a political process and assumes the role of a decision maker when she casts a vote.
The participants included Ms Shabina Ayaz, Resident Director, AF, KP office, Ms Rabeea Hadi (AF), Ms Sadia (Radio Diva), Ms Roohi Khan(NET), Mr Ali Akbar (NET), Ms Nosheen Khalid (PVDP), Mr Zahid Iqbal (Advocate), Mr Jalal –ud-din (Advocate), Ms Tahira (Chand Welfare ), Ms Sunmbal Wazir (Blue Veins). They said that voters’ education was extremely important for continuity of democracy and stability of democratic institutions in the country. They said that civil society, NGO’s and political parties should play their role in voters’ education.
Activity Title: Meeting, demonstration and press conference by Balochistan Civil Society Forum to condemn attack on Malala Yousafzai.
Date: October 15, 2012.
Venue: AF Quetta Office, and Quetta Press Club.
Brief Highlights:
Members of Balochistan Civil Society Forum (BCSF) organized a meeting on October 15, 2012, at AF Quetta to condemn the attack on Malala Yousafzai who was shot in Sawat when she was returning home from school. The members strongly condemned the coward attack and prayed for Malala’s health.
Later in the day, the members of the forum gathered in front of Quetta Press Club for a peaceful demonstration. At the end the members also held a press conference and demanded the government to check such violence on school going girls.
(Balochistan Civil Society Forum (BCSF) is an alliance of various NGOs, human and women’s rights activists in Balochistan.)
Activity title: WLG & CACs members prayed for Malala
Date: October 13, 2012.
Venue: Rawalpindi Press Club.
Brief highlight:
Hundreds of women, men and children from different walks of life on Saturday took out a peaceful rally from College Road to Ralwalpindi Press Club under the banner of Aurat Foundation to pray for Malala Yousafzai, who was shot at in Swat last week when she was returning home from school. The rally was organized by Women Leaders Group(WLG) and Citizens Action Committee (CAC) of Aurat Foundation. The protesters, mostly local citizens were carrying placards and raising slogans against the wave of terrorism in the country. They strongly condemned the cowardly act of terrorism.
While addressing the rally Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, Aurat Foundation, described Mala Yousafzai as a symbol of girls’ education and peace in the country. He said that attack on Malala had shaken the conscience of Pakistani nation. Human rights activist will not rest until the uproot and defeat of all monsters of ignorance, extremism and poverty.
Ms Razia Sultana, Secretary 50 WLG, said that Malala’s mission is mission of all girls and women of Pakistan. Chaudhry Ilyas, CAC coordinator for Rawalpindi, said that this heinous crime against an innocent girl who only wanted to be educated has exposed nefarious designs of the terrorists.
They rally prayed for the health, early recovery and long life of Malala Yousufzai. They said that such incident was a conspiracy against peace in Pakistan. The protester also led candles. The rally demanded of the government to urgently investigate the attack and bring the perpetrators to justice. They also demanded that the government should take urgent notice of such attacks on the activists in the areas already bleeding from terrorism and extremism, as such attack discourage all efforts for peace and stability in the region.
Activity title: IHI demonstration to condemn attack on Malala Yousufzai
Date: October 10, 2012.
Venue: National Press Club, Islamabad.
Brief Highlight:
Members of the Insani Haqooq Itehad (IHI) a coalition of human rights organizations, organized a demonstration and rally, on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, to condemn the brutal attack on three young girls, basically targeting the 15 year old girl child Malala Yousuf Zai, the renowned young peace activist from Swat. The members, joined by other citizens’ group, gathered outside the National Press Club.
In their speeches various activists said that the attack on Malala and the other girls travelling with her, was not only an act of violence and terrorism contravening the right to survival of children as per the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), but also a conspiracy against bringing peace to Swat and the empowerment of women and girls in the area. It was unfortunate that the one who strove to save many lives by ending terrorism has herself become its victim. This is among the many instances when human and women’s rights activists have been threatened and attacked, being the second such attack in just three months, when the human rights community was yet to recover from the brutal killing of the women’s rights activist Farida Afridi in July.
The prayed for the quick and full recovery of Malala and the other two victims and demanded that the government should ensure her best possible medical treatment.
Civil society activists stage a protests in Islambad against the attack on Malala Yousufzai. |
Activist holding placards e.g. ‘Save our right to education’. |
Activity title: Demonstration and candle light vigil at Lahore.
Date: October 10, 2012.
Venue: Press club, Lahore.
Brief highlight:
The staff of Aurat Foundation’s Lahore office, in collaboration with human rights activists from different walks of life organized a demonstration and a vigil to condemn the attack on Malala Yousufzai. The demonstration and vigil was held on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at Charing Cross, Maal Road, Lahore. The participants raised slogan against the attackers and demanded the government to take stern action against such elements who want to sabotage all efforts for bringing peace and imparting education for girls.
Activity Title: Incidents of Violence against Women in Pakistan Reported during 2011
Date: 16 July, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
As part of its continuous efforts to highlight the issue of violence against women and its different manifestations in Pakistani society, the Aurat Foundation (AF) launched the fourth annual statistics of violence against women. The report, titled 'Situation of Violence against Women in Pakistan', was launched on July 16, 2012, in Islamabad.
Ms Nasreen Azhar, women's rights activist and former member National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), presented the findings of the report. She said that the report shows that violence against women is continuously increasing
Ms Anis Haroon, former Chairperson National Commission on the status of women, said that current data shows a rise in cases of violence against women, but still is a tip of iceberg, and the real rate of violence against women could be much higher. She said that although the violence against women also happens to be even in modern developed countries, however, in Pakistan this violence is more problematic and cruel as here there is no system of addressing the violence against women, neither there is implementation of law, and the cases of violence are even not fully properly e.g. the cases of 'honour' killings are normally report as land dispute cases.
She also emphasized that for eradicating violence against women, we need a shift in mindset of society. She said that the typical mindset does not consider women as able and potential member of society who has important role in society's development and prosperity. She also criticized the bad side of tribal culture of Khyber Pakhtunkhaw which has little space for women and where women are killed in the name of 'honour' and are given away in dispute settlement. She said that this is the responsibility of the government.
Justice (R) Majida Rizvie, former Chairperson of National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), and Chief Guest of the launching ceremony, in her concluding speech gave a critical analysis of violence against women in Pakistan. She said that there are many causes behind violence against women, but the root cause is perhaps women's dependence on men, and men's approach that women are their dependent and hence their property.
She said that although one way of looking into increase in violence against women perhaps is that now cases of violence are now reported as compared to the past. However, she emphasized that the current socio-political and economic situation is also one of the main factor behind violence against women e.g. unemployment etc. She also said most of our laws which are enacted in the name of Islam, discriminatory towards women e.g. Hudood Ordinances, and most of such laws were enacted during dictatorial regime of General Zia. She also criticized the police which is less sensitized towards crimes against women.
Mr Shaigan Shareef Malik, Secretary Ministry of Human Rights, in his concluding remarks agreed that only 60% percent cases of violence against women are reported and of those reported cases only 40% are registered with police. He said that in almost 89% cases the criminals are acquitted.
(L-R): Ms Rabeea Hadi, Mr Shaigan Shareef Malik, Justice (R) Majida Rizvi, Ms Anis Haroon and Ms Nasreen Azhar. |
Ms Simi Kamal taking question; (L-R): Ms Rabeea Hadi, Mr Shaigan Shareef Malik, Justice (R) Majida Rizvi, Ms Anis Haroon and Ms Nasreen Azhar. |
(L-R): Mr Shaigan Shareef Malik, Justice (R) Majida Rizvi, Ms Anis Haroon and Ms Nasreen Azhar. |
Ms Saima Hafeez, Programme Officer (Gender), TROCARE, presenting study to Justice (R) Majida Razvi. |
Ms Saima Hafeez, Programme Officer (Gender), TROCARE, presenting study to Ms Anis Haroon; |
Activity Title: Two Days National Consultation on Political Parties’ Manifestoes – Suggestions for Women’s Empowerment
Date: 26 - 27 June, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Struggle for women’s empowerment hit important milestones during the last decade, but only due to multi-pronged strategy. One of these strategies was reaching out to political parties and advocating for up-grading their manifestoes with reference to women’s empowerment. Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with the civil society, actively campaigned for this during the last two general elections.
Keeping up with the process of getting women’s rights sprinkled into political parties’ manifestos, as the next general elections are nearing, Aurat Foundation, fter a series of small group meetings with different stakeholders from four Provinces (Punjab, KPK, Sindh & Baluchistan), organized two days national consultation on ‘political parties’ manifestos – suggestions for women’s empowerment’.
THE 1st Session, titled ‘Women’s empowerment in manifestoes – consultations and findings’ was moderated by Ms Nayyar Shabana from Aurat Foundation.
Ms Sofia Naurin, a women’s rights activist, gave a detailed presentation on a draft suggestions which came out after a series of consultations with women’s rights organizations and activists. She discussed the important suggestion on various issues separately. On the issues of peace, she said that women have an important role in peace building and peace keeping, weather on local, national or international level.
Addressing the rights of rural women, she shared demand that women in agriculture shall be recognized as farmers and be given social protection. They shall be designated with development funds at district level. Women farmers shall be allocated 1-5 acres of lands on their own names. The draft suggestion also included the demand for a policy on natural resource management with full consideration of women’s rights. Women’s must be given their share of land-inheritance.
The suggestion on law and order situation included the repeal of discriminatory laws included blasphemy law, Qisas and Diyat, law of evidence, and Hadood ordinances. Formulation of personal family laws on minorities and amendment in minimum wage ordinance 1961 were also desired. It was strongly demanded that all parallel judicial systems including jirgas, punchayt, Islamic Ideology Council etc.
The draft also demanded representation of women on senior level in all print and electronic media. Women workers shall be paid wages as per their value of work. In order to ensure this, labour laws are required for informal economy, agriculture and domestic work. Minimum wage policy shall be formulated and implemented at all level. For women’s political empowerment, it was suggested that women shall be given at least ten percent quota on winnable general seats for provincial and national elections and women candidates shall also be given funds for contesting elections. It was also demanded that election data shall be maintained on gender-disaggregated basis. For ending violence against women, it was demanded that all pro-women laws shall be implemented, and holding of jirgas shall be banned where women are given away for dispute settlement.
The second presentation, given by Ms Sadia Mumtaz Advocate, comprised the set of suggestions prepared by Aurat Foundation after a series of consultations with civil society organizations and networks. Aurat Foundation’s draft first addressed the need for ensuring democracy in Pakistan and declaring Pakistan as a secular state. No political party shall use religion, religious props, speeches based on religion for their own political ends.
Women’s political participation and empowerment was strongly stressed through manifestoes. The draft demanded that women’s reserved seats in national and provincial assemblies and the Senate should be protected and enhanced from 17% to 33%, and these seats shall be filled through constituency-based direct elections. Political Parties Order 2000 must be amended to ensure democracy within the parties, mandating the elections for all positions while ensuring 33% representation of women. The Election Commission of Pakistan shall declare elections null and void in such constituencies where women are restrained from their right to vote. The Commission shall also provide gender-disaggregated data on voter’s turn out. The Commission shall also increase number women employees, at all level, in its own ranks.
For ensuring women’s literacy and their effective participation in all development processes, national and provincial budgets should make increased allocation for education which should not be less than 5 percent of GNP. All political parties should adopt girls education as a core priority in their manifestoes with time-bound commitments. Attack on girls’ education, burning of girls schools and threats to girls students and teachers should be effectively countered. Girls schools shall also be provided all basic facilities. Higher education policies and programmes for girls should be developed, focusing on secondary and tertiary education level.
The draft also focused women’s right to health. It demanded from the national and provincial governments to focus on provision of primary health and reproductive health care for all citizens with special focus on women. The parties should also ensure gender responsive budgets. Family planning services shall also be available at all health facility outlets. Elderly women shall be issued health cards for all basic health facilities coverage.
Before going for the second session, the participants read fateha for late Fauzia Wahab who died recently due to an illness.
The 2nd Session, titled ‘Women’s empowerment in manifestoes – legislators’ perspective, was designed for provincial legislators.
Ms Shehla Raza, Deputy Speaker , Sindh Assembly, PPPP, in her presentation suggested that although land reforms are currently not possible but the PPPP’s government has distributed a lot of lands to land-less farmers and women in Singh province. While talking about peace and conflict resolution, Ms Raza said that United Nation’s Resolution No.1325 is the best document on peace and security, and that PPPP had moved a similar resolution in Sindh assembly. Although this resolution could not be passed, but the government is committed to ensure women’s role in peace building. On health and education issues she informed the participants that Sindh government has allocated notable funds for women’s right to education and health.
She also mentioned that it was the PPPP who first ensured representation of women judges in lower courts, and PPPP is committed to take the initiation up to the higher courts. She suggested that PPPP would also suggest some measure to provide support to widows and those women who could not get married due to financial constraints. She gave commitments that PPPP’s manifestos would be further made responsive inclusive to women’s empowerment.
Ms Marvi Rashidi, MPA, PML-F, said that she, along-with other party members would suggest soio-political and economic reforms reference to women’s rights for their party’s manifestos. She said that they would also ensure inclusion and implementation of right to food in the manifestos.
Ms Zareen Majeed, MPA, MQM, while giving suggestions for manifestos, said that although MQM’s manifestoes include its commitment to ending violence against women, they are also trying their best that these commitments shall also be implemented. She said they would also ensure the end to ‘hhonour’ killings in Pakistan. She said that MQM’s already include commitment to allocation of 20% of GNP for enhance rate and quality of education. She also mentioned their commitment to end the dual education system (for poor population the education in Urdu, and for rich the education in English language), and said that her party would ensure education only in one language i.e. Urdu.
She said that her party is committed to ensure effective working of basic health unit in the country. She also said that her party is also committed to ensure land reforms and distribution of lands and agricultural machinery like tractors to small farmers. She also mentioned that her party manifesto is committed to providing transport facility for working women.
A participant, belonging to PML-N, also suggested that political workers shall be given representation in party ranks. Ms Shehla Raza, Deputy Speaker , Sindh Assembly, PPPP, strongly refuted the opinion that family politics shall be put to end; she said that if a carpenter’s child can become a carpenter, and if an academician’s children have the right to become academician, then a politician’s children have right to be in politics. Ms Zareen Manjeed from MQM , however, strongly disagreed with Ms Raza.
The Sindh session was moderated by Ms Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator, Legislative Programme of Aurat Foundation’s Sindh office.
Khyber Pakhtunkhaw:
Ms Shazia Tehmas, MPA, PPPP, while discussing her party’s manifesto, said that this time her party has made working groups of their workers who will sit with the communities and ask the suggestion for improving education, health, economy and other important sectors. She said that her party is also committed to population control as it is important for economic development. She suggested that although there is a code of conduct for print media but no code for electronic media. She suggested that government shall ensure that there should also be a code of conduct for electronic media.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhaw session was moderated by Ms Shabina Ayaz, Resident Director of Aurat Foundation’s Khyber Pakhtunkhaw office.
Ms Faiza Malik, MPA, PPP, while discussing her party’s manifesto, said that Co-Chairperson PPPP, Asif Ali Zardari has expressed his strong wish that in next election fifty percent women would be given opportunity to contest elections on general seats. She said that her party is committed to make high school level education a compulsory for girls and boys. She said that although population control is important for any nation’s development but political parties are reluctant to take action on population control due to religious leaders’ backlash. But she asked the civil society to guide them that how they can address the issue in their manifestos.
She strongly criticized Punjab Government’s policy of allocating ‘block-funds’, which the government can use totally at their own disposal and uses in the constituencies of their strength. She said that if PPPP would comes to power in Punjab, they will allocate funds to all women members of provincial assembly whether on reserved seats or general seats. She also said that if her party comes to power again, they will pass all the pending legislation on priority basis.
Ms Amna Ulfat, MPA, PML-Q, also strongly criticized Punjab government’s policy of holding funds as ‘block-funds’ as most of these funds remained unspent last year. She said that her party believes that budget allocations shall be made on equal basis. She said that PML-Q’s manifesto has strong focus on improving economy, health facilities and concentrate on youth affairs. Ms Arifa Khalid, MPA, PML-N, discussed important points of her party’s 34-points manifesto. She said that PML-N has commitment to increase women’s share in government jobs up-to 50%. She also said that Government of Punjab has allocated lands to women in Punjab.
The Punjab session was moderated by Ms Mumtaz Mughul, Regional Coordinator, Legislative Programme of Aurat Foundation’s Lahore office.
Ms Ghazala Gola, Minister for Women’s Development, PPP, while highlighting her party’s manifestos, said that due to PPPP’s political agenda Balochistan and all the provinces are today enjoying provincial autonomy and better allocation of funds due to NFC Award. She said that her party and its provincial government has in principal decided that if comes to power again it will pass the legislation on domestic violence and sexual harassment at workplace. She said that her parties manifestos has a notable focus on education and health. However, she further said that currently her party’s major focus in on bringing peace in the country as without ensuring peace no rights and basic services can be assured. She said that in Balochistan government women parliamentarians have sufficient presence in the cabinet. She gave her commitment, on behalf of her party, that they would welcome any suggestion for women’s empowerment to be inserted in their manifesto. She said that her party would ensure that local government elections shall be held at the earliest.
Ms Husun Bano Rakhshani, Advisor to CM, JUI, said that her party’s manifesto is based on the provisions of women’s rights as provided in Sharia. She said that her party believes to give women their due status according to Islam.
The Balochistan session was moderated by Ms Saima, Regional Coordinator, Legislative Programme of Aurat Foundation’s Balochistan office
Open Discussion:
One participants suggested that political parties shall translate their manifestoes in all local languages. One of the participant, belonging from Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf, questioned the representatives of the political parties all the parties have their manifestos then what make them not to fulfill the commitments made in their manifestos. In response one of the provincial women legislators said that their party leaders do not listen to women legislators.
All the women legislators from provincial assembly, belonging to various political parties, gave their commitment that they would meet their party leaders for inclusion of good suggestions for women’s empowerment.
Activity title: National Training of Trainer Workshop on “Women’s Leadership and Political Participation”
Date: June 25-28, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation organized a National Training of Trainers, in partnership with Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), from June 25-28, at Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad. The training was in connection with the series of trainings held under WLP in different countries. The training was benefited by 27 women leaders, political activists, educationists and civil society representatives from all parts of the country where they discussed ways to challenge traditional practice of leadership that exist in our society.
The training was highly participatory, with some sessions conducted by the participants themselves in order to promote a sense of leadership and allow the participants to practice their communication and leadership skills.
The participants expressed disappointment over the stereotypical and authoritative ways of leadership that had taken root in Pakistani politics where the dominating norms are against the leadership spirit that connects and communicates to masses.
The participants were of the opinion that in order to play their role properly, women everywhere must become actively involved in the affairs of their respective societies.
Activity Title: Protest and press conference to condemn biased behavior against women members by the men colleagues in Punjab Assembly.
Date: 22 June, 2012.
Venue: Outside the Punjab Assembly.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, along with other civil society organizations including, Legislative Watch Group, Violence Against Women Watch Group, and Citizen Action Committees for Women’s Rights, Women Leaders Groups organized a protest to show solidarity with women Members of Provincial Assemblies (MPAs) in Punjab. They strongly condemned the gender biased behavior of members from treasury benches, particularly MPA Sheikh Allauddin of the Unification Block for using abusive and filthy language against women parliamentarians, during Punjab assembly session on June 26 and June 27, 2012.
In a joint press release issued by Aurat Foundation and civil society organizations, it was demanded by the Election Commission and the ‘Custodian of the House’ to take stern action against all those male members who misbehaved with the women MPAs and used derogatory and indecent language against women including exhibiting vulgar and filthy body gestures. In spite of condemning these members, some members of the ruling party supported their colleagues by thumping desk. The protesting organizations and activists called upon the Election Commission and the ‘Leader of the House’ to take serious notice of such indecent and vulgar attitude of members of treasury benches in the light of the Rules of Procedures and Regulations of the Punjab Assembly. Aurat Foundation urged the political parties to adopt a code of conduct to avoid such incidents of harassment especially with women MPAs.
Aurat Foundation also called upon the Chief Minister Mian Shehbaz Sharif, Leader of the Opposition and heads of all political parties in the Assembly to take serious notice of such incidents. Aurat Foundation also requested the Speaker of Punjab Assembly to arrange a training workshop for parliamentarians and political parties office bearers on gender sensitization, immediately.
Women members from Punjab Assembly and civil society representatives protesting against men colleagues. |
Activity Title: SANWED South Asian Consultative Workshop on
Mainstreaming Rights of Widows and Single Women in Public Policy
Date: 23 May, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Proceedings Day One
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with South Asian Network for Widows’ Empowerment in Development (SANWED), is hosting a two-day South Asian consultative workshop in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 23-24 May 2012. The workshop focuses on issues and challenges faced by widows and single women across South Asia and will aim at creating synergies and linkages at local, regional and international levels for mainstreaming their rights in public policy and institutional frameworks. In most of our countries, widows are often blamed for their husbands’ death. There are no laws protecting the fundamental rights of these vulnerable population of widows, who suffer from discriminative legal and government policies. Most widows are unaware of any legal status or their rights to compensation or inheritance. Widows also suffer humiliation and pain under the name of culture and traditions.
On the first day, for the inaugural session Syeda Fiza Batool Gilani, Goodwill Ambassador for Women’s Empowerment, and Mr. Qamar Zaman Kaira, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, were the Guests of Honour. The inaugural ceremony was chaired by Ms. Hina Jilani, Director AGHS & former Special Representative of United Nations Secretary General for Human Rights Defenders. Dr. Masuma Hasan, President, Board of Governors, Aurat Foundation former Cabinet Secretary, Pakistan, gave the welcome and introductory remarks. The ceremony was addressed by Ms. Margaret Owen, Director, Widows for Peace through Democracy, UK & International Focal Person for SANWED, Ms. Lily Thapa, Founder, Women for Human Rights (WHR) and General Secretary, SANWED, Nepal, Dr. Mohini Giri, Chairperson of Guild for Service, India, Ms. Ferdous Ara Begum, Gender Issues Specialist, former member UN CEDAW Committee, Bangladesh, Ms Nighat Said Khan, Executive Director, ASR Institute of Women Studies, Ms. Anis Haroon, former Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women, Pakistan, and Her Excellency Cecilie Landsverk, Ambassador of Norway to Pakistan.
Mr Naeem Mirza, the Chief Operating Officer of Aurat Foundations, briefed the audience about the four objectives of the consultation. Ms Margret, in her inaugural address said that widows that widows shall be seen not only be seen only as old ladies but as important members of society, they must not be neglected but be cared. There never has been such a huge explosion in the number of widow as today, which shows that in past we lacked data on widows.
Ms. Margaret Owen, Director, Widows for Peace through Democracy, UK & International Focal Person for SANWED, emphasized the importance of collecting data on widows across the world. She stressed that it was lack of data on widows and their situation which hindered their development and prevented effective social interventions specifically targeting widows from taking place. She also debunked the myth that widows are predominantly elderly women. There are in fact many young women who are widows and further still many widowed mothers with young children. Ms. Owen’s experience working on widows’ issues over the years has proven to her that widows are often seen as a homogenous group. She called on the participants of the conference to consider all the different categories of women, particularly in light of class differences. Referring to the new legislation passed in Pakistan relating to abolishment of anti women customary practices, Ms. Owen questioned whether widows can safely, without attracting more violence, access the new laws in Pakistan. She reminded the audience that according to Shariah law, widows cannot be disinherited. However, in practice this is not the case which proves to be a very challenging problem in Pakistan. Ms. Owen concluded her address by urging everyone to bear in mind that widowhood is not just a women’s issue, but is everyone’s issue; a social issue that affects all.
Ms Lily Thapa from Nepal said that in Nepal most of the young girls are forced to marry older men which result in greater number of widows. In Nepal, she said, widows are discouraged to participate in daily life activities. She said that Women for Human Rights and SANWED Nepal are struggling hard to empower widows to contribute in Nepal’s economy. She said one of their achievement is the change in widows in legal status e.g. Nepali government has changed the law that widows only at the age of 35 may would be able to inherit their husband’s property.
She also said that “We all know the key roles widows play in the society, important contributors to the economy and in turn the development of the whole nation. We have many cases in Nepal, where widows have played vital role in our country’s peace building and development by organizing and mobilizing them as change agents. We have made larger, social and economic impact at the grassroots up to policy level. Starting out in one room, we now have 1025 widows groups in all over the country, with the membership of one hundred thousand young widows, who not only changed discriminatory legal policies from country code, but were able to mainstream into government development agendas as well”. She demanded that regional bodies like SAARC should take urgent action in implementing Article 32 of the Colombo Declaration for an affirmative action policy to uplift the status of widows in South Asia
Dr Mohini Thapa, Chairperson of Guild for Service, India, said that women can change the world and are the guaranty of peace. While giving data on widows in Pakistan, she ssaid that there are 40 million widows in India, which make 11% of total female population, while in contrast only 2.5% of total Indian men are widowers and that about 25% of widows are working outside home and 20% among them are working as agricultural labour. Discrimination against widows cuts across all ages, religions, castes and ethnicities. She said that sociological patriarchy is now the matter of the past. She read a poem ‘Mera qad jo thorra sa barrhta, merey baap ka qad chhota parrta’ which meant that ‘I want to live, I want to live / A sear of sindoor, me as wife is wiped away, a crack of bangles, my armour of security broken / Is this all? As life’s breach leaves, I want myself leave me / Why I want to live, I want to be care to touch me, colour to soften me, I long to belong, for laughter in life song……..’.
Ms Semin Qasim, Programme Coordinator HAWA Programme, Afghanistan, elaborated the situation of widows in Afghanistan. Most of Afghanistan widows represent the poorest of the poor in the society, she said. Afghanistan, she said, lack the safety nets which mostly affect widows. Ms. Ferdous Ara Begum, Gender Issues Specialist, former member UN CEDAW Committee, Bangladesh, said that widowhood remain the most neglected among all human and women’s rights issues. She said that in general widows in Bengal are little better placed as compared to those living in India, Nepal and Pakistan, but widows from the Hindu population in Bengal face more discriminated than the widows of other religio-ethnic groups.
Ms Shanthi Anusha Sachithanandam, Chief Executive Officer, Viluthu, Centre for Human Resource Development, Sri Lanka, said that Sri Lanka is only country which does not have quota for women in local government, and only two percent at upper lever despite high literacy and education rate among women. High level of militarization, which affect the security of women and widows. For all NGOs which want to work for the rights of women, they have to take permission from military which is a always a difficult job e.g. it took the civil society almost two months to get permission for holding a celebrative meeting for International Women’s Day. Among most of the children dropping out from school belongs to widows who leave the school due to social crisis they face being widow’s children. There are thousands of widows who still do not know about the whereabouts of their husbands.
Ms Nighat Said Khan, Executive Director, ASR Institute of Women Studies, in her address said that in order to gain legitimacy of patriarchy, men gained control of women’s sexuality and reproductively. Widowed, with children, without children, divorced women with and without children, women who never married at all and who have no natal relations. There is a lot of diversity among this whole type of widows and single women, and the single women who never married at the most vulnerable among all. These also include the women who are married to the Quran, mostly in Sindh province. Mr Sagheer Bokhari, Senior Programmes Coordinator UN Women Pakistan, said that civil society organizations have an important role to play for mainstreaming the rights of widows in public policy in Pakistan and all over the world.
Cecilie Landsverk, Ambassador of Norway to Pakistan, in her inaugural address challenged the notion that widows needs nothing but to survive. She said that although much is improving reference to issues related to women e.g. violence against women, their representation in politics etc but when we come to widows the scenario becomes very bleak. She suggested that widows shall be get into employment as it would not only liberate them but would also empower them enough to play their role in economic development. She said that it is important to overhaul the inheritance laws to give widows their due share in land. She said that widows needs to acknowledge and empowered. She also objected on the discriminatory practice that only women are addressed as ‘widows’ but men are hardly addresses as ‘widowers’. She also highlighted that how the life of women go through terrible changes as soon as she becomes a widow which points to un-acceptability of widows in our societies.
Ms Anis Haroon, former Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women, Pakistan, while reference to the presence of gusts from South Asian countries, particularly India, she said that the peace process between India and Pakistan shall be enhanced and women shall be involved actively in the process. She said that compared to widowed (whose husbands died), the divorced women are more stigmatized. She said that although some opportunities improved widows’ status in urban areas, but situation in rural areas is much worse.
The Chief Guest of the event, Syeda Fiza Batool Gilani, Goodwill Ambassador for Women’s Empowerment, in her remarks said that she endorsed that not only the widows, but divorced women are more stigmatized and need attention in public policy discourse. “While the cause of women empowerment and emancipation has started to get attention at different levels thanks to the exemplary struggle waged by the women rights groups, there has been discernible lack of focus and public policy intervention in mainstreaming the rights of widows and single women. In the absence of a ‘man’, she becomes a non-entity and has little or no standing in society. Hence, widows and single women become vulnerable to exploitation and discrimination”, she said.
She further said that the manifesto of Pakistan People’s Party includes empowerment of women and regards it as a key to socio-economic development of the country. Deriving vision from its Shaheed leader Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto, PPP has been making relentless efforts for women empowerment, gender equality and women emancipation.
She quoted Shaheed Mohtrama Benazir Bhuttu that she “The woman who cannot plan her life, plan her family, plan a career, is fundamentally not free. I am determined to change the plight of women in my country. I am determined to harness their potential to the gigantic task of nation building.” She said that government’s BISP is a huge programme which is also hugely covering the widows and single women in Pakistan. As a social safety net, the democratic government introduced the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) for the economically vulnerable sections of society and widows have been given special precedence in this programme. Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has proved to be a huge success in bringing about change in the economic lot of women through timely intervention in accordance with the vision of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto
Ms. Hina Jilani, Director AGHS & former Special Representative of United Nations Secretary General for Human Rights Defenders, said that women would always rise whenever there is war and conflict in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. She said that the women’s movement in Pakistan believes in creating new human rights ideas as it believes in the supremacy of human rights, and women’s rights as the basic for peace and development. She said that women’s movement would strive for the rights of widows and single women.
SANWED was formed as a collective idea in 2005; it has been 7 eventful years since the network has been highlighting widows’ issues globally and regionally. However, this small accomplishment is only the beginning. We have many more hurdles to cross. SANWED have been successful in incorporating widows' issues into the Colombo Declaration.
The participants also demanded that their respective governments should undertake all appropriate measures to eliminate existing discriminatory practices towards widows and provide equal opportunities at all levels. The Widows’ Charter should be ratified by SAARC so as to validate it as a working model for the basis of all organizations in the region working for widows’ empowerment.
At the end of inaugural session, shields were presented to women activists Ms. Hina Jilani, Ms. Margaret Owen, Ms. Lily Thapa, Dr Masuma Hasan, Dr. Mohini Giri, Ms. Ferdous Ara Begum, Ms Nighat Said Khan, Ms. Anis Haroon, and to Her Excellency Cecilie Landsverk, and Syeda Fiza Batool Gilani.
The second session of the consultation aimed at developing common understanding on the situation, issues and challenges faced by widows and single women with focus on existing legal and constitutional safeguards. The session was moderated by Ms Tahira Abdullah. Country presentations were given by Ms Semin Qasim from Afghanistan, Ms Shanthi Anusha Sachithanandam from Sri Lanka, Dr Deepali Bhanot from India, Justice (R) Nasira Javaid Iqbal and Ms Neelam Hussain from Pakistan, and Ms Ferdous Ara Begum from Bangladesh.
(L-R) Ms. Margaret Owen, Ms Hina Jilani, Syeda Fiza Batool Gilani, Mr. Qamar Zaman Kaira, and Dr Masuma Hasan. |
(L-R) Ms. Anis Haroon, Her Excellency Cecilie Landsverk, Dr Mohini Giri, Ms. Margaret Owen, Ms Hina Jilani, Syeda Fiza Batool Gilani. |
Her Excellency Cecilie Landsverk receiving her shield from Dr Mohini Giri. |
Group photo of the SANWED consultation participants. |
Activity Title: SANWED South Asian Consultative Workshop on
Mainstreaming Rights of Widows and Single Women in Public Policy
Date: 24 May, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Proceedings Day Two
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with South Asian Network for Widows’ Empowerment in Development (SANWED), is hosting a two-day South Asian consultative workshop in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 23-24 May 2012. The workshop focuses on issues and challenges faced by widows and single women across South Asia and will aim at creating synergies and linkages at local, regional and international levels for mainstreaming their rights in public policy and institutional frameworks. In most of our countries, widows are often blamed for their husbands’ death. There are no laws protecting the fundamental rights of these vulnerable population of widows, who suffer from discriminative legal and government policies.
Ms Farzana Raja, Chairperson, Benzir Income Support Programme (BISP), the Chief Guest of the event, while addressing the press conference appreciated the SANWED women activists for their struggle for widows’ rights. Giving details about how BISP is supporting widows, she said that BISP has so far registered 9.5 million women among which 3.8 are un-married women and 2.5 are widow
She also appreciated the establishing of SANWED-Pakistan chapter and assured its members that Benazir Income Support Programme will take all steps needed to improve the situation of widows in Pakistan. She said that instead of using the term Poverty Survey, she uses the term Poverty Census as for this, surveying team goes door to door to collect data on poverty score. She said that Pakistan is the only country in the world which has completed its poverty census.
The second day proceedings started with the recap of the previous day proceedings. The moderator, Ms Maria Rashid, Programme Director, Rozan, invited the SANWED representatives to present their country review in terms of the progress and challenges faced by their regional chapters to their struggle for mainstreaming widows’ and single women’s rights in public policy.
Following on, Margaret Owen, International Focal person (Widows for Peace through Democracy UK, and international human rights lawyer, spoke about issues pertaining to widowhood. She commenced by mentioning that the word ‘widow’ in the vernacular of many languages, meant ‘witch’, ‘whore’ and ‘prostitute.’ However, rather than shying away from the term, she urged the reclaiming of the word, thus creating positive associations. She also urged NGOs from various SANWED member countries to conduct ‘shadow reports’, forward them to international agencies such as the UN. In addition, the UN needed to appoint a Special Rapporteur for widows’ rights.
Ms. Lily Thapa, Founder, Women for Human Rights (WHR) and General Secretary, SANWED, in her country review informed the participants about the insertion Af article 32 in Colombo Declaration which specifically mentions the rights of widows, which was a major achievement for widows.
Ms. Ferdous Ara Begum, Gender Issues Specialist, former member UN CEDAW Committee, Bangladesh, in her presentation said that the situation of widows in Bangladesh needs special attention and they are trying to establish SANWED group to mobilize widows to stand their rights.
Ms Shanthi Anusha Sachithanandam, Chief Executive Officer, Viluthu, Centre for Human Resource Development, Sri Lanka, talked about the recognizing of widows in conflict and post-conflict era. She also shared with the participants that in Sri Lanka, they use the term women-headed households instead of widows. Dr. Mohini Giri, Chairperson of Guild for Service, India, in her presentation said that most of the time widows are themselves rigid and they need to change their mindset. Dr Rakhshanda Parveen, Executive Director SACHET, gave a detailed presentation on the situation of widows in Pakistan and complained about the lack of data on widows in Pakistan. She also emphasized that in the context of widows’ issues, not only the sex but class shall also be considered.
Naeem Mirza, COO Aurat Foundataion, shared the details of the drafting process the declation for widows’ rights. He also announced the unanimous selection of Dr. Masuma Hasan, President, Board of Governors, Aurat Foundation, as the representative of Pakistan SANWED chapter in the central SANWED secretariat. At the end of two days’ South Asian consultation, a declaration, titled the Islamabad Declaration for Mainstreaming Widows’ and Single Women’s Rights in Public Policy, was presented and adopted unanimously. The declaration was read by Ms Tahira Abdullah. The drafting committee, which drafted the comprised Ms. Margaret Owen from England, Ms. Lily Thapa from Neepal, Dr. Mohini Giri from India, Ms. Ferdous Ara Begum from Bangladesh, and Tahira Abdullah, Neelam Hussain, Saima Munir from Pakistan.
Ms Farzana Raja addressing the press conference. (L-R) Ms Simi Kamal, Dr. Masuma Hasan, Ms. Margaret Owen, and Dr Mohini Giri. |
Ms Farzana Raja addressing the press conference. (L-R) Ms Simi Kamal, Dr. Masuma Hasan, Ms. Margaret Owen. |
Dr. Masuma Hasan, presenting a memento to Federal Minister and Chairperson BISP, Madam Farzana Raja |
Title of the Activity: Provincial Consultation on ‘Proposed Amendments to ‘Honour’ Killings Law’
Date: 18 May, 2012.
Venue: Avari Hotel, Lahore.
Brief Description:
Legislative Watch Programme of Aurat Foundation for Women Empowerment organized a Provincial Consultation on Proposed Amendments to ‘honour’ killings law at Avari Hotel on 18 May, 2012. Mr Hassam Qadir Shah, legal expert and advocate of Supreme Court, Justice (R) Nasira Javaid Iqbal, Ms Nasreen Zehra, Resident Director Aurat Foundation Lahore office, were the main speakers, and Ms Shamila Tanvir, Regional Coordinator, LWP-WE, coordinated the event.
Mr Hassam Qadir Shah gave a brief presentation on proposed amendments in ‘honour’ killing and highlighted the various aspects the law. He said that after the change in the law, the entire basis of a trial, conviction and sentencing of an offender has undergone substantial change. Above all, the new law introduces a profound change in the conceptualization of the role of the State. He said now direct control over serious offences concerning the person does not lie with the State. He said that in Islam the individual victim or his heirs retain from the beginning to the end, entire control over the matter including the crime and the criminal. He said that they may abandon prosecution of their free will, they may pardon criminal at any stage before the execution of the sentence. They may accept monetary or other compensation to purge the crime and the criminal. They may compromise. They may accept Qisas from the criminal. The state cannot impede but must do its best to assist them in achieving their object and in appropriately exercising their rights. He also said that it was further observed that even if a man was to see his wife committing zina (adultery), he could kill her only if he was able to provide evidence of zina in accordance with the standard of evidence in Islam; under Muslim jurisprudence, the evidentiary requirement for zina liable to hadd punishment is that there should be four male witnesses to the act. Moreover, under Islam a husband who suspects his wife of misconduct it counseled merely to divorce such a wife.
Justice (R) Nasira Javaid Iqbal said that if the murder will be treated as lawful in the society the cases of ‘honour’ killing, collective raps and other un-human steps like karo kari will be considered lawful legitimate right of man dominating society. She said that increase ratio of honour killing in Pakistan is highly deplorable. She said that it’s a prime time for law enforcing agencies and legislators to make effective efforts to eliminate un-human incidents. Justice Nasira emphasized on the elimination of duel standard of justice should be eliminated in the country. The training of gender sensitization about the laws should be arranged for the concerned officials. She called upon the government to restore the local government system for effective implementation of laws at grass root level. She also said that Police Officials should be provided the training and awareness about the new laws of investigations regarding adoption, murder, honor killing, acid throwing, stove burning, rape and discriminatory laws directly effecting women.
Resident Director Aurat Foundation Nasreen Zehra said that Aurat Foundation has conducted a thorough research on Karo Kari, honor killing, and torture on women during last four years. She said more than two thousand women have been killed in the name of honour.
Earlier, Ms Shamaila Tanvir shared the purpose of the consultation and said that this consultation is organized to highlight the criminal law (amendment) act 2004, otherwise known as the ‘honour’ killings act, which was promulgated after the murders of thousands of innocent girls and women and after the years of demands and struggle from different segments of society for a legislation to provide protection to citizens, especially women and girls; to make illegal and criminalize all murders committed under the name of ‘honour’ and to punish the perpetrators, aiders, abettors and supporters of these crimes. However, the Act falls short of providing actual protection to survivors/victims and ensuring punishment for the perpetrators and supporters of this heinous crime. The amendments mostly deal with the Qisas and Diyat provisions in the PPC, but have left some major lacunas, which have, in effect, rendered the law useless.
The participants has called upon the Government to make necessary amendments in ‘honour’ killing law and declare ‘honour’ killing as non-compoundable offence. Women Rights Activist and former member of National Assembly Mehnaz Rafi , Eminent lawyer Afzal Haider, Advocate Shamim-u-Rehman Malik and various others pointed out lacunas in the honour killing laws.
Hassam Qadir Shah Advocate giving presentation; on his left Justicde (R) Nasira Javaid Iqbal, on his right, Nasreen Zehra and Shamaila Tanvir. |
Mr S M Masood, senior advocate and legal expert giving his views on the ‘honour’ killings law. |
Mr Afzal Haider Shah, senior advocate and legal expert, giving his views. |
Activity Title: Panel Discussion on ‘Provincial Budget: Role of Women Legislators in Budget Making Process’.
Date: 17 May 2012
Venue: Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi.
Brief Highlights:
Legislative Watch Program for Women’s Empowerment, Aurat Foundation’s Karachi office orgnised a yearly pre-budget panel discussion, titled ‘Provincial Budget: Role of Women Legislators in Budget Making Process’.
Mr. Taj Haider, senior leader PPP, Dr. Shahid Hassan Siddique, renowned economist, Mr. Izhar ul Haque, Advisor to CM Sindh from MQM, Mr.Nasir Nizamani, Advisor to CM Sindh from PML-(F), Fouzia Aijaz, MNA (MQM), Farheen Mughal, MPA (PPP) and Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, AF Karachi office, were the guest speaker. Ms Maliha Zia Lari, Legal and Gender Consultant, and Adv. Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator LWP-WE, Aurat Foundation, facilitated the programe. Government officials from Home, Law, WDD and Social Welfare department, lawyers, civil society members and media personnel participated in the panel discussion.
(L-R) Mr.Nasir Nizamani, Mr. Izhar ul Haque, Mahnaz Rahman, Dr. Shahid Hassan Siddique, Mr.Taj Haider PPP and Adv. Rubina Brohi. |
Question hour. |
Mr. Taj Haider briefing about sindh budget. |
Activity Title: LWP meeting With Senior Advocates & CSOs to reform legislations on honour crimes
Date: 16 May, 2012.
Venue: Auart Foundation Karachi Office.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment (LWP-WE), Karachi, organized a meeting with legal experts and practicing lawyers on 19 April, 2012 at it office, to discuss legislations on domestic violence and ‘honour’ crimes.
Adv. Maliha Zia, legal consultant on women’s legal rights and international instruments, gave a detailed brief on ‘honour’ crimes’ law, which covered critical analysis of the law and its gaps. She also shared the findings of her recent research study on ‘honour’ killings, published by Aurat Foundation. She also shared the Criminal Law Amendment Draft on ‘Honour’ Crimes, prepared by Aurat Foundation. The legal expert studied the draft section by section and gave their recommendations. The meeting was also attended by Sr Adv Iqbal Haider, Justice (R) Shaiq Usmani, Justice (R) Majida Rizvi, Adv Haq Nawaz Talpu and Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation Karachi Office. Adv. Rubina Brohi coordinated the meeting.
(L-R) Justice (R) Shaiq Usmani, Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Adv.Maliha Zia Lari & Adv. Rubina Brohi. |
Sr Advocate Syed Iqbal Haider, and Justice (R) Shaiq Usmani during the meeting. |
Activity Title: Seminar on: ‘Women’s political participation and upcoming general elections’.
Date: 8 May, 2012.
Venue: Usmania Hotel, Quetta.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment (LWP-WE) organized a seminar to highlight the importance of women’s participation in political process. The event also aimed at motivating women leaders to participate in the upcoming general elections more effectively. Renowned political activist and writer Mr Rahat Malik was the resource person and he stressed on women to play key role within their political parties and take part in debates and discussion and enhance their political knowledge and skills. Mr Muhammad Farrukh, Manager operations NADRA, also briefed participants about steps taken by NADRA for maximum CNIC registration of women.
Participants also stressed on political parties to strengthen their women-wings and also create opportunities for women by appointing them on the decision making positions with in their parties. The participants of the seminar included current and former MPAs, women politicians from different political parties, former women councilors, lawyers, government officials, NGO representatives, political and social activists and media participated in seminar.
(L to R) Sobia Kiran, Dr. Shama Ishaq, Rahat Malik, Muhammad Farukh and Amir Ali. |
Mr Muhammad Farukh giving presentation. |
Participants of the Seminar. |
Activity Title: Working group meeting to reform legislations on domestic violence / honour crimes.
Date: 20 March, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment (LWP-WE) organized a one day working group meeting on domestic violence and ‘honour’ crimes, on March 20, 2012, at Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad. the meeting was aimed at initiating discussion among legal experts and practicing lawyers on reforming legislations on domestic violence and ‘honour’ crimes.
Ms Maliha Zia Lari, a practicing lawyer and legal consultant on women’s legal rights and international instruments, gave a detailed presentation on Law on ‘Honour’ Crimes, which covered a critical analysis of current law on honour crimes and its gaps and findings of the recent study on honour killings, conducted by Aurat Foundation. She also shared with the participants the Criminal Law Amendment Draft on ‘Honour’ Crimes, prepared by Aurat Foundation. Ms Riffat But, Legal Advisor, National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) gave a detailed presentation on domestic violence law and required amendments. Ms Mumtaz Mughal Ms Saima Munir, from Aurat Foundation, shared development on the proposed legislation on domestic violence in the provincial assemblies of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhaw. Ms Maliha Zia Lari shred the development on the domestic violence law in Sindh Assembly. Ms Nayyar Shabna, National Coordinator, Aurat Foundation, coordinated the meeting.
Working group meeting with lawyers on domestic violence. |
Maliha Zia Lari giving presentation on ‘honour’ crimes law. |
On the left, Saima Munir, Shabina Ayaz and Barrister Naveed Ahmed. |
International Women's Day 8 March 2012 - Celebrations
Activity Title: Awards distribution ceremony on International Women’s Day’s theme ‘Connecting Girls – Inspiring Future.
Date: March 8, 2012.
Holiday Inn, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
In order to celebrate International Women’s Day and pay tribute to girls who achieved excellence in various fields, Aurat Foundation organized an awards distribution ceremony on 8th March, 2012 at Hotel Holiday Inn, Islamabad. The awards were distributed among the girls who are role model for us, namely Malala Yousafzai (the peace-maker), Samina Baig (the mountaineer), Shahroo Malik (the artist), Marium Hote Malhar (the social worker) and Sara Nasir (the sports-girl).
Malala Yousafzai (the peace-maker) in her address said that not only the 8th March is the women’s day, but each day is a women’s day for their important role they play in the society. She said that we shall devote the international women’s day to all the brave women like Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir who devoted their lives for socio-political cause. She said that we, the girls and women, do not want much from men but equality with them. She also said that women do not want power so that then they start throwing acids on men. She said that her father has encourage a lot and she had asked her father that no one can touch him as I would protect her. She said that she is happy that with her efforts there is peace in Swat and girls in Swat are no on the ‘road to education’ again. She said that in many times women themselves become enemy to women e.g. in the form of mother-in-law (saas) and daughter-in-law (bahoo), each bahoo become enemy to her bahoo later. Malala Yousafzai belongs to Swat. When there was extreme Talibanisation and militancy in the area, Malala was one of the few who stood up and spoke for children’s rights. She was hardly 11, when she spoke to media for the right of education which was banned by the Taliban.
Shahroo Malik, the artist, in her addressed she said that in the beginning she took fine arts as a hobby but later she came to know that the fine arts can be one of the major source for awareness and social change. She said that the awards has given her more inspiration to work for women’s rights. She won many awards for her excellence in fine arts. In 2005, she won 2nd prize in Japanese Art Competition titled “Remembering peace: 60 years after Nagasaki and Hiroshima”. In 2006, she won a competition run by the Japanese Embassy, which allowed me to visit Japan under the South Asian Student Invitation Program. In 2009, she won 1st prize in Inter- School Calligraphy competition organized by Islamic Relief Center. She also won 3rd prize in poster making competition entitled “Shattered Kashmir: Paradise on Earth”. The painting was then showed in an exhibition in Scotland. She also won 1st position in an Art Competition organized by PNCA. Apart from this she has also been active in my social and political life of my college and was elected as the General Secretary of the Students Council. I have also served first as the General Secretary and then President of the Arts Society.
Sara Nasir (the sports-girl, and Judo Karate Champion) while addressing the gathering said that she was encourage by her parents to learn Judo. Sarah Nasir, (the sports-girl, and Judo Karate Champion), is the only female karateka from Pakistan to have earned a gold medal in karate at a recognized martial arts competition such as the one held at the South Asian Games in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in February, 2010. She is Gold Medal From NPC 2010, a National Champion (Thrice), a student of the Shotokan style, she earned her black belt at the age of eight, Sports Ambassador Pakistan 2010, winner of the First Benazir Bhutto sports women of the year award 2011, and Gold Medal in the -53kg kumite and bronze in kata (SAF games Dhaka 2010).
Marium Hote Malhar (the social worker) in her address said that she belong to Seraiki area where girls have less opportunity in education. She said that how at first she was not offered admission in any school in Islamabad because of not speaking English or coming from poor background. She somehow got admission on her mother’s request, and later her teachers said that I have proved my worth. She is a Head Girl Guide and she along with other guide girls organized a successful campaign to raise awareness on Dingue Virus. She hoped that the government would make efforts to increase girls’ education in Seraiki area.
Samina Baig (the mountaineer) said that she and her elder brother helped her a lot in learning how to climb mountains, and took her with him on many mountaineering trips. She said that and her brother climbed a mountain 6400 feet high, which was never climbed before, and then they named it ‘Equality Mountain’ (Koh-e-Brabari). She said that, “if a girl can climb a mountain can do anything”.
Aurat Foundation also paid tribute to (late) Arfa Karim, the youngest Microsoft Specialist, by observing one minute silence and giving details of her achievements.
Activity Title: Women march with torches on International Women’s Day.
Date: 8 March, 2012.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Insani Haqooq Itehad (IHI), a network of civil society organizations and human rights activists organized a march to observe the International Women’s Day on 8 March, 2012, in Islamabad. The event was organized to pay tribute to the girls and women of Pakistan for their ongoing struggle for rights, equality and justice. The civil society members and activists held torches and raised slogans – jab tak aurat tang rahey ge, jang rahey ge; jang rahey ge; ham mulk bachaney hien aao hamarey saath raho; etc. The activities also included speeches, distribution of awards to those who took encouraging steps to break social taboos. In the end a statement by civil society was adopted and shared with the media. The statement is given below:
Statement by Civil Society and Women’s Movement
We pay tribute to the girls and women of Pakistan for their ongoing struggle for rights, equality and justice. We reaffirm our commitment to creating an enabling environment where every day of the year would be Women’s Day. We acknowledge and appreciate the support and solidarity of progressive Pakistani men in the women’s rights movement.
Acknowledging the recent Parliamentary affirmative legislation as an initial step, we call upon the provincial legislatures, under the 18th Constitutional Amendment (2010) devolution, to enact stronger laws, and the provincial governments to implement them.
We are gravely concerned about the impact on girls and women of rapidly escalating extremism, intolerance and talibanization of our society; along with increased poverty and its feminization; unemployment and exploitative labour, food insecurity, galloping inflation, economic recession, lack of education and health (especially reproductive health) services and rights, shortages and unaffordable prices of food, shelter, fuel, energy, transportation and other basic needs; the alarming situation in Balochistan, continuing enforced disappearances (Missing Persons), lack of access to justice, absence of law and order; unacceptably high debt servicing and military expenditures; perpetuation of patriarchal, feudal and tribal mindsets; continuing illegal Jirgas and Punchayats; and deteriorating human security and human rights.
We demand the following:
- Repeal of discriminatory laws and mechanisms, especially Hudood Ordinances, Evidence, Blasphemy, Qisas and Diyat, Shariat Act and Federal Shariat Court.
- Enactment of laws and effective policies for women on domestic violence; acid crimes; traditional discriminatory practices (especially badal-e-sulah, sang chatti, vanni, swara, wulwar); “honour” killings; forced conversions; forced and under-age marriages; home-based, agricultural and livestock workers; citizenship; non-Muslim minority women’s personal laws; and strengthening the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance (1961).
- Immediate eradication of illegal Jirgas and Punchayats (as per Sindh High Court 2004 and Supreme Court 2006 orders to provincial and federal governments).
- Effective law-enforcement institutional mechanisms, coordinated through the Interior/Home Departments, Human Rights Ministry/Departments, NCSW/PCSWs, provincial Women’s Development Departments, with Civil Society included in overseeing and monitoring.
- Training and re-training of the law enforcement agencies, judiciary and medico-legal community on the laws and their implementation, gender-sensitization, gender justice and equality norms.
- Public media campaigns for mass awareness-raising on women’s rights, laws and equality in a non-theocratic framework.
- Ensuring free, compulsory and universal education, enrollment and completion of high school by all girls and boys, irrespective of religion, ethnicity or geography.
- Electoral reforms to ensure women’s political participation in all three tiers; universal adult franchise; contesting through 17% general and 33% reserved seats; immediate legal, administrative actions against “agreements” by political parties to deny women the right to vote or contest; and 50% representation in all legislative and party committees/councils.
- Special provisions for girls and women in humanitarian and conflict responses, e.g. Balochistan, FATA, Malakand; participation in conflict resolution, peace building and development processes.
- Adherence to international commitments as a State Party to CRC, CEDAW; ILO and HRC Conventions.
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Lighting torches before marching. |
Light together - march together. |
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Raising slogans ‘jab tak aurat tang rahey ge, jang rahey ge; jang rahey ge’. |
Singing songs of freedom. |
Activity Title: Awards distribution to mark the International Women Day celebrations.
Date: 8 March, 2012.
Venue: Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar.
Brief Highlights:
Aurata Foundation, in collaboration with Provincial Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), organized awards distribution to mark the International Women Day on 8 March, 2012, at the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar. Ms Zubeida Khatoon, Chairperson PCSW, welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of the International Women Day. The documentaries, produced by Aurat Foundation and DAWN news channels appreciating and providing a comprehensive and historical sketch of the women’s movement in Pakistan, were shown to the participants. The inspirational role models Ms Malal Yousafzai, Ms Saleema, Ms Sadia Gul, Squash Player, and Ms Akthar shared their life experiences and their struggle to achieve their goal. Ms Shabina Ayaz, Resident Director, gave awards to these inspiring girls to acknowledge their struggle. Introduction and role of ‘Ending Violence Against Women /Girl alliance’ was shared with the participants. Two skits on “Early Marriage and Opportunities available to girls in their life” were presented by the students of IMS. The students also entertained the audiences with songs. The participants were members CSO, Government officials, students of IMS.
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Ms Zubeida Khatoon giving award to Ms Malalai Yousafzai. |
Ms Shabina Ayaz giving award to Ms Saleema. |
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Ms Sadia Gul receiving her award. |
Ms Akthar receiving her award. |
Activity Title: Celebrating International Women’s Day with women MPAs of the Sind Assembly.
Date: 8 March, 2012.
Venue: Sindh Assembly Building, Karachi.
Aurat Foundation’s Karachi office while celebrating International Women's Day, acknowledged women MPAs diligence and gave them credit and appreciation for all that they had accomplished. Advocate Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator, Legislative Watch Program for Women’s Empowerment and Shireen Aijaz, Regional Coordinator, PDM-VAW, presented each MPA with bouquets.
Aurat Foundation staff demanded the MPAs for their support for passage of Domestic Violence Bill as no bill for women had been passed so for from Sind assembly. The male MPAs vowed to fully support the domestic violence bill when it comes to the assembly. Apart from Mr Nadir Khan Mugsi, Minister Food, those who spoke at the event included provincial assembly members Nusrat Seher Abbasi, Rafiq Engineer and Syed Bachal Shah.
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Shireen Aijaz- AF, Touqir Fatima Bhutto, Minister for Women Development, Sindh, and Adv. Rubina Brohi. |
Shazia Muree, Minister for Information, Sindh, joining the 8th March celebrations |
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Sussui Palijo, Minister for Tourism receiving bouquet |
Marvi Rashidi, MPA-PML (F), receiving bouquet. |
Activity Title: March to Celebrate International Women’s Day .
Date: 7 March, 2012.
National Press Club, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with Islamabad Crescent Lions Club, LOK Parya, Faces Pakistan, Federal Directorate of Education and ACTION Network (Advocacy for Change Through Innovative Options and Networking) organized a march with women and girls to celebrate International Women day, on March 7, 2012, with the theme is ‘CONNECTING GIRLS, INSPIRING FUTURES’.
March was led by prominent women’s rights activists Jamil Asgher Bhatti, Nasira Jamil, Khawja Zia, Tahira Abduallh, Sibtain Raza Lodhi and Wasim Wagha. “If every International Women's Day event held in 2012 includes girls in some way, then thousands of minds will be inspired globally”, said Nasira Jamil, President ICLC. March was attended by large number of grl students, civil society, parliamentarians, and women rights activists.
March was the part of 10 days of activism for women’s right organized in collaboration of the above mentioned organizations from March 1 to March 10, which includes candle light demonstration, debates among girls from universities, girls health Seminar, day with orphan girls, eye & MECH camp, women mushaira, easy writing competition, painting competition, seminar on psychosocial rehabilitation and economic empowerment of women with disabilities, inter-faith perspective of women rights and other community activities.
Marching for ‘connecting girls – inspiring future’. |
Speaking for girls’ rights and role. |
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Girls holding posters with messages. |
Another view of the march. |
Raising slogans for their rights |
Activity Title: Press Conference to demands immediate legislation on domestic violence in Punjab.
Date: 7 March, 2012.
Venue: Press Club, Lahore.
Brief Highlights:
In a press conference on civil society demanded immediate legislation on domestic violence in Punjab. The press conference was organized on the eve of International Women’s Day by Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment (LWP-WE) on 7 March, 2012, at Press Club, Lahore. The press conference was addressed by farmer MNA Mehnaz Rafi, Salman Abid, Regional Head SPO, Akbar Dogar, Secretary High Court Bar Association, Hina Hafeez Ullah Ishaq, advocate Lahore High Court, Bushra Khaliq from Wise, Ambreen from Action Aid, Nasreen Zehra, Resident Director Aurat Foundation, Lahore, Mumtaz Mughal, Senior Programme Officer and Shamaila Tanvir, Programme Officer, Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment (LWP-WE).
The speakers said that domestic violence is pervasive in Punjab therefore it is the prime responsibility of the Government to take immediate steps to stop it through legislation and declare it a crime. They demanded from the government of Punjab to move the draft bill titled ‘Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill 2012’ in its current session of the Punjab Assembly. They also demanded that the government should ensure early passage of the bill and its effective implementation as a law. The speakers said that domestic violence bill should be incorporated in the Empower Women Package which was going to be announced by Mian Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister Punjab, on the eve of International Women’s Day.
They said that domestic violence, which including physical, sexual, mental, psychological and economic abuse, is a slap on the face of any civilized society. They said besides women, children and other vulnerable persons were facing domestic violence. They said a rapid increase in domestic violence cases was deplorable and it is the obligation and prime duty of the provincial government to take robust measures against this menace. They demanded that the government should provide a Helpline in the province so that victim could contact the law enforcement agencies for their protection and relief. They said 348 domestic violence and 64 sexual harassment cases were registered in 2011 in addition to vani, sawara, illegal confinement, women and children trafficking, early marriages, sexual abuse by close relatives and life threats. They said strong monitoring mechanisms should be evolved for effective implementation of the law and to build a healthy and a civilized society.
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(L-R) Salman Abid, Mehnaz Rafi, Nasreen Zehra, Hina Hafeez Ullah, Mumtaz Mughal and Shamaila Tanvir. |
Bushra Khaliq addressing the media; on her left are Hina Hafeez Ullah, Nasreen Zehra, Mehnaz Rafi, Salman Abid, Ambreen Fatima; on her left are Mumtaz Mughal and Akbar Dogar. |
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Nasreen Zehra presenting the demand of civil society during the press conference. |
Participants of the press conference. |
Activity Title: Rally to celebrate International Women’s Day.
Date: 7 March, 2012.
Venue: Arts Council to Karachi Press Club.
Aurat Foundation Karachi office along with other civil society organizations and human rights activists organized a rally on 7 March, 2012, from Arts Council to Karachi Press Club, to celebrate the International Women’s Day. One objective of the rally was to appreciate the government, political parties and parliamentarians for their support for the passage of women legislation.
The participants also appreciated the parliamentarians and federal Ministry of Women’s Development (now devolved to provinces) for their role in drafting and tabling the domestic violence bill in the parliament. However, since the issue is not shifted to the provinces, the participants demanded the provincial ministries of women’s development and provincial assemblies for the urgent passage of domestic violence bill.
The rally was marked with the participation of Ms Shahla Raza, Deputy Speaker, Sindh Assembly, Ms Zareen Majeed, MPA-MQM and Ms Nusrat Sehar Abbasi MPA-PML (F).
Activity Title: Provincial Consultation on ‘Domestic Violence Bill’.
Date: 22 February 2012.
Committee Room, Sind Assembly Building Karachi.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Program for Women’s Empowerment at Karachi office, in collaboration with the Sindh Directorate of Women Development Department, organized a provincial consultation on ‘Domestic Violence Bill’ on February 22, 2012, at Committee Room, Sind Assembly Building, Karachi. Ms Touqir Fatima Bhutto, Minister Women Development, participated as the Chief Guest. Other parliamentarians included Syeda Shehla Raza, Deputy Speaker, Sindh Assembly, Ms Farheen Mughal, Ms Shama Mithani, Ms Humaira Alwani, Ms Kulsoom Chandio, Ms Rashida Panwher, (from PPP), Ms Zareen Majeed, Ms Shahnaz Saifuddin, Ms Naheed Begum, Ms Sabra Sultana, Ms Husna Aftab (from MQM) and Ms Nusrat Sehar Abbasi from PML- (F). Government officials from Home, Law, WDD, Social Welfare department and legal experts, civil society members and media also participated in the consultation.
The consultation was aimed to discuss the four bills on domestic violence and combine those into one bill. The four bills were separately submitted in provincial assembly by women parliamentarians, namely Ms Farheen Mughal, Ms Shama Mithani, Ms Humaira Alwani (all from PPP), Ms Heer Soho, Ms Bilquis Mukhtar and others (from MQM), and a draft proposed by Aurat Foundation. Adv. Maliha Zia Lari, legal consultant, compared all the private bills with the one proposed by Aurat Foundation and extensively discussed different clauses of the bill.
Adv. Rubina Brohi, Coordinator Legislative Watch Program for Women’s Empowerment coordinated the consultation and urged the members of the assembly, officials from various government departments and representatives of civil society to play their role in promoting a congenial atmosphere equally advantageous for both the genders and strata of the society so that the bill be passed from Provincial Assembly with consensus.
The legislators, rising above their political affiliations, expressed their satisfaction that the four bills, presented by them in individual capacities, since 2008, had finally be given a consolidated shape as a single bill.
It was unanimously decided by women parliamentarians to get passed the ‘Domestic Violence Against Women and Children Bill 2012’ in its next session in March 2012.
(L-R) Ms Farheen Mughal, Ms Rashida Panwher, Ms Kulsum Chandio, Ms Touqir Fatima Bhutto, Ms Shehla Raza, Ms Humaira Alwani, and Ms Nusrat Abbasi. |
(L-R) Ms Shama Arif Mithani, Ms Humaira Alwani and Ms Nusrat Abbasi during the discussion on the on the domestic violence bill. |
Ms Touqir Fatima Bhutto briefing the participants about the efforts taken by Minstry of Women’s Development; on her left, Ms Shama Arif Mithani |
Adv.Maliha Zia Lari briefing about about the bill. |
Question-answer session. |
(L-R) Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Ms Sara Zaman, Ms Maliha Zia Lari and Adv.Rubina Brohi during the discussion. |
Activity Title: ‘Press conference to launch data on violence against women in year 2011’
Date: February 14, 2012.
Hotel Holiday Inn, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
The Policy Data Monitor - Violence Against Women (PDM-VAW) programme of Aurat Foundation organized a press conference today i.e. February 14, 2012, at Holiday Inn hotel, Islamabad, to share the data on violence against women during year 2011. The press conference was addressed by Ms Rabeea Hadi, National Coordinator of the programme, and members of the PDM-VAW Group, namely Ms Arifa Mazhar, Dr Ghulam Mustafa Ms Solangi, Ms Shazia Lishari and Ms Rabia Aslam.
Ms Rabia Hadi shared the data with media. The research gives an overall glimpse of the situation of violence against women in the country in 2011. Based on media reports, the compiled data not only gives the split of offences reported from all over the country but also provides a comparative analysis of different provinces with respect to VAW incidents.
The fourth annual report shows that 8539 women became victims of violence in 2011 and there was an overall 6.74 % increase in reported cases of VAW in the country as compared to year 2010. The figure was 8000 in 2010; in 2009, the incidents of violence against women 8548 and; in 2008, these incidents were 7571. This shows that by and large the incidents of violence against women in the last four years were in the same range with some increase and decrease and; the society has not witnessed any radical departure in its trends in the unfortunate commission of crimes against women. This reflect a kind of a status quo, also indicating that neither State is doing to eliminate this violence nor society is responding to curb uncivilized behavior.
In some forms of violence there has been notable increase, for instance, sexual assault increased by 48.65%, acid throwing increased by 37.5%, ‘honour’ killings by 26.57%, and domestic violence increased by 25.51%.
AF considers this number as the ‘tip of the iceberg’ as the data collected by our staff is based on cases reported in media. It is an open fact that majority of violence against women incidents are not reported in the media.
The report shows that in large number of incidents, the FIRs were not lodged which reflects lack of confidence among citizens to approach police in case of such incidents. Among the total 8539 incidents, FIR was registered in 6745 cases whereas no FIR was registered in 911 cases and there was no information available in 883 cases. The biggest number of unregistered cases was noted in Sindh province where FIRs were not registered in 605 cases and no information was available in 75 incidents among the total 1316 reported cases.
In the process of collecting data, the AF staff has observed some emerging trends that, if allowed to continue, will further aggravate the situation of violence against women in the country. One such trend was noticed in Balochistan where, in most of the cases of Siah Kari (honour killing), the women were killed on the orders of Jirga but the same Jirga let the men live after the exchange of heavy amount in terms of compensation.
The table below reflects the comparative data on violence against women in the last four years with percentages of increase or decrease in their incidence.
Number of Cases of VAW in Pakistan during January to December 2009 to January to December 2010 |
Categories of Crime |
Year 2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
Year 2011 |
Total |
Percentage increase/decrease in VAW cases between 2010-2011 |
Abduction/Kidnapping |
1,784 |
1,987 |
2236 |
2089 |
8096 |
-6.57% |
Murder |
1,422 |
1,384 |
1436 |
1575 |
5817 |
9.68% |
Domestic Violence |
281 |
608 |
486 |
610 |
1985 |
25.51% |
Suicide |
599 |
683 |
633 |
758 |
2673 |
19.75% |
Honor Killing |
475 |
604 |
557 |
705 |
2341 |
26.57% |
Rape/Gang Rape |
778 |
928 |
928 |
827 |
3461 |
-10.88% |
Sexual Assault |
172 |
274 |
74 |
110 |
630 |
48.65% |
Acid Throwing |
29 |
53 |
32 |
44 |
158 |
37.5% |
Burning |
61 |
50 |
38 |
29 |
178 |
-23.68% |
Miscellaneous |
1,970 |
1,977 |
1580 |
1792 |
7319 |
13.42% |
Total |
7,571 |
8,548 |
8000 |
8539 |
32658 |
6.74% |
Number of FIR s registered Province-wise
FIR Status |
No. of FIR registered province wise |
Total |
% of the total |
Punjab |
Sindh |
KP |
Baluchistan |
Registered |
5290 |
636 |
495 |
193 |
131 |
6745 |
78.99 |
Not Registered |
193 |
605 |
100 |
- |
13 |
911 |
10.67 |
No. Information |
705 |
75 |
99 |
- |
4 |
883 |
10.34 |
Total |
6188 |
1316 |
694 |
193 |
148 |
8539 |
100 |
It was sad to note that most of the perpetrators of violence against women were found to be the relatives of the survivor or the victim such as husband, brother, cousin, father, uncle, father and mother in law, brother in law, son or step son. Honor killing was almost always committed by male family members against female family members who are accused to have brought dishonor upon the family.
(Detailed press release may be visited on a link ‘VAW Reports’ on the main page of our website)
Ms Rabeea Hadi speaking at the press conference; (R-L) Ms Rabia Aslam, Ms Arifra Mazhar, Dr Ghulam Mustafa Solangi and Ms Shazia Lishari. |
(R-L) Ms Arifra Mazhar, Ms Rabeea Hadi, Dr Ghulam Mustafa Solangi and Ms Shazia Lishari. |
(R-L) Ms Rabia Aslam, Ms Arifa Mazhar, Ms Rabeea Hadi, Dr Ghulam Mustafa Solangi and Ms Shazia Lishari. |
Journalists and member civil society during the press conference. |
Members of the PDM-VAW Group (L-R) Ms Tahira Noor, Ms Shazia Lishari, Dr Amina Solangi, Dr Ghulam Mustafa Solangi, Ms Rabeea Hadi, Ms Arifa Mazhar, Ms Rabia Aslam, Ms Sumaira Ishfaq and Ms Noshaba Arif at the end of the conference. |
Activity Title: ‘Six monthly report of data on violence against women.’
Date: January 27, 2012.
Karachi Press Club .
Brief Highlights:
Policy Data Monitor – Violence Against Women (PDM-VAW) programme of Aurat Foundation’s Karachi office launched the second bi-annual report (July – December 2011) on violence against women in Sindh, on January 27, 2012, at Karachi Press Club. Ms Nusrat Sehar Abbasi, MPA (PML-F), was invited on special invitation. Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation, Karachi office, Shireen Aijaz, Regional Coordinator, PDM-VAW prograamme, and Fareeda Tahir, Program Office, shared the data and other details of violence incidents that took place in Sindh during the six months i.e. July – December 2011.
As per the said report, a total of 497 incidents of violence against women were recorded under the categories of abduction / kidnap, rape / gang rape, murder, suicide, domestic violence, ‘honor’ killing and sexual assault, in which ‘honour’ killing cases were the highest. In this six-months report, it is seen that ratio of the violence related crimes in rural areas is more than the urban areas, as 299 incidents of violence were recorded in rural areas while 197 are of urban areas. Ratio of ‘honor’ killings is very high. The people involved in these incidents are relatives. Reasons behind it are choice-marriages, revengeful and honor killing etc. In497 incidents of violence, 597 individuals were victimized in which 572 were women and girls and 25 were men and boys. During , ratio of female violence was on higher side in the districts Khairpur, ShaikarPur, Larkana, Sukkur, Dadu and Ghotki.
Shireen Aijaz briefing about violence cases; Mahnaz Rahman, and Farida Tahir. |
(L-R) Adv. Rubina Brohi, Shireen Aijaz, Mahnaz Rahman, Nusrat Sehar Abbasi, and Farida Tahir during launching of the report. |
Activity Title: ‘Aurat Foundation's 25th Anniversary Celebration ’.
Date: January 10, 2012.
Aurat Foundation Office, Quetta .
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Quetta office celebrated the 25thAnniversary of Aurat Foundation’s birth as women's rights organization in 1986. The celebration was arranged on January 10, 2012, at the office. The participants included Ms Aisha Wadood, Representative of UN Women, Dr Rashida Panizai, Ms Seemi Marium, Political Activist, Mrs Mushtaq, Political Activist, Dr Shama Ishaque, former MPA, Mr Muhammad Haroon Dawood, Resident Director, Quetta office, Ms Saima Haroon and other staff members. Mr Haroon Durani and Ms Saima Haroon shared with the participants the 25 years’ history of Aurat Foundation’s struggle for women’s empowerment and its achievements.
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Cake for the 25th Anniversary of Aurat Foundation. |
(L-R) Dr Shama Ishaque, Mrs Mushtaq and Dr Rashida Panizai cutting the 25th Anniversary cake. |
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Dr Shama Ishaque, Mrs Mushtaq and Dr Rashida Panizai with Aurat Foundation's staff (in the back row L-R) Ms Saima Haroon, Ms Faiza Faiz, Mr Ashfaq Mengal, Ms Ayesha Wadood, and Mr Haroon Durani. |
A view of the anniversary celebration. |
Activity Title: ‘Launching a pilot study on ‘Honour Killings in Pakistan and Compliance of Law’.
Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2012.
Sereena Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment launched its pilot study ‘Honour Killings in Pakistan and Compliance of Law’, on Wednesday, January 4, 2011, at Sereena Hotel, Islamabad. Her Excellency Cecilie Landsverk, the Ambassador of Norway, participated as the Chief Guest. Ms Nasreen Azhar, Member, Commission on the Status of Women, chaired the launching ceremony. Ms Maliha Zia Lari, the author of the report, presented main findings of the study, and MsTahira Abdullah, a human rights activist, was the Guest Speaker. Mr Naeem Ahmed Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, Aurat Foundation, welcomed the participants and briefed about the objectives behind carrying out the study on ‘honour’ killings and compliance of law. Although the law against ‘honour’ killings was passed in year 2004, however, the implementation of the law had many hurdles, and that needed a look into it.
Ms Maliha Zia said that lack of data from courts, lack of available consolidated data, categorization of FIRs, and reluctance of persons to comment on the incidence of ‘honour’ killings were the main reason affecting the implementation of the law. Lack of mention of ‘grave and sudden provocation’, no liability of abettors were among other reasons. The study showed that a lot of cases were highlighted in the media but were not reported with the police or even if registered but not classified as ‘honour’ killings. The language used in the FIRs was not gender sensitive. She also pointed to the fact that courts usually give decisions against the victim by using the provision of ‘grave and sudden provocation’. Another factor which hindered the compliance of law was the fact that most of the ‘honour’ crimes were committed by the family members and hence the ‘unwillingness’ of the family to lose another family member. So, most of the cases end up in forced compromise. She also said that the concerned institutions also lack the commitment of implementation of the law.
Ms Tahira Abdullah also pointed out the lack of authentic data. While analyzing the study, she said that the only thing it lack is that it didn’t cover any district from Seraiki area (Southern Punjab) where she believed ‘honour’ killing is the most prevailing practice. She also criticized the implementing agencies that almost 77% of the ‘honour’ killings cases, involving killing of women, end in acquittal of the criminals. She also paid tribute to late Shehla Zia, one of the founding leader of Aurat Foundation, for her vision, knowledge and struggle towards highlighting the issue of ‘honour’ killings. She said that the civil society must continue efforts working with progressive elements in all legislatures to table revised ‘honour’ killings bill, rectifying errors of omission. She said we all need to work for termination of all forms of parallel judicial systems like jirga, punchayat etc.
Her Excellency Cecilie Landsverk, the Ambassador of Norway, the Chief Guest of the launching event, while referring to the increase in the ‘honour’ killing cases in Pakistan, as reported in the pilot study, asked that there is a need to see since when the ‘honour’ killings prevails in Pakistani society and if the increase is really taking place in such a modern times. Sarwat Wazir and Madiha from Aurat Foundation formally presented reports to the guests.
Ms Maliha Zia presenting her findings at the study launch. On her right, Ms Cecilie Landsverk, Ms Nasreen Azhar and Ms Tahira Abdullah; on her left Mr Naeem Mirza. |
Ms Cecilie Landsverk at the study launch. On her right, Ms Nasreen Azhar; on her left Ms Maliha Zia. |
Participants in the book launch ceremony. |
Participants in the book launch ceremony. |
Date: Friday, December 30, 2011.
Pearl Continental Karachi .
Brief Highlights:
The Legislative Watch Program for Women Empowerment of Aurat Foundation, Karachi, launched the pilot study, titled ‘Honour Killings in Pakistan and Compliance of Law’, on Friday, December 30, 2011, at Pearl Continental Karachi.
Ms Maliha Zia Lari, Advocate Sindh High Court, and researcher on human rights and international instruments, said that she identified three factors i.e. police, court and community for this study but she had to eventually rule out district courts as an option since they were very difficult to access. She said that the categorization of FIR reports was a problem because often the murders were misreported. As all details of the crime were listed but the term “honour killing” was not mentioned in an FIR. This resulted in further complications since if an FIR was not strong enough the prosecution might lose in court. She said that 1,636 honour killings cases had been reported in the media from 2008 to 2010 according to an Aurat Foundation report.
Mr Abdul Khalique Sheikh, DIG, appreciated the efforts of Aurat Foundation and said that the state could not abdicate its responsibility, if the state institutions worked with NGOs the results would be far more rewarding in these cases and other too. He said that the police department had established honour killing cells in areas where the crime was higher. Mr Anwar Mansoor Khan, former attorney general, said that there were laws that allowed the perpetrator to get away with an out-of-court settlement even if he had confessed to his crime. He strongly recommends that qisas should never be an option in such cases. He also called for use of modern investigative techniques by police, citing that a lot of evidence got lost during the course of investigation
Ms Farheen Mughal, MPA-PPPP, thanked Aurat Foundation for inviting parliamentarians and sharing information and research findings on women’s issues. She emphasized the role of Muslim shcolars who could make people aware of the crime in Friday sermons, to curb the honour killings. Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director Aurat Foundation Karachi, said that honour killing had also become a business of blackmailing, where the victims were falsely accused and then killed. Earlier Adv. Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator, Legislative Watch Programme for Women Empowerment (LWP-WE) welcomed the Chief Guest, guest speakers, government officials, police officials, CSOs’ representatives, media, and other participants and briefed them about the objectives of the study. Ms Anis Fatima and Ms Inbisat Ansari from Aurat Foundation formally presented reports to the guests and all participants.
(From Left) Adv. Rubina Brohi, Ms Maliha Zia Lari, Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Mr Anwar Mansoor Khan, Mr Abdul Khalique Sheikh and Ms Farheen Mughal. |
Ms Maliha Zia Lari presenting findings of the report. |
Mr Anwar Mansoor Khan expressing his opinion. |
(From Left) Ms Nusrat Sehar Abbasi, MPA PML(F), Ms Zareen Majeed, MPA MQM, and Ms Humaira Alwani, MPA PPP. |
Group photo of the participants. |
Date: December 30, 2011.
Usmania Hotel, Quetta .
Participants & Guests:
Ex-Women Parliamentarian, representatives of civil society organizations, lawyers, political and social activistsand media persons participated
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment launched a pilot study on ‘Honour Killings in Pakistan and Compliance of Law, authored by Ms Maliha Zia Lari, on December 30, 2011. Mr Haroon Dawood, Resident Director (AF) shared the findings of the study with participants. He also shared the high number of current incidents of ‘honour’ killings in Balochistan and said that it is more than double in year 2011 compared to last year’s statistics.
Speaking on legal aspects of the study, Advocate Muhammad Umar Mandokhel said that as Criminal Law Act 2004 there was no strict punishment was available for culprits, so there was no check on honour crimes. Although there are some lacunas in the law, yet it is a welcome development which would surely resulted in ending such crimes against women. Dr Shama Ishaq, former minister in Balochistan, said that during her stay in assembly, she always tried to raise the women issues at the floor of the House. She said that she and other women members once submitted a resolution on ‘honour’ killings in Balochistan assembly, but it was lost or misplaced by the secretariat staff, she added. Her male parliamentarians forced her not to bring resolution on ‘honour’ crimes but she did bring it again the support of other members and it was adopted in year 2004. The event was coordinated by Mr Amir Ali, Regional Coordinator, Legislative Watch Programme, Aurat Foundation, Quetta.
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(R-L) Dr Shama Ishaq, Advocate Muhammad Umar Mandokhel and Mr Haroon Dawood. |
Mr Haroon Dawood speaking in the event; (R-L) Dr Shama Ishaq, Advocate Muhammad Umar Mandokhel and Amir Ali. |
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Participants at the launching. |
Date: December 20, 2011.
Hospitality Inn Hotel, Lahore.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment (LWP-WE) organized the launch of a research and analytical report on ‘Honour Killing in Pakistan and Compliance of Law’, on December 20, 2011, at Hospitality Inn Hotel, Lahore. Women parliamentarians, representatives from civil society organizations, lawyers, political and social activists and media participated in the launch on special invitation. Ms Zakia Shahnawaz, Advisor to CM on Women Development, chaired the launching ceremony. The event was presided by Justice (R) Nasira Javaid Iqbal. Panelist included Mr Muhammad Tahseen, Executive Director SAP-Pk, and Nasreen Zehra, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation.
Ms Maliha Zia Lari, Advocate Sindh High Court, and Researcher on Human Rights and International Instruments, presented the main findings of the study. She said that elimination of all negative harmful practices, including killings in the name of so called honour, has been part of Aurat Foundation’s mission since its inception. She said that in Pakistan honour killings are prevalent throughout the country though in some areas the incidents of killings have taken an alarmingly high proportion of incidents in the recent years. Begum Zakia Shah Nawaz, Advisor to the Chief Minister of Punjab, said that police officials should provide the training and awareness about the new laws of investigations regarding adoption, murder, honor killing, acid throwing, stove burning, rape and discriminatory laws about women. She said that the complete information and proper training to the police officials will help to minimize the honor crimes incidents in the country. Mr Muhammad Tahseen, Executive Director South Asia Pakistan, said that the civil society actively working on elimination of discriminatory laws and struggle in this regard will continue till the objectives are achieved.
Justice (R) Nasira Javaid Iqbal said that increase ratio of honour killing in Pakistan is highly deplorable. She said that it’s a prime time for law enforcing agencies and legislators to make effective efforts to eliminate un-human incidents. She emphasized that duel standards of justice should be eliminated in the country. Resident Director Aurat foundation Nasreen Zehra and Regional Coordinator Shamaila Tanvir said that there is need to improve the police reporting format so that the gender based statics could be available to the researcher including the facilities free access to police stations and reports.
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Ms Maliha Zia Lari presenting her research findings. |
Ms Shumaila Tanveer coordinating the question hour session; on stage (L-R) - Justice (R) Nasir Javaid Iqbal, Ms Nasreen Zehra, Mr Muhammad Tahseen, Begum Zakia Shahnawaz and Ms Maliha Zia. |
Mr Muhammad Tahseen expressing his views on the research study. |
Ms Maliha Zia responding to question of the participants |
 Ms Saghira Islama, MPA (PPP), Ms Irfan Ahmed, Vice President PPP, Punjab, ......JPG) |
 Ms Shumaila Tanveer, Justice (R) Nasir Javaid Iqbal, Ms Nasreen Zehra, and Mr Muhammad Tahseen..JPG) |
Participants (L-R) Ms Saghira Islama, MPA (PPP), Ms Irfan Ahmed, Vice President PPP, Punjab, Ms Faiza Malik, MPA (PPP), Ms Bushra Malik, Advisor to the Governor Punjab, Ms Nageena Sadaf, women’s rights activist, and Mr Farkhanda Malik, Information Secretary, PPP, Punjab. |
(L-R) Ms Shumaila Tanveer, Justice (R) Nasir Javaid Iqbal, Ms Nasreen Zehra, and Mr Muhammad Tahseen. |
Activity Title: ‘Provincial seminar on ‘Gender-based Legislation and Issues of Implementation’.
Date: December 29, 2011.
Hospitality Inn Hotel, Lahore.
Brief Highlights:
Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment, Aurat Foundation, organized a provincial seminar on ‘Gender-based Legislation and Issues of Implementation’ on December 29, 2011, at Hospitality Inn Hotel, Lahore. Women parliamentarians, representatives from civil society organizations, lawyers, political and social activists and media person participated in the seminar. Ms Yasmeen Rehman, MNA-PPPP, participated as Chief Guest. Group of panelist included Mr Azam Nazir Tara Advocate, Member Pakistan Bar Council, Mr Muhammad Ayub Qureshi, DIG Police Punjab, Mr Muhammad Yousaf, Deputy Director, Human Rights & Minorities Affairs, Mr Hussain Naqi, National Coordinator, HRCP, Dr Khola Iram, Principle Advisor GIZ, and Nasreen Zehra, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation. The seminar was moderated by Ms Shamaila Tanvir, Regional Coordinator LWP-WE.
Ms Yasmeen Rehamn said that there has been a continuous struggle by the women’s movement for years to raise the issues of heinous crimes committed in the name of customary practices. She said that the parliamentarians have striven hard to complete this task. She said that the present government introduced maximum number of pro-women legislation. Mr Azam Nazir Tarar advocate, said that women friendly laws are available but unfortunately the implementation of these laws is highly deplorable. He said lower courts still have strong prejudices against women which surely influence the courts proceedings in all the cases involving women, family affairs and inheritance. Muhammad Ayub Qureshi said that in 12.6 % acid burning cases the criminals are not given any punishment as due to the pressure from influential or relatives, the victim withdraw their cases.
Mr Muhammad Yousaf said that civil society organization and other stakeholder should launch a comprehensive awareness campaign on the currently passed laws at the tehsil and union council level to curb such illegal practices. Mr Hussain Naqi called upon the human rights and civil society organizations to focus their attention on the formulation of rules which are prerequisite for the effective implementation of the laws. Ms Nasreen Zahra appreciated the efforts of the parliamentarians, particularly women parliamentarians, lawyers and activists of civil society organizations who strive hard to highlight the problems of common women were not having any type of facilitation from these laws.
Mr. Hussain Naqi speaking about the concerns and role of civil society in gender-based legislation. |
Mr. M Ayub Qureshi giving presentation on implementation of gender based legislation under gender in-sensitive institutions. |
Activity Title: ‘National Consultation on Gender Based Legislation and Issues of Implementation.’
Date: December 28, 2011.
Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Concerned towards ensuring implementation of recently enacted legislations on women’s rights, Aurat Foundation’s project ‘Local Action to Combat Gender Injustices in Khyber-Pakhtunkhaw’, in collaboration with Norwegian Church Agency, organized a National Consultation on Gender Based Legislation and Issues of Implementation, on Wednesday, December 28, 2011, Holiday Inn Hotel, Islamabad. The main theme of the consultation i.e. gender-based legislation and issues of implementation was divided into three sessions, namely the legal perspective, the context of implementers and civil society’s role. The sessions were moderated by Mr Younas Khalid, Director SPME & Finance, Aurrat Foundation, Mr Mohsin Kyani, Advocate High Court, and Prof. Farkhanda Aurangzeb, Director General, M/o Human Rights
Panel of Chairpersons included Ms Nilofar Bakhtiar, Member Senate of Pakistan; Mr Saqib Ullah Chamkani, Member Provincial Assembly, KP, & Member Standing Committee on Law Reforms and Control on Subordinate Legislation; Sultan Azam Taimuri, Assistant Inspector General (Operations). The panelists included Justice (Retd) Shaiq Usmani, Ms Humaira Masihuddin, Advocate High Court, Ms Helena Saeed, DIG Police, Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman, DIG Police, Malakand, Mr Muhammad Salim Khattak, AD / Training-I, National Police Academy, Ms Valarie Khan, Chairperson, Acid Survivor Foundation, Ms Farzana Ali, Member Provincial Commission on the Status of Women, Ms Samar Minalah, Executive Director ETHNOMEDIA, Ms Musarat Safi, Member Provincial Assembly of KP, and Member Provincial Commission on the Status of Women.
Justice (Retd) Shaiq Usmani, said that our courts, particularly the lower courts still have strong prejudices against women which surely influence the courts proceedings in all the cases involving women, family affairs and inheritance. Reference to Qisas and Diyat Ordinance, he said that severe and sudden provocation was excluded but the superior judiciary, owing to their prejudices towards women, still follows that option. Ms Humaira Masihuddin, in her presentation said that in case of cognizable offence, law considers severity of a crime so high that police can act without warrants and arrest the accused. Mr Saqib Ullah Chamkani, stressed that the problem is not the lacunas present in the law, but the really problem is the mindset – the mindset of implementing agencies like judiciary and law enforcement agencies. He also pointed to the ever increasing gap between the legislators, implementers and the peoples or the beneficiaries of the justice systems as main hurdle delivery of justice to the peoples, particularly in cases of women’s rights.
In the second session on the context of implementers, Mr Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman said that most cases of crimes against women are not registered for various reasons from gender biases to lack of capacity of understanding the nature of damage done to overall socio-economic set up. Mr Muhammad Salim Khattak, in his presentation highlighted the fact that in police department, the recruits which come from rural areas, they bring with them the luggage of gender discriminatory behaviours and perform their duties with such prejudices. These recruits need training but police department lack the resources. Ms Helena Saeed, National Police Academy, said that women have specific need but these specific needs of working women are not address. Same is the case of police department. She said that although initially she didn’t believe in gender-biases, but she admitted that gender-biases do exists in police department. Ms Tahira Abdullah said that most of the time, even if the police officials want to do fair investigations, they succumb to pressure from influential. She suggested that in order to avoid the pressure from the influential, the police department shall benefit the strength of civil society organizations.
Sultan Azam Taimuri said that in order to show their performance, SHOs usually hide the number of cases registered in their police station which is called ‘burking’. He said that for fair implementation, we shall get rid of these practices of ‘burking’. He also stressed that ‘referral pathways’ should be very clear made known all the concerned that one shall know what to do and where to refer if a crime has occurred. Referring to the case of Sudan, he also suggested to start ‘community policing’ in Pakistan, which requires mutual understanding and cooperation between peoples and police.
In the 3rd session on civil society’s role Ms Valarie Khan said that around two hundred cases of acid throwing are reported in Pakistan each year, out of which most cases are reported from Southern Punjab. She said that apart from the awareness, a perfect legislation was very much required. Ms Samar Minalah during her presentation showed some video clips from her documentaries where women were telling their stories of how they were given away in swara, vani and sung chati. Ms Musarat Safi said that women legislators are performing their role of introducing gender-sensitive legislation, however, next is the role of implementation agencies and the civil society. Ms Nasreen Azhar said that the recently made acts shall also be taken to the provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan and Southern Punjab. Ms Nilofar Bakhtiar, Member Senate of Pakistan, while concluding the session, promised the civil society members and women’s rights activists that if they feel there is a need to bring some more amendments in the recently introduced laws, she would introduce those amendments in the Senate of Pakistan. She also proposed formation of a ‘women parliamentarian commission for implementation’ which shall have the powers to summon any concerned institution.
Activity Title: Seminar on Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Act, 2011.
Date: Friday, December 23, 2011.
Hotel Marriott, Karachi.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, Karachi office, under its Legislative Watch Program for Women’s Empowerment, organized a seminar on ‘Prevention of Ant–Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Act 2011’, on December 23, 2011 at Hotel Marriot, Karachi. The seminar was aimed at to appreciating, acknowledging and celebrating the efforts and achievement of women legislators and Aurat Foundation, and discuss the smooth implementation of the Act. Ms Sharmila Farooqi, Advisor to Chief Minister, Sindh, Ms Nusrat Sehar Abbasi, MPA (PML-F), Ms Zareen Majeed, MPA (MQM), Mr Haq Nawaz Talpur, Advocate High Court, and Nilofar Farrukh from Women Action Forum were among the prominent guests.
Advocate Haq Nawaz Talpur, a human rights activist, gave a detailed brief about the Act and said that this is a very exhaustive law and cover more than three grievous offences. The most important aspect of the Act is that all offences falling in he Act have been made non compoundable and non-bail able. Ms Nusrat Sehar Abbasi, MPA (PML–F), said that the passage of the Act has created a ray of hope for women’s empowerment and women rights. She said that the passage of the amendments proved that women parliamentarians had started playing an effective role in the legislation process. She hoped that other draft legislations against domestic violence and violence against home-based workers would also be tabled in the parliament at the earliest.
Ms Sharmela Farooqi, Advisor to the Chief Minister, congratulated political parties, Aurat Foundation’s team and said that all political parties are on the same page on these issues. She said violence against women is a mindset which cannot be stopped with one stoke of pen but needs slow but steady practices to eradicate it. Mahnaz Ragman, Resident Director Aurat Foundation, expressed pleasure over the bill passed in recent times and hoped that crimes against women in the guise of ‘customary practices’ continued gender discrimination and infringements and manipulation of women’s basic rights. Adv. Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator, formally welcomed the participants which included women parliamentarians and women’s rights activists legislation.
The participants, which included members of different political parties, NGOs, members of civil society organizations and media demanded an effective implementation of recently enacted laws providing enhanced and deterrent punishment for anti-women practices in the country.
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Advocate Haq Nawaz Talpur giving presentation on the Prevention of Anti-Women Practices Act. |
Ms Sharmila Farooqi addressing the seminar; (L-R) Adv. Rubina Brohi, Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Ms Nusrat Abbasi, Adv. Haq Nawaz Talpur Ms Zareen Majeed. |
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A view of the seminar. |
Activity Title: ‘Peaceful demonstration in front of parliament House in support of anti-women practices bill.’
Date: December 12, 2011.
Parliament House, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, along with the civil society organizations, organized a peaceful demonstration in support of passage of the Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Bill 2008, and Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill 2010, from the Senate of Pakistan. The main objective of the activity was to ask and influence the senators for smooth passage of the bills from the Senate.
Senator Nilofar Bakhtiar also joined the civil society, stopped each senator at the parliament gates and asked them to vote in favour of the bills. The participants were carrying placards and posters inscribe with appeals to senators in support of the bills.
Senator Nilofar Bakhtiar, members of women wings and civil society outside the parliament. |
Members of the civil society with posters reading "'Respected Senators - please pass the bill; now it is your responsibility". |
Civil society members with placards and posters outside the parliament. |
Activity Title: ‘Khawateen mushaira & folk music program to mark 16-Days of Activism.’
Date: December 9, 2011.
Mumtaz Mirza Studio, Karachi.
Brief Highlights:
While celebrating 16-Days of Activism, the Legislative Watch Program for Women Empowerment of Aurat Foundation Karachi office decided to benefit ‘art and culture’ as a medium to sensitize the public as to how important it is to live in a gender equitable society. The event was organized on December 9, 2011, at the Mumtaz Mirza Auditorium, Karachi. The objective of the activity was to orient the audience on gender equality and women’s rights through poetry and folk music.
The poets invited highlighted key gender issues faced by women in society including domestic violence, rape, karokari, trafficking, discrimination against women etc. A folk band ‘Marval’ sang the spiritual kalaam of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai and other sufi poets. The band was led by a young female singer namely Marval Murk who belonged to one of the most deprived and flood-affected areas of Sanghar district of Sindh. The event was chaired by famous poet Ms Fahmida Riaz. Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson, NCSW, also graced the event with her presence. Other poets included Azra Abbas, Nasim Syed, Fatima Hassan, Tanvir Anjum, Sadia Hareem and Attiya Daud
The event was hosted by Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director and coordinated by Ms Shireen Aijaz, Adv. Rubina Brohi, of AF Karachi office.
Famida Riaz reciting her poetry. |
Marval Murk performing with her group. |
Anis Haraoon reciting her poetry at the Mushaera. |
Activity Title: ‘Candle light vigil to condemn NATO aggression in Pakistan.’
Date: November 30, 2011.
Zarghoon Road, Quetta.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Quetta office organized a candle light vigil to condemn NATO attack. Peace activists, members of civil society and Balochistan Gender Network joined in the candle light vigil to record their protest against the unprovoked target killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers by NATO forces in Mohamand Agency. Former councilors and media persons also joined in for solidarity. The participants expressed solidarity with the families who had lost their loved ones in this tragic incident. They also offered Dua and condolence to the bereaved families.
Aurat Foundation staff and civil society activists holding candle light vigil to condemn the NATO attack in Quetta. |
Candle light vigil to condemn the NATO attack, Quetta. |
Saima Haroon lights candles along other activists. |
Activist lights candles. |
Date: November 29, 2011.
Press Club, Lahore
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation in collaboration with Joint Action Committee organized a candle light vigil to condemn the NATO forces attack on Pakistani forces. Joint Action Committee is a loose alliance of civil society organizations and human rights activists in Lahore. The vigil was organized on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. Nigar Ahmed, Executive Director, Aurat Foundation, also joined in the vigil.
Participants holding candles and playcards at the vigil. |
Nigar Ahmed and JAC members offering the fateha khani for Shuhda. |
Nigar Ahmed expressing her views to the media. |
Candle light vigil at Lahore. |
A view of the vigil against NATO. |
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011.
Super Market, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
The Insani Haqooq Itehad (IHI), a network of human rights organizations and activists organized a candlelight vigil in Islamabad, on Tuesday, November 29, 2011, to protest the killing of 26 Pakistani soldiers in an unprovoked attack by NATO forces at a Pakistani check post in Mohmand Agency on November 26, 2011.
IHI members termed it an act of aggression and a violation of international human rights standards which neither serves peace nor diplomatic relations. The protesters gathered the Super Market Islamabad, lit candles, prayed for the soldiers killed, offered condolences and expressed solidarity with the families who had lost their loved ones in this tragic incident. They strongly condemned the attack by the NATO forces that had resulted in the loss of precious human lives.
IHI also condemned and deplored the violence by militants that has resulted in the loss of over 30,000 innocent lives of Pakistani civilians and the ongoing attacks on schools and markets. IHI members demanded that the government of Pakistan should not allow any militant groups to operate from its soil.
The vigil was attended by around human rights activists, organizations and media persons. Those who addressed the vigil include Simi Kamal, Sameena Nazir, Rehana Hashmi, Rabia Hadi, Alya Mirza, Marvi Sarmad, Farzana Bari and Wasim Wagha.
Vigil participant with placard reading 'NATO agression not-acceptable'. |
Vigil participants with placards reading 'Peace can't be brought through fighting'. |
Rehana Hashmi speaking at the vigil. |
Candle to lamp. |
Activity Title: ‘Press Conference by provincial women parliamentarians to demand quota of 10 per cent of general seats.’
Date: November 26, 2011.
Hotel Holiday Inn, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Women Parliamentarians from four provincial assemblies, invited by the Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment of Aurat Foundation for a 2-Day National Consultation on the Provincial Legislative Issues/Developments after 18th Amendment, on November 26, 2011, address a press conference to demand ten percent mandatory quota on general seats. During the press conference, they read a declaration, which was consented by them after a live debate. Members of civil society organizations, human rights and women’s rights activists and media persons were also joined them in the debate. The declaration is given below.
We, Women Parliamentarians from Provincial Assemblies of Balochistan, Khyber PakhtunKhwa, Sindh and Punjab and representatives of civil society organizations re-affirm our commitment to protect and preserve the provision of reserved seats in the Constitution for women in the National Assembly, Senate and the Provincial Assemblies.
We, Women Parliamentarians, would also like to demand that political parties develop consensus among themselves to amend the Political Parties Act so as to provide mandatory quota of 10 per cent of general seats to women to mainstream them in electoral processes before the next elections, in addition to the already available reserved seats for women.
We believe that the provision of the Reserved Seats for women is the Constitutional right of women of Pakistan under Articles 25, 34, 51 and 106, e.g. Article 25 (3) states: “Nothing in this Article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the protection of women and children”.
We believe that women parliamentarians role in Assemblies helps to initiate debates on issues of women’s empowerment both within and outside legislatures, and eventually, lead to their playing a key role in law-making on crucial issues which concern women and citizens of Pakistan.
We must acknowledge that all important legislation (laws/Bills on ‘honour’ killings, Women’s Protection Act, Protection of Women form Harassment at Workplace, Domestic Violence Bill, Acid Control and Acid Crimes Prevention Bill and recently passed Prevention of Anti-Women Practices Bill) which had been carried out in the Parliament for the last nine years would have not possible without the initiatives and consistent efforts of women parliamentarians across political parties.
We would also like to reiterate the commitment made by the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus at a Roundtable on 29 September 2011, that “we further commit to enhance and strengthen women’s representation in legislatures by working within our respective political parties and elected representatives and examining how the systems of nominations to the reserved seats could be made more democratic and transparent; And that women are represented at all levels of decision-making in political forums;
Declaration endorsed by:
Ms Shehla Raza, Deputy Speaker, Provincial Assembly, Sindh, Dr Ruqiya Hashmi, Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination, Balochistan, Ms Ghazala Gola, Minister for Women’s Development, Balochistan, Ms Heer Soho, MPA (MQM), Sindh, Ms Nusrat Saher Abbasi, MPA (PML-F), Sindh, Ms Humaira Alwani, MPA (PPPP), Sindh, Ms Shameela Aslam, MPA (PML-N), Punjab, Ms Faiza Malik, MPA (PPPP), Punjab, Ms Amna Butter, MPA (PPPP), Ms Deeba Mirza, MPA (PML-N), Punjab, Ms Shazia Tehmas, MPA (PPPP), KP, Ms Nargis Samin, MPA (PPP-Sherpao), KP, Ms Noor-us-Sehar (PPPP), KP.
Shahla Raza reading the declaration endorsed by members of provincial assemblies. |
Shahla Raza responding to the questions put during the press conference. |
A view of the workshop. |
Naeem Mirza reading the proposed delaration to the participants. |
Ms Deeba Mirza speaking at the press conference; Ms Shameela Aslam on her right. |
Samina Khan speaking during the press confernce. |
Activity Title: ‘Aurat Yakjehti Mela to mark 16-Days of Activism.’
Date: November 25, 2011.
Lok Virsa, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Aurat Foundation held Aurat Yakjehti Mela in honor of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women today at the Lok Virsa Heritage Museum.
The mela is one in a series of events that are being held by local organizations and the international community across Pakistan and around the world as part of the annual international campaign titled 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence. The campaign begins on November 25, International Day against Violence against Women, and ends on December 10, International Human Rights Day, to symbolically link violence against women and human rights.
“I would like to call upon all of us today to redress the status of women and girls that renders them undervalued and vulnerable,” said Dr. Andrew Sisson, Director of USAID Mission in Pakistan addressing participants of the event. “We all, men and women, need to take an active role in addressing and preventing violence, changing gender attitudes, and increasing the commitment by community and government leaders on the issue.”
Dr. Sisson’s words were echoed by Anis Haroon, the chairperson of National Commission for the Status of Women, who highlighted the need to challenge militarism and end violence against women by bringing together women’s, peace, and human rights movements. Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer of the Aurat Foundation, discussed the Prevention of Anti-women Practices Act 2011, which criminalizes violent and discriminatory practices against women and girls and was recently passed by the national assembly. Simi Kamal, the Chief of Party for the USAID-funded Gender Equity Program, outlined the strategy that the program adopted to combat gender based violence. Black Box Sounds presented a USAID-funded media campaign that will highlight stories of struggle and courage of working Pakistani women through different TV, radio channels, and newspapers. The event also featured stories of women-survivors of violence, handicrafts made by the beneficiaries of the Gender Equity Program, and a theatrical performance by renowned artist Feryal Gauhar.
The mela is one of the many gender-related activities that USAID supports under its Gender Equity Program that is administered by the Aurat Foundation. As of November 2011, USAID has provided 76 grants valued at $3.5 million for initiatives that promote women’s access to justice, combat gender-based violence, and strengthen Pakistani organizations working to advance women’s rights.
Activity Title: ‘Candle light vigil to mark 16 Days of Activism against gender violence.’
Date: November 24, 2011.
In front of Punjab Assembly, Charing Cross, Lahore.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, under the Legislative Watch Programme for Women's Empowerment, organized a Candle Light Vigil to mark 16 Days of Activism against gender violence with the theme of ‘From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World’. The vigil was organized in Lahore on November 24, 201, in front of Punjab Assembly. Members of Mumkin Alliance (network of human rights organization working to end violence against women), political activists, lawyers and media attended the vigil. The vigil was addressed by Nasreen Zehra, Naeema Malik, Shabnum Rasheed, Abdullah Malik and Shamaila Tanvir. They strongly demanded that provincial government of Punjab is not giving due importance to domestic violence bill in Punjab Assembly. The participants reiterated to continue their struggle till the end of violence against women in Pakistan.
Civil society activists at the vigil. |
Civil society activists holding candles at the vigil. |
Civil society activists chanting slogans at the vigil. |
Activity Title: ‘Provincial Consultation on: ‘Passage of the ‘Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Bill, 2011’ and Way Forward’.
Date: November 23, 2011.
Usmania Hotel, Quetta.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Quetta office team organized a provincial consultation celebrate and share the passage of ‘Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Bill, 2011’ and devise strategy to influence the senators, with the help of women parliamentarians, politicians and civil society, for the passage of the Act from the Senate too. The participants included members of Balochistan Assembly, representatives of civil society organizations, lawyers, political and social activist sand media persons.
Justice (R) Vishwarnath Kohli, member National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) shared the main points of the bill and suggested some major amendments. Ms Husn Bano, MPA (JUI) and Advisor to the Chief Minster, and Ms Zarina Zehri, PMA (PPPP) and Advisor to the CM appreciated the efforts of Aurat Foundation that it always takes lead in conducting consultations like this. They said they would lobby with the senators of Balochistan for the passage of the Act from the Senate. Ms Rukhsana Ahmed Ali, member National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) also spoke on the Act. Haroon Dawood, Resident Director, and Amir Ali from Aurat Foundation gave a details of the process of the passage of the bill from the National Assembly, and history of women’s movement in Pakistan. Women politicians present in the consultation gave their commitment to lobby the bill with their respective party senators. At the end participants adopted a resolution that:
- All the provincial assemblies shall lobby with the senators and put pressure on them for its passage and also make legislation on women’s rights issues at the provincial level after 18th amendment.
- All the provincial assemblies ensure legislation on prevention of acid throwing incidents and abuse of women’s graves.
 Ms Rukhsana Ahmed Ali, Justice (R) Vishwarnath Kohli, Zarina Baloch, Husan Bano and Saima Haroon..JPG) |
 Amir Ali, Saima Haroon, Zarina Baloch, and Haroon Durrani..JPG) |
(R-L) Ms Rukhsana Ahmed Ali, Justice (R) Vishwarnath Kohli, Zarina Baloch, Husan Bano and Saima Haroon.. |
Husan Bano speaking at the event. On stage (R-L) Amir Ali, Saima Haroon, Zarina Baloch, and Haroon Durrani. |
MPAs Zarina Baloch and Husan Bano reading the copy of the Prevention of Anti-Women Practices Act, 2011. |
A view of the event. |
Activity Title: ‘Launch of GEP studies in Sindh.’
Date: November 22, 2011.
Applied Economics Research Center, University of Karachi.
Brief Highlights:
For launching the scoping desk studies of Gender Equality Programme (GEP) organized an event in collaboration with the Applied Economics Research Centre (AERC) at the University of Karachi on 22nd November, 2011. The scoping desk studies and three key research thrusts included: i) primary research studies covering gender-based violence, ii) a national baseline study for GEP and iii) policy research studies. In this regard, an event was initiated by Aurat Foundation Karachi office to launch the GEP studies in Sindh.
The launch event commenced with the screening of GEP Documentary ‘Main Safar Main Hoon’. Ms Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, AF Karachi Office gave the Introduction & Link between Research and Action in GEP, Ms Muneezeh Saeed Khan, Sr. Program Officer (M&E), AF presented the Findings of Scoping Studies & Upcoming Research under GEP and Ms Shahida Sajid Ali, Program Officer (CB) AF, facilitated the event. The key note speakers were Dr Nuzhat Ahmad, Director, Applied Economics Research Centre –AERC, University of Karachi and Dr Aliya, Lecturer, Centre of Excellence for Women’s Studies –CEWS, University of Karachi.
The Chief Guest of the event was Ms Tauqeer Fatimah Bhutto, Minister for Women Development. Ms Simi Kamal, Chief of Party – GEP, Aurat Foundation and Ms BushraJaffer, Deputy Chief of Party-GEP, Asia Foundation were also present at the event. The launch was attended by approx. 100 participants from the academia (including heads of departments), students, researchers, writers, civil society, government institutions and the media. Other notables were Mr Qaisar Bengali, Ex Advisor to Chief Minister, Ms Seema Najeeb, Secretary, Women Development Department, Ms Shagufta Alizai, Senior Consultant, First Women Bank Ltd., Prof.Dr Nasreen Aslam Shah ,Director, Centre of Excellence for Women’s Studies (CEWS), Ms Tahira Aftab, former Director of CEWS, and MsRiaz Fatima, Assistant Director, Research Unit, Social Welfare Department.
Ms Tauqeer Fatimah Bhutto speaking at the GEP scooping studies launch. |
Activity Title: ‘Ceremony on the ‘Passage of the ‘Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Bill, 2011, and Way Forward’.’
Date: Thursday, 17 November 2011.
Best Western Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Civil society activists, senior lawyers and women parliamentarians showered praise on Dr. Donya Aziz, Member National Assembly from PML-Q for her initiative in moving and pushing her Private Members Bill to a resounding success in the National Assembly to end customary practices against women in Pakistan. They described the passage of the Bill as a landmark event and an historic achievement in the interest of women.
Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment organized the reception ceremony to share information and the joy on the ‘Passage of the ‘Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Bill, 2011, and Way Forward’ on Thursday, 17 November 2011, at Islamabad.
Dr Donya Aziz, being the prime mover of the Bill was the Chief Guest and Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women presided over the function. The panel of speakers included Senator Nilofar Bakhtiar, Ms Tahira Abdullah, Ms Samar Minallah, Ms Rehana Hashmi and Naeem Mirza, Chif Operating Officer, Aurat Foundation. All the speakers congratulated Dr Donya Aziz for bringing the bill and getting it passed from the National Assembly.
Dr Donya Aziz, while giving her remarks and responding to various comments and concerns raised by the speakers, said that all supporters of the Bill in the National Assembly and members of the concerned Standing Committee, as well as, her senior colleagues in PML-Q deserved appreciation for this achievement as without their support it would have not been possible.
“We faced a lot of resistance at various stages from several quarters, but the fact that everyone supported it in the end should be considered as a sea change in the mindset of the elected representatives of people. This is a positive sign,” Dr Donya Aziz said. She said though everyone had supported it, she would like to dedicate this success to the women’s rights activists because they began the struggle for these objectives a long time ago, when she was in kindergarten.
She said that any amendment proposed by the Senators or concerned civil society organizations should be welcome. However, the Bill should be approved from the Senate in its present form to avoid any hindrance. “Once it becomes law, amendments could be moved in the law for making it a perfect piece of legislation,” she said.
Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), appreciated the passage of the bill as a landmark achievement towards women’s empowerment. She said that the bill would also result in ending the violence against women. Women’s rights organizations and committed activists have been struggling for decades to have this kind of legislation. She offered her full support in getting it passed from the Senate.
Senator Nilofar Bakhtiar, in her address, gave her commitment that she would not only fully support the passage of the bill from the Senate but would also create a support base in the Senate for its passage. Responding to the opinion form some speakers that the loopholes in the bill shall be removed in the Senate, she suggested that if the bill is further amended in the Senate then it will have to be sent to the joint sitting of the Parliament to be passed again which would further delay the passage of the bill.
Ms Tahira Abdullah, a renowned human rights activist, while analyzing the bill pointed out that although the passage of the bill was appreciable but still there were some loopholes which should be addressed when the bill would be presented in the Senate. She said that in column 8 of the schedule II, Act V of 1898 ‘or’ should be replaced with ‘and’ to make it effective. She also expressed concern whether magistrate of first class as magistrate would have the authority to fine the culprits with ceilings given in the bill.
Ms Samar Minalah, a prominent human rights activist and a film-maker, while giving her opinion on the passage of the bill, said that when the bill will be presented in the Senate, it would be important if ‘sung-chati’, a kind of marriage similar to ‘swara’ and ‘vani’, shall also be added in the bill as liable to punishment.
Ms. Rehana Hashmi, Executive Director, Sisters Trust, appreciated the government for supporting the bill and giving importance to women’s rights issues. She also said that the government now has responsibility to get the bill passed from the Senate as well. She said that the government and the courts also need to devise a strategy for its smooth and just implementation.
Mr Mohsin Akhtar Kayani, Advocate, said that ‘wanni and Swara’ have not been defined in any law (PPC & this bill), therefore, it would have been ideal if these would have been defined here. Referring to Section 498A he said that the women who had been deprived from her property/succession must be given back her rights or property after determination of her legal heirship simultaneously at the time of the decision of the court under this law.
He further said that under section 498B the person who arranged, facilitated the forced marriage must be included to cover the witnesses e.g. the Nikah Registrar and the forced marriage must be declared null and void. Any victim/women or child shall be entitled to take maintenance or other rights regarding the period of marriage, he said.
Earlier Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer of Aurat Foundation, said that the civil society and women’s rights organizations and activists are concerned that the ball was now in the Senate, where two important women’s rights bills had already been stalled in the recent past. “We all hope that the Senate will pass this bill to make it an act. If the Senate blocks the bill, the civil society would have no other option except to give ‘dharna’ (sit-in) in front of the Parliament House.
Activity Title: ‘Supporting and participating in poster competition and drama festival at Rawalpindi Arts Council.’
Date: 26-28 October, 2011.
Rawalpindi Arts Council, Rawalpindi.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation supported a three day event i.e. ‘Poster Competition and Drama Festival’ which was organized by the Rawalpindi Arts Council (RAC) organized so that to raise the issues of concern for girls and women in Pakistan. The Council invited student of girls colleges and universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Aurat Foundation supported the event by putting a stall at the event to share with the participants various information material on women’s rights issues. The Rawalpindi Arts Council also presented an award to Aurat Foundation for its services to promote women’s rights; the awards was received by Rabeea Shah, National Coordinator, Aurat Foundation. Wasim Wagha, National Coordinator, while giving his remarks, appreciated RAC’s efforts of promoting women’s rights issues through art.
Rabeea Shah receiving award on behalf of Aurat Foundation.
Wasim Wagha speaking at the event. |
Condolence meetings for Begum Nusrat Bhutto
Activity Title: ‘Condolence Reference to Pay Homage to: Struggle and Sacrifices of Begum Nusrat Bhutto.’
Date: Thursday October 27, 2011.
Aurat Foundation office, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation organized a condolence reference to pay tribute to Begum Nusrat Bhutto for her struggle for democracy And women’s empowerment.
Naeem Mirza, COO, Aurat Foundation, in his opening remarks, said that Begum Nusrat Bhutto stood like a huge wall of resistance before the Zial-ul-Haq tyranny and defeated its nefarious designs. She failed the dictator’s plan to eliminate Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttto, ideologically and politically. This was her major contribution to Pakistan’s democratic struggle. She was a staunch supporter of women’s rights, and was the first woman head of political party after ZAB’s judicial murder. As a self-less member of the Women's National Guard, she rendered herself day and night into the relief operation of the millions of the uprooted refugees, feeding them, providing them shelter and succor.
Women’s rights activist Rehana Hashmi said, “Even my daughter asked me why the government had announced Monday as a public holiday. Though it was a bit embarrassing, but I got a chance to tell her about the courageous lady”. At the occasion participants expressed their feelings and views towards the Iron Lady of Pakistan and her long struggle for restoration of democracy during the most oppressive socio-political and violent times in the history of Pakistan. “There is a dire need to inform our new generation about all those heroes and legends who made sacrifices and big contributions for Pakistan like Begum Nusrat Bhutto”, said Rakhshinda Parveen. Kishwar Naheed read her poem ‘teri jasi maa...’to pay tribute to Begum Nusrat Bhutto. On behalf of Anis Haroon, Chairperson National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), a participant also read her poem “Kab talak zulm rahega kamran-o-kamyab, waqt ley gaa ik roze khoon-e-na haq ka hisab / teri lahad key atraf mahakten haien surkh gulab, terey pahloo mein khawbeda ik jahan-e-inqalab”. Other speakers also included Senator Babar Awan, Zamurrad Khan (Chairperson Bait-ul-Maal), Senator Saeedam Iqbal (PPP), Senator Farhat Abas Syed (wife of Late Syed Qamar Abas), Nargis Faiz Malik (member National Assembly and President Women Wing of Islamabad District, Nasreen Azhar (member NCSW), Tahira Abdullah (a renowned women’s rights activist), Senator Begum Surya Amir-ud-Din, Advocate Shah Khawar (farmer Deputy Attorney General of Pakistan) and Marvi Sarmad (human rights activist).
Ms Tahira Abdullah in her address reminded the participants Nusrat Bhutto also served as the Chairperson of Red Crescent. Her contribution as the chairperson of the Red Crescent had gone a long way in improving the country's image. She also said that today we all should pay tribute to ‘three brave men in the history of Pakistan’ namely Justice Durab Patel, Justice Abdul Haleem and Justice Safdar Shah, who gave dissenting notes in the court judgment on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s hanging.
Participants also suggested that, in order to highlight the struggle of Nusrat Bhutto, the government shall set up a trust in her name which would also promote women’s cause and support women leaders at grass root level. They expressed that she had been a pride for Pakistani women by representing her country at various international forums. She represented Pakistan at the First UN Women World Conference held in 1975 at Mexico, and urged the global community for affirmative measures for women's empowerment. This was the time when the UN declared ‘the 1975-1985’ as the “Decade of Women”, during which women's movement spread across the world. Ironically, Nusrat Bhutto attended the first women's world conference and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto represented the Fourth UN Women World conference at Beijing in 1995, so far the last such conference. She has also received various international awards for her immense contribution to the greatest good of the largest number especially workers, women and children.
Activity Title: ‘Candle light vigil in memory of Begum Nusrat Bhutto.’
Date: October 26, 2011.
Charring Cross, Lahore.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation, Lahore office under the Legislative Watch Programme for Women Empowerment, organized a candle light vigil so that to pay tribute to the struggle and sacrifices of Begum Nusrat Bhutto for democracy and women’s empowerment in Pakistan. The vigil was held on 26th October, 2011, at Charring Cross near Punjab Assembly building, Lahore. The vigil was also attended by the members of civil society organizations, women parliamentarians, workers of political parties and media.
Ms Faiza Malik, MPA-PPP, Abdullah Malik, Advisor to the Governor Punjab, Tasneem Chauhdry, General Secretary PPPP, Nasreen Zehra, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation, Mumtaz Mughal and Shamaila Tanvir from Aurat Foundation paid rich tribute and highlighted the struggle of Begum Nusrat Bhutto.
AF team lighting candles at the vigil. |
Participants with the placards reading ‘we miss you mother / we salute mother of democracy’. |
(L-R) Faiza Malik and other PPP workers at the vigil. |
A view of the vigil. |
Activity Title: ‘Aurat Foundation delegation to Naudero to pay homage and offer Fatiha Khawani on the death of Begum Nusrat Bhutto.’
Date: October 25, 2011.
Garhi Khuda Bakhsh, Naudero.
Brief Highlights:
A delegation of five members of Aurat Foundation’s Karachi staff went to pay homage and offer Fatiha Khawani on the death of Begum Nusrat Bhutto on 25th October, 2011. The delegation included Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, Shireen Aijaz, Regional Coordinator PDM-VAW, Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator LWP-WE and Muneezeh Khan Program Officer, M&E GEP. The staff first offered Fatiha Khawani at the tomb of late Nusrat Bhutto at Garhi Khuda Bakhsh. Later they went to Naudero where they met the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari and his three children Bilawal, Asifa and Bakhtawar. The delegation also met Sanam Bhutto, Nusrat Bhutto’s daughter, and Faryal Talpur, MNA and sister of President of Pakistan) to offer condolence.
AF delegation offering Fatiha Khawani at Naudero. |
AF Karachi delegation at Garhi Khuda Bakhsh. |
The delegation offering Fatiha Khawani at the tomb of Begum Nusrat Bhutto; Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, MNA, PPP, also in the picture |
Activity Title: ‘Pakistan’s Goodwill Ambassador for Women’s Empowerment visited Aurat Foundation.’
Date: Thursday October 20 , 2011.
Aurat Foundation Office, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
Syeda Fiza Batool Gilani, Pakistan’s Goodwill Ambassador for Women’s Empowerment, visited Aurat Foundation office, Islamabad, on 21st October, 2011. She was accompanied by Ms Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Social Sector, Ms Fauzia Sana, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Ms Bushra Ali Zulqarnain, member NCSW, and Ms Gulfreeen Sajid and Ms Tania Khawaja from Afreen NGO. From Aurat Foundation, Mr Naeem Mirza, COO- AF, Mr Younas Khalid, Director SP/FME, Ms Ibtesam Hassan Qaisrani, Coordinator, NAF-GEP, and four National Coordinators namely Ms Nayyar Shabana, Ms Rabeea Shah, Mr Asim Malik and Mr Wasim Wagha. Ms Simi Kamal, CoP-GEP (AF) and Ms Bushra Jafar, DCoP-GEP, (The Asia Programme) represented the Gender Equity Programme (GEP).
Activity Title: ‘Provincial consultation on domestic violence bill.’
Date: 13th October, 2011.
Hotel Marriot, Karachi.
Brief Highlights:
The Policy and Data Monitoring Program on Violence Against Women (PDM-VAW) programme of Aurat Foundation Karachi office held a provincial consultation to discuss the future modalities of the domestic violence bill after the introduction of the 18th Amendment. The consultation was held on 13th October, 2011, at Hotel Marriott. The consultation was chaired by the Speaker of Sindh Assembly Mr Nisar Ahmed Khuhro. Other prominent legislators included Ms Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, provincial Minister for Women Development, and Ms Sharmeela Farooqi, Advisor to Chief Minister, Sindh. Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) was also present. The consultation was organized in collaboration with National Commission on Status of Women. Ms Shireen Aijaz, Regional Coordinator PDM- VAW, moderate the dialogue.
Nisar Ahmed Khuhro addressing the consultation; (L-R) Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Sharmeela Farooqi and Shireen Aijaz. |
Anis Hraoon expressing her views on the future of domestic violence bill |
Shireen Aijaz briefing the participants about the consultation. |
Activity Title: ‘Provincial Dialogue on Domestic Violence Bill.’
Date: September 21, 2011.
PC Hotel, Peshawar.
Brief Highlights:
A provincial dialogue on Domestic Violence Bill was arranged by Aurat Foundation, in collaboration with National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), on 21st September, 2011, at PC Hotel, Peshawar. Mr Karamatullah Chagarmatti, Speaker, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, presided the meeting and Ms Sitara Ayaz, Provincial Minister for Social Welfare and Women development was the Chief Guest.
Ms Shabina Ayaz, Resident Director Aurat Foundation’s Peshawar office briefed the guests about Aurat Foundations work and experiences of collecting data on violence against women during the last three years. She also shared with the participants the objective of the dialogue on domestic violence bill.
Legal experts Ms Maliha Zia (consultant) and Ms Riffat Butt (from NCSW) gave detailed presentations on the domestic violence bill (DVB). Speaking on the occasion Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson NCSW, said that domestic violence is not only a national but a global issue. Our government has signed the all the conventions which discuss. She said that after the 18th Amendment, the DVB has become a provincial subject and civil society hoped that the provincial government will take this bill up in the assemblies and get it passed.
Ms Sitara Ayaz Provincial Minister for Social Welfare and women development said that that lot of work has been done in this regard and hopefully after review the draft bill will be tabled in the assembly. She said besides presenting the bill in assembly steps will be taken for the promotion of the women’s right awareness among men. She said male MPAs will also be mobilized to support the bill. ANP will fully support this bill. Ms Nighat Orakzai assured the participants that her party PML (Q) will support the bill.
Mr Karamatullah Chagarmatti said that his party and government have always emphasized on women’s education and have constructed schools and colleges for girls. He suggested that the bill should be presented before law reform committee for review before tabling it in the assembly. We will brainstorm on the bill and we will support it. Participants included women parliamentarians from provincial assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, members of CSOs, members of National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), members of Provincial Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) and media.
Maliha Zia giving presentation; Riffat Butt on her right.
(L-R) Women parliamentarians Sajida Tabassum, Tabassum Shams, Nargis Samin, Zubeida Ihsan, Munawar Sultana. |
(L-R) Shabina Ayaz, Sitara Ayaz, Karamatullah Chagarmati, Anis Haroon and Zubeida Khatoon. |
Activity Title: ‘Two-day Drama Listening Gathering (DLGs) workshops’
Date: 20-21 September,2011
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Peshawar office organized a 2-Day Drama Listening Gathering (DLGS) workshop based on an Urdu audio drama ‘Hai Kahin Roshni’ that comprised of six episodes each of nearly twenty five minute duration. The drama highlighted women’s issues like forced marriage, right to inheritance, gender-based violence issues alongside covering women’s right to entertainment, education, and free and safe mobility.
Two-day Drama Listening Gathering workshop at Haripur.
Two-day Drama Listening Gathering workshop at Haripur. |
Activity Title: ‘Two-day capacity building workshop for community women leader.’
Date: September 15-16, 2011.
Decent Lodge Guest House, Sukkur.
Brief Highlights:
The team of Raising Her Voice (RHV) project at AF Karachi office organized a two-day capacity building workshop for community women leader on 15th and 16th September, 2011, at Sukkur. Malka khan, the regional coordinator of RHV project briefed the participants about the workshop.
Shahida Ahmed gave the group works presidention. |
Sumaria Hafeez giving presentation on ‘Networking & Lobbying’. |
Participants of the workshop in group photo. |
Malka Khan briefing the participants about the aims and objectives of the workshop. |
Activity Title: ‘STOP: Civil society protest against the target killings in Karachi.’
Date: Friday August 19, 2011.
National Press Club, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
A group of citizens of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, joined by Insani Haqooq Itehad (IHI) and senior citizens, workers of various political parties, gathered outside the National Press Club, Islamabad, to condemn the brutal and incessant target killings in Karachi. The participants said that the situation of Karachi need all the nation to stand up and say ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’ - ‘WE CAN NOT BEAR IT ANY MORE’; ‘IF WE LET IT GO ON, THEN WE ARE NO MORE’. The feared that if the violence in Karachi was not stopped, it will spread to other areas of Pakistan – which means that tomorrow the whole Pakistan will become what Karachi is today, if didn’t stand up and unite to bring peace.
The participants demanded the government that it shall feel the heat of its responsibility and immediately STOP the target killing in Karachi. The human rights activist and organizations also mobilized their friends and organizations in Karachi to organize a similar protest. The citizens of Karachi and human rights organizations have planned to hold a wide protest in Karachi tomorrow i.e. on August 20, 2011.
The protest demonstration was addressed by Simi Kamal, a human rights activist from Aurat Foundation, Anis Haroon, Chairperson National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), Dr Rakhshanda Perveen (Creative Anger), Anbreen Ajaib (Coordinator Insani Haqooq Itehad), Dr Farzana Bari, Mazhar Ali (a senior citizen) and renowned human rights activist Jahangir Akhtar (who is going on hunger strike till death from 12th September for ‘end of corruption in Pakistan’, and ‘Cut in military budget’).
Simi Kamal, Alya Mirza and Anis Haroon, in their address to the participants said that this is just the beginning of the ‘protest for peace’ and they would continue this in coming days. Wasim Wagha, Member Insani Haqooq Itehad (IHI), while giving some details of the future strategy said that on Monday next, the group would organized a ‘candle light vigil’ after the Iftar times.
Protest against Karachi Killings 19th August 2011. |
Civil society activists demonstrating against the Karachi killings. |
Activity Title: ‘Situation of violence against women – bi-annual report January – June 2011.’
Date: Tuesday August 16, 2011.
Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Brief Highlights:
The Policy Data Monitor-Violence Against Women (PDM) or Aurat Foundation organized a press conference on August 16, 2011 at Islamabad to share with media its bi-annual report on violence against women in Pakistan during the first six months of the current year. The programme has observed a tremendous rise in the amount of cases of violence against women during January to June 2011 as compared to last year. There were 4448 cases reported till June 2011 as compared to 4061 cases in year 2010. The majority of cases reported were from Punjab (3035) and Baluchistan having the least (133). 26% of these total cases were due to abduction/kidnapping followed by 18% cases related to murder. Increase in committing suicide among youth is another concerning factor which signals the violent environment women of the country live in. There has although been a decrease of 12% of reported cases in Sindh province which indicates a decline in violence against women compared to last year.
We although believe that these figures are just the tip of the iceberg and majority of Violence Against Women (VAW) cases remain unrecorded due to social and traditional obligations. Another reason to women not reporting their cases is lack of access to reporting system of violence which women face. Aurat foundation is into its fourth year of outlining and monitoring the cases of violence against women. We are in the process of opening our offices in Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). Lack of legislation is one of the main reasons behind the increases in cases of VAW and there should be a witness protection law in the country. The press conference was address by Samar Minallah, Tahira Noor, Dr Mustafa Solangi and Rabeea Hadi.
 Rabeea Hadi, Alya Mirza and Sama Mihalllah address the press conference.JPG) |
 Dr Mustafa Solangi, Rabeea Hadi, Alya Mirza, Samar Mihalllah and Tahira Noor at the press conference.JPG) |
(L-R) Rabeea Hadi, Alya Mirza and Sama Mihalllah address the press conference.
(L-R) Dr Mustafa Solangi, Rabeea Hadi, Alya Mirza, Samar Mihalllah and Tahira Noor at the press conference. |
Activity Title: ‘Provincial Consultation on ‘Women and Issues of Food Security and Livelihoods’.’
Date: Sunday August 14, 2011.
Marriott Hotel, Karachi.
Participants: Members of civil society organizations, lawyers, and media.
Panelist: Qaiser Bengali, Economist, & Executive Advisor to Chief Minister, Sindh.
Mahnaz Rahman RD, AF Karachi Adv. Rubina Brohii, Regional coordinator Legislative watch Program for Women Empowerment,
Brief Highlights:
Legislative Watch Program for Women Empowerment organized a Provincial Consultation on ‘Women and Issues of Food Security and Livelihood’ on 14th August, 2011, at Marriott Hotel, Karachi. Mr Qaiser Bengali, Economist, & Executive Advisor to Chief Minister, Sindh, one of the panelists, said that issues of health, transport and education are equally important and must be paid attention to along with the issues of food security and these issues are basically producing poverty.
Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director Aurat Foundation, Karachi office, shared with the participants Aurat Foundation, with the vision of Ms Nigar Ahmed, was the first to take up the issue of women farmers which included a conference with hari women. The plight of women farmers were also well covered in AF publications. Earlier, Adv. Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator LWP-WE gave details about the project.
 Qaiser Bengali, Mahnaz Rahman and Rubina Brohi (1).JPG) |
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(L-R) Qaiser Bengali, Mahnaz Rahman and Rubina Brohi.
Mahnaz Rahman speaking at the event |
Activity Title: ‘Pathways of progress for women of Pakistan- local and National Actions under Gender Equity Program.’
Date: Saturday July 30, 2011.
Serina Hotel, Islamabad.
Participants: GEP’s sub-grantees from all over Pakistan, member of its National Advisory Forum (NAF), civil society organizations and media persons.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Gender Equity Program (GEP) has successfully completed its first year. During the year GEP has achieved great success and gauged a noticeable visibility among civil society partners, government institutes, academia, media and general public.
In order to celebrate successful completion of a year of promoting gender equality, GEP organized an event, titled ‘Pathways of progress for women of Pakistan- local and National Actions under Gender Equity Program’, on July 30, 2011, at Islamabad. At this occasion GEP invited its sub-grantees from all over the Pakistan. Sub-grantees showcased their work, and displayed their materials, reports and outputs at their stalls.
In her opening remarks National Advisory Forum (NAF) Chairperson Shahnaz Wazir Ali noted that GEP provides an opportunity, both in volume of funding and its strategic design, to harness opportunities and capacities both within and outside government for women advancement. Justice (Retd) Majida Rizvi stressed the recognition of women’s identity by including mothers name in all identity documents including birth certificates and CNICs. She further emphasized on civil society organization to start advocacy and lobbying for adding mothers name in identity documents and civil registrations. Anis Haroon, Chairperson NCSW, stressed the need for opening the gender discourse at provincial level so that to enhance legislation and improve mind sets towards women.
Speakers also included Sitara Ayaz , Provincial Minister for Women’s Development, Khyber-Pakhtunkhaw, Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Provincial Minster for Women’s Development Sind, Ghazala Gola, Provincial Minster For Women’s Development, Balochistan, and Kamran Michael, Provincial Minster For Women’s Development, Punjab, and Charles Cutshall, Democracy and Governance Advisor, office of Democracy and Governance, USAID.
Shahnaz Wazir Ali speaking at the GEP event; on stage (L-R) Simi Kamal, Dr Masuma Hasan, Justice (Retd) Majida Rizvi, and Charles Cutshall.
Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto speaking at the event; on stage (L-R) Simi Kamal, Dr Masuma Hasan, Justice (Retd) Majida Rizvi, Charles Cutshall, Shahnaz Wazir Ali and Kamran Michael. |
Activity Title: ‘Lecture by Arif Hassan on Participatory Development. ’
Date: Friday July 29, 2011.
Islamabad Hotel, Melody, Islamabad.
Participants: Members of civil society organizations, human and women’s rights activists, coordinators of Aurat Foundation’s Citizens Action Committees, women leaders from 50 districts of Pakistan and media friends.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation organized a lecture by Mr Arif Hassan on the issue of ‘Participatory Development’ followed by discussion on July 29, 2011, at a local hotel in Islamabad. The event also launched one of Arif Hassan’s publication titled ‘Shirakti Taraqi’.
Mr Arif Hassan, a renown writer on the issues relating to development in Pakistan, while delivering a lecture, said that his work and writings mostly owe its content from his learning from Akhtar Hameed Khan and his development paradigm and practices which set best example of pro-peoples and pro-poor development. He also shared with the audience the story of Orangi Pilot Project. The book ‘Shirakti Taraqi’, written in Urdu, and launched on the event is in fact ,a story of Karachi and Pakistan, and its contents contains details description of Orangi Pilot Project, its Research and Training Institute and Urban Resource Centre. The book also discuss various NGOs, CBOs and their projects planned and implemented on the pattern of Oranig Pilot Project. Mr Hassan also discussed in detail the outstanding aspects of Orangi Pilot Project including the background of Orangi, the beginning of the project and the working culture developed during the project.
Other books by Mr Arif Hassan, shared at the event, also include ‘Ba Zabta Inqlab’ which discuss the observations of social and financial change in Pakistan, ‘Karachi’ which discuss the planning and development alternatives, and ‘Hijrat aur Paksitan mein Chhotey Shehr’, which discuss the immigration and the issues of smaller cities.
Dr Nasim-ul-Hassan, one of the speakers, while commenting on Arif Hassan’s book ‘Shirakti Tariqi’ (participatory development), said that participatory development is inevitable for Pakistan’s prosperity as it has the potential to ensure the delivery of basic human rights and needs like safe drinking water, food security etc. He said that the government and non-government sector, which control and deliver the development, needs to understand and practice the philosophy of ‘participatory development’. Mr Harris Khalique, writer and analyst, and another speaker of the event, said that Arif Hassan is the person who, through his writings and academic lectures has promoted the important notion that the education in Pakistan should be very much linked with the real life, with the peoples of the country.
Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Aurat Foundation, welcomed the participants and shared with them the vision of Aurat Foundation which aims women’s empowerment through their participation in politics, government and development.
Arif Hassan delivering lecture; on stage (L-R) Naeem Mirza, Hrris Khaliq and Dr Nasim ur Rehman.
Naeem Mirza speaking on participatory development and its importance for women; on stage (L-R) Dr Nasim ur Rehman, Arif Hassan and Hrris Khaliq.
Activity Title: ‘Bi-Annual report on violence against women in Sindh launched. ’
Date: Thursday July 21, 2011.
Karachi Press Club.
Participants: Members of the PDM-VAW group, members of civil society organizations and media persons.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation Karachi office launched the bi-Annual report titled ‘Policy and Data Monitor on Violence against Women’ on Thursday, 21st July 2011 at the Karachi Press Club. Ms Nusarat Sehar Abbasi, MPA (PML-F) launched the report.
The concerned staff of Policy Data Monitor – Violence Against Women (PDM-VAW) programme, namely Shireen Aijaz, Regional Coordinator-PDM-VAW, and Fareeda Hannan, Programme Officer-PDM-VAW, shared with the participants the main findings of the report.
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The participants with the copies of the PDM-VAW report.
Ms Nusrat Abbasi speaking at the report launch.
Activity Title: ‘Aurat Foundation signed MoU with National Database Registration Authority (NADRA). ’
Date: Tuesday July 19, 2011.
Local Hotel, Islamabad.
Participants: Aurat Foundation and NADRA officials..
Brief Highlights:
In order to help unregistered women in getting their computerized national identity cards (CNICs), Aurat Foundation signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with National Database Registration Authority (NADRA), on July 19, 2011, at NADRA office, Islamabad. Naeem Mirza, COO Aurat Foundation, and Tariq Malik, Deputy Chairman NADRA signed the MoU. Mir Alam, Chief COO NADRA, Simi Kamal, Chief of Party Gender Equality Programme (GEP) and Younus Khalid, Director M&E Aurat Foundation also participated in the MoU signing ceremony.
According to the agreement, Aurat Foundation would provide grants through competitive process to local NGOs and community based organizations to mobilize their resources to achieve the objective in collaboration with NADRA. The project would increase women’s and their access to social, economic and political rights. The NADRA official said that it may waive some conditions of documentation for eligible deserving citizens while processing their CNIC applications.
Naeem Mirza, COO Aurat Foundation, and Tariq Malik, Deputy Chairman NADRA, signing the MoU; on their right Mir Alam, Chief COO NADRA; Simi Kamal, CoP GEP and Younus Khalid, Director M&E Aurat Foundation (on the back, in the centre). |
Activity Title: ‘Sessions on women’s forced marriage and right to inheritance with religious scholars, Khateebs, and Nikah-Khwans’
Date: July 7-21, 2011.
Al-Wassay Hotel, Haripur.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s Peshawar office organized awareness and advocacy sessions with religious scholars, khateebs and nikah-khawns of the area so that to have the all-time important support of Ulemas, Khateebs, and Nikah Khwans in countering the gender-based injustices against women especially those which are done at the time of filling the Nikah form. Prof Muhammad Arshad Qayyum, the faculty head of Islamic Studies at Hazara University, Haripur Campus, eloquently shared the teachings of Quran and Sunnah with the participants. He also said that those were misinterpreted for vested interests. This misinterpretation not only disintegrates the social structures, but it heralds some horrific situation absolutely not favourable and supportive for women especially.
Mr Qayyum said that Ulemas and Khateebs are highly respected in our society so they are supposed to spread the true teachings of Allah, Quran, and Sunnah without being biased to anyone as their words are regarded as divine knowledge. As these sessions were focused on women’s forced marriage, right to inheritance, and associated gender-based violence..
Session with Ulemas, Khateebs, and Nikah Khwans
Session with Ulemas, Khateebs, and Nikah Khwans |
Launching annual report on Violence against Women in Pakistan
Aurat Foundation’s ‘Policy Data Monitor – Violence Against Women (PDM-VAW) programmme launched the annual report of violence against women in Pakistan during 2010. The report was launched at its head office in Islamabad and three regional offices in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar simultaneously on July 5, 2011. The Quetta office of the foundation, however, launched the report on July 7, 2011. The brief reports of the launching events are given below:
Activity Title: ‘Launching annual report on Violence Against Women in Pakistan: A Qualitative Review of Statistics for 2010 ’
Date: Tuesday July 5, 2011.
Local Hotel, Islamabad.
Participants: Civil society organizations, women leaders from grass-root level and media persons.
Brief Highlights:
Policy Data Monitoring Programme – Violence against Women (PDM-VAW) of Aurat Foundation launched third annual report of violence against women in Pakistan titled Violence Against Women in Pakistan: A Qualitative Review of Statistics for 2010 on Tuesday July 5, 2011, at Islamabad Hotel (Holiday Inn) through a seminar. The report indicated that the country faced 8000 incidents of violence during the year 2010. Out of a total 8000 incidents, as many as 5492 cases of violence were reported from Punjab; 1652 from Sindh; 650 from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 79 from Baluchistan and 127 from Islamabad. The figures of Islamabad are alarming given the smaller population and high security maintained in the capital.
Anis Haroon, Chairperson NCSW, in her concluding remarks, said that mega violence in Pakistan like terrorism etc is one the major reason that is dumping the issue of violence against women under the carpet. He also highlighted the post-18th Amendment scenario of various issues of women’s rights, particularly so after the devolution of ministry of women development (MoWD). For example, after the 18th Amendment, now the passage of ‘Domestic Violence Bill’ has now become a provincial need i.e. that now it would have to be passed by the provincial assemblies. While referring to use of influence in police affairs, she emphasized the need for comprehensive reforms in police department. She stress the government to penalized and criminalize the parallel judicial systems like jirgas, punchayat etc. Ehsan Sadiq, in his presentation, said that although the situation of violence against women is not encouraging, however, this is a fact that now most of the cases of violence against women are now get registered, which would surely bring sustainable positive change by eliminating violence against women. He suggested that in order to change the face of police institution and make it more sensitized towards women, the government shall increase the number of women in police department. He said that for sustainable change in police department in this regards, it is necessary to introduce overall reforms in the department.
Rabeea Hadi, the National Coordinator PDM-VAW, gave a welcome note on the annual report. Her note was followed by a presentation on the Statistical Review of Violence against Women, by Dr Rakhshanda Parveen. Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, Aurat Foundation, shared some major features of the report. He said that the 50 district of the Pakistan which are on top in the list of rate of violence against women are in fact on the same position since 2008. Anis Haroon, Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) chaired the seminar. Ehsan Sadiq, Assistant Inspector General of Police Islamabad, presided over the session. The findings of the Report were presented by Dr Rakhshanda Perveen, founder Director of Creative Anger and the author of the Report.
Anis Rehman speaking at the launching of violence against women report.JPG |
Dr Rakhshinda Perveen presenting her qualitative analysis of violence against women.jpg
Activity Title: ‘National Annual Report Launch of Policy & Data Monitor on Violence against Women. ’
Date: Tuesday July 5, 2011.
Avari Towers, Karachi.
Participants: Ministers and members of parliament, members of civil society organizations, media persons, and women leaders from grassroots.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s PDM-VAW programme at Karachi, organized the launching ceremony of annual report on ‘Violence against Women in Pakistan 2010’ at a local hotel. Notable delegates invited for the event included Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Minister for Women’s Development, Sindh, Sharmilla Farooqui, Information Secretary-PPP, Sindh, Khushbakht Shujaat, MNA-MQM, Humera Alwani, MPA-PPP, Sindh Assembly, Masooma Hassan, Member AF’s BoG, and Mehtab Rashdi, Executive Director Hum TV. Shireen Aijaz, Regional Coordinator, PDM-VAW, welcomed the participants. Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation Karachi, brief the participants about the finding of the report.
The speakers agreed that in order to end violence against women in Pakistan, the civil society organizations, government institutions and media shall play active role in changing people’s mindset. Sharmilla Farooqui, while referring to her own experience, noted that men always support other men regardless of them being the victim or the culprit. However, women hardly support or at least speak up for women they see being harassed. The women legislators also demanded more representation of women in the parliament. They also called for the improvement of women shelter homes and the empowerment of the female police force that has been pending since the Benazir Bhutto era.
(L to R): Khushbakht Shujaat, Sharmilla Farooqui, Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Humera Alwani, Mehtab Rashdi, Mahnaz Rahman and Shireen Aijaz at the launch of annual report 2010.
Sharmilla Farooqui, Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Humera Alwani, Masooma Hassan, Mahnaz Rahman and Shireen Aijaz with the annual report of PDM-VAW 2010.
Participants at the launching ceremony at Karachi. |
Activity Title: ‘Public Seminar. ’
Date: Tuesday July 5, 2011.
Press Club, Peshawar.
Participants: 34 (13 w, 21 m).
Brief Highlights:
A public seminar was arranged to launch Annual Report 2010 on violence against women. The seminar was arranged in Press Club Peshawar and the participants were media both print and electronic and members of CSO. The participants were from media both print and electronic and members of CSOs
The seminar stared with brief introduction of the PDM on VAW project by Shirin Javed . The report was launched by Ms. Shabina Ayaz Resident Director Peshawar office.
She said that to day AF is launching the annual report 2010 on the cases of violence. The data is very alarming and it reveals the situation of women in Pakistan. 8000 women have faced different forms of violence and perpetrator are mostly husbands and close relatives. Violence against women is a global issue and women in Pakistan are also facing the violence. She said that VAW has increased only 8000 cases are reported where as many cases arte not reported. She added that all forms of violence is not acceptable in any civilized society. She added that mostly the offenders are husband and it is seen in this report that mostly married women are the victim of violence. Brothers, fathers, uncles and other close relatives are also involved in the crime. She stresses on the need of legislation to prevent VAW and urged the parliamentarians to play their role in curbing the menace from society. She said that post flood situation aggregated violence and women had to face many challenges.
Answering the question of the participants it was shared with them that due to present scenario in KP cases are not being reported from some districts and agencies of FATA.
It was shared with them that it is a difficult process and AF teams in all offices carefully enter the data . The source as you have been told is newspapers so what ever information is provided in the news is entered in the database.
Activity Title: ‘Launching VAW annual report 2010.’
Date: Thursday July 7, 2011.
Press Club, Quetta.
Participants: Civil society organizations, women leaders from grass roots and media.
Brief Highlights:
The Policy Data Monitoring Programme of Aurat Foundation Quetta office launched the annual report on violence against women 2010 on July 7, 20111, at at Press Club, Quetta. Event was attended by the members of VAW Watch Group, members of civil society organizations, lawyers and media persons. Ishfaq Mengal, Regional Coordinator, PDM-VAW programme, Quetta, welcomed the participants and shared the findings of the report.
Saeed Ahmed, Regional Director, Human Rights Balochistan, Aysha Wadood, Gender Advisor, Ministry of Women Development, Balochistan, and Noor Elahi Bugti, Bureau Chief, SAAMA TV Balochistan, were the main speakers.
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(L to R) Aysha Wadood, Saeed Ahmed, Ishfaq Mengal and Allaudin Khilji at the annual report launch.
Saeed Ahmed, Ishfaq Mengal and Allaudin Khilji at the annual report launch.
Activity Title: ‘Launching Annual Report on Violence against Women in Pakistan: 2010’
Date: Tuesday July 5, 2011.
Ambassador Hotel, Lahore.
Chief Guest : Yasmin Rehman, MNA and Advisor to PM.
Resource Person : Mehnaz Raffi; Salman Abid; Fouzia Viqar; Abid Ali; Sidra Hamyon
Brief Highlights:
The PDM-VAW programme at Lahore office organized the launch of annual report of violence against women during 2010, on July 5, 2011, at a local hotel. Yasmin Rehman, member National Assembly and Advisor to PM, participated as Chief Guest. The resource persons to reflect on the content of the annual report on violence against women included Mehnaz Raffi, former MNA and renowned women’s rights activist, Salman Abid, Director SPO, Fouzia Viqar, Director Shirkat Gah, Lahore and Sidra Hamayon.
(L to R): Abid Ali, Nasreen Zehra, Nabeela Shah, Yasmin Rehman, Mehnaz Raffi, Nazia Naqvi, Rabia Bajwa, and, Nabeela Shaheen.
(L to R): Abid Ali, Fouzia Viqar, Salman Abid, Rabia Bajwa, Nasreen Zehra, , Yasmin Rehman, Mehnaz Raffi, Amna Ulfat, and Amna Butt.
Activity Title: ‘Seminar on: 18th Amendment: Opportunities and Challenges for Provinces and Women ’
Date: Friday June 17, 2011.
Holiday Inn, Islamabad.
Participants: NGO representatives, women’s rights activists, women leasers from grassroots, and media personnel.
Brief Highlights:
Civil society supports devolution of women’s ministry
Speakers and participants of a seminar, mainly from the civil society, supported the devolution of Ministry of Women’s Development to provinces and demanded that the National Commission on the Status of Women should be given the role and functions of the devolved ministry which relates policy-making, legislation and coordination to ensure uniformity in laws and policies on women’s rights issues in the country.
Aurat Foundation organized the seminar on Friday, June 17, at Holiday Inn Hotel in order to share and discuss various aspects of 18th Amendment with members of civil society and media. The event, titled as ‘18th Amendment: Opportunities and Challenges for Provinces and Women’. was presided over by Anis Haroon, Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW). Jami Chandio, Executive Director Center for Peace and Civil Society, and Rehana Hashmi, Exective Director Sisters Trust and Consultant with UN Women, were the main speakers on the 18th Amendment.
Anis Haroon, in her concluding remarks, declined the understanding of some sections of population and human rights groups that devolution of Ministry of Women’s Development (MoWD) would destroy the women’s cause. Such groups and sections of population wrongly think that provinces and provincial institutions are not sensitized enough to effectively take up women’s rights issues. She told the participants that most of women’s rights issues were taken up and discussed by the Sindh Assembly; similarly resolutions were also presented in Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtoonkhaw Assemblies. Anis Haroon further said that “provinces are more knowledgeable and competent than Islamabad.” She said devolution of MoWD would open up new opportunities for provinces to do lot more for women.
Jami Chandio, in his presentation, shared that under 18th Amendment, 102 clauses of the Constitution Pakistan have been amended. One major significance of 18th Amendment is that it has reversed the centralization of state institutions – a remnant of British rule. The amendment has effectively ensured the provincial autonomy and corrected the imbalance of power between the Centre and provinces. A number of ministries, around twenty one, were unnecessarily being kept with the federation while the issues they represent were more of provincial nature. He also said the amendment has also made some existing institutions effective and active. For example, Council of Common Interest (CII) was a good-for-nothing institution and occasionally had meetings before the 18th Amendment. Now, in the post-amendment, the CCI hold frequent meetings and undertake important decisions.
Rehana Hashmi expressed disappointment that the government is still nowhere near to decide whether to devolve Ministry of Women’s Development (MoWD) to provinces, or not to, or what kind of structure to keep at the federal level if at all. She said that the government hasn’t still issued the notification for devolution of MoWD, neither it has decided the financial and administrative particulars of any independent commission on women’s development.
One of the women participants, in fact a former councilor, strongly demanded of the government to immediately restore the Local Government System, to further strengthen the devolution of various ministries and institution in terms of their performance. The participants and speakers agreed with the demand. Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Aurat Foundation, said that some people take devolution of the MoWD as ‘termination’, which is not true. He argued that instead of opposing the devolution we shall initiate a dialogue among the main stakeholders on to frame and decide the modalities of the devolution of the MoWD to provinces. Nayyar Shabana, National Coordinator, Legislative Watch Programme of Aurat Foundation moderated the seminar.
Anis Haroon, speaking her views on devolution under 18th Amendment, Holliday Inn, June 17, 2011. |
Rehana Hashmi expressing her views on the devolution of MoWD under 18th Amendment; on stage (L-R): Nayyar Shabana, Naeem Mirza and Anis Haroon, June 17, 2011.
Activity Title: ‘Gender Equity Program (GEP) launched scoping studies ‘Mainstreaming Research in Gender Interventions’. ’
Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2011..
Serena Hotel, Islamabad.
Participants: Member of civil society organizations, people from academia, women leaders from grass-root level and media persons.
Brief Highlights:
In order to launch scoping desk studies initiated by the Gender Equity Program (GEP), a USAID funded program, Aurat Foundation organized an event “Mainstreaming Research in Gender Interventions” on June 7, 2011, at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. These studies identify current status of knowledge and actions under each objective area and post-floods scenario, plus gaps that need to be addressed. The studies include ‘Effects of the 2010 Floods on Women in Pakistan’, ‘Gender Based Violence in Pakistan’, ‘Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan’, ‘Capacity of Pakistani Organizations to carry out Gender Equity Initiatives’, and ‘Gender Equity-Justice and Governance in Pakistan’. These research studies were carried out by known experts on gender issues, namely Dr Rubina Saigol, Dr Rakhshinda Perveen, Nazish Brohi and Rafiq Jaffer.
Catherine Johnson, Senior Advisor, Democracy and Governance, USAID, was the chief guest on the occasion and highlighted how building knowledge and data for advancing and empowering women is essential and central to USAID’S plan. She said after keenly reading through all the studies, she sees a lot of space for policy discourse and legislation. She was also concerned how the gender-based violence in Pakistan is blocking women progress in socio-political and economic fields.
Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Aurat Foundation, welcomed the distinguished guests on the occasion. In his opening speech he said that research is a serious subject as it provides grounds for policy discourse, awareness and good practices. The research on gender issues is even more important work due to the much required policy and legislation. He further said that Aurat Foundation does not believe in compartmentalization of women issues in gender, but it aims to mainstream gender issues in human lives, practices, information and knowledge.
Simi Kamal, Chief of Party (CoP) Gender Equality Programme, and expert on gender and water issues, shared with the participants the vision, objectives, strategies and matrix of gender equality programme (GEP). She also briefed the audience about the rationale of scoping studies, key finds and gaps left in the studies. One of the key findings among others was that women lack information of and access to relief and compensation services. This launch of research studies was followed by sharing of future research planning on gender equality. Hassan Akbar, Manger Monitoring and Evaluation, gave a detailed presentation on the upcoming research under the Gender Equity Program.
Aurat Publications and Information Service Foundation (short titled as Aurat Foundation) is implementing a five year, USAID supported Gender Equity Program (GEP) in collaboration with The Asia Foundation. The Gender Equity Program aims at closing the gender gap in Pakistan by proactively supporting the development of women and seeks to facilitate behavioral change in society by enabling women to access information, resources and institutions, and improve societal attitudes towards women's rights issues. Aurat Foundation has been working in Pakistan for the past 25 years and is acting as a catalyzing critical group in society that aims at influencing policy, legislation and programs for women’s greater economic and political power in the society.
Simi Kamal, Chief of Party (CoP) GEP, speaking at the event; on the stage (L to R) Catherine Johnson, Sr Advisor, Democracy and Governance, USAID, Dr Alya Khan, Department of Economics, QAU, and Dr Rakhshinda Parveen |
Simi Kamal, Chief of Party (CoP) GEP, speaking at the event; on the stage (L to R) Naeem Mirza, COO, Aurat Foundation, Catherine Johnson, Sr Advisor, Democracy and Governance, Dr Alya Khan, Department of Economics, QAU, and Dr Rakhshinda Parveen.
Catherine Johnson, Sr Advisor, Democracy and Governance, USAID, speaking at the event; |
Activity Title: ‘Aurat Foundation presented with shield to honour its gender-based trainings’
Date: May 30, 2011.
Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM), Karachi.
Participants: Member of civil society organizations, people from academia, women leaders from grass-root level and media persons.
Brief Highlights:
In recognition of Aurat Foundation’s contribution as training institute, the Planning and Development (P&D) Department, Sindh, under its Gender Based Governance (GBG) project, honoured Aurat Foundation with a shield of excellence and commitment on gender equality, during an event on May 30, 2011, at Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM), Karachi. Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation’s Karachi office, received the shield. The shields were distributed by Mohsin Mushtaq Chandna, Additional Chief Secretary (Development), Planning and Development (P&D) Department, Sindh. The recipients also included various training institutions and trainers..
Mohsin Mushtaq Chandna, ACS (P&D), Sindh, presenting shield to Mahnaz Rahman |
Activity Title: ‘NCSW and members of IHI disappointed at the verdict of Supreme Court in Mukhtaran Mai case’
Date: Thursday, April 21,
Office of National Commission on the Status of Women.
Brief Highlights:
The National Commission on the Status of Women and members of Insani Huqooq Ittehad, including Aurat Foundation, PODA, Mehergargh, Rozan, Sungi, Bedari, Ethno Media, Pattan and SPO convened an emergency meeting to express deep shock and disappointment at the verdict given by the superior court in the Mukhtara Mai gang rape case today. Although the judgment did prove that Mukhtara was raped because one accused did get life imprisonment, while others were acquitted. We are surprised to see why only one accused was punished and others were acquitted on a charge of ‘gang rape’.
The Commission and members of civil society felt that this was the reflection of a biased and inefficient criminal justice system. This case has been a classic example of how the facts were distorted and documentation of the evidence was tampered with at all levels.
The group expressed concern at the long delays to dispense justice. The victim was raped in 2002 on the instructions of the local Panchayat. In 2005 the chief justice of the superior court took suo moto notice of the case. Despite the intervention it took more than nine years to come up with this decision, which is a source of concern for the women of Pakistan. It is feared that this decision might further strengthen the anti women parallel legal and judicial systems and mechanisms in the country. We feel that the criminal justice system too is not pro women and is patriarchal in nature. Impunity is the order of the day.
In cases of complaints women victims are burdened to provide series of evidences which is not possible for them. It is the responsibility of the police to do the investigation and come up with the requisite evidence. Currently, methods of recording evidence by police are biased against women; and that is one reason that they do not get justice from the courts.
There is also a need to look at the women’s representation in all those systems and mechanism dealing with matters of crimes and justice. Women’s lack of proportionate representation in lower and upper judiciary is paving the way for verdicts against women victims. There is dire need to start a rational discourse on the lack of women’s representation within the courts.
Today’s judgment has shaken the confidence and sense of security of women of Pakistan to stand up for their rights. It reflects a faulty investigation of the police and the loop holes that are left intentionally to side with the power brokers. The outcome of Mukhtara case discourages survivors of rape and gang rape to report. However, we are proud of Mukhtara Mai, who stood bravely against all intimidation and harassment and has refused to buckle under life threats. She has given a message of courage and hope to all women victims of our country. We consider her a role model for women of Pakistan.
At the end we also condemn the insensitive and pathetic attitude of some sections of media, who were grinning at the verdict and clapped after they recorded the responses on the judgment. The owners and editors of these media houses are urged to inculcate responsible and sensitive attitude in the practices of such chauvinistic reporters.
Activity Title: ‘Consultation on Post 18th Amendment Scenario and issues of Lady Health Workers’
Date: Thursday, April 14,
Regent Plaza Hotel, Karachi.
Participants: Representatives of GOs, media, lady health workers and NGOs
Brief Highlights:
In order to raise the issues of 23000 Lady Health Workers (LHWs) in Sindh, Aurat Foundation’s programme team of Raising Her Voice (RHV) programme, Karachi office, organized a consultation on April 14, 2011, at Regent Plaza Hotel, Karachi. The consultation was jointly organized by National Organization of Worker Communities (NOW), Aurat Foundation and Aahang. Syed Taj Haider, Advisor to the Chief Minister, Sindh, invited as Chief Guest, assured the lady health workers (LHWs) that they would be regularized and placed in proper pay-scale once the health sector was transferred from federal to the provincial governments. Mr Haider, also senior PPP activist, sounded apologetic that some of the workers were subjected to lathi-charge while taking out processions for acceptance of their demands. Dr Jaffer Ahmed, senior researcher and Director, Pakistan Studies Center, Karachi University, discussed in detail the background of 18th amendment to the constitution. Iqbal Said Khan, Additional Secretary, Social Welfare Department, Sindh, on the occasion said the provinces are going to gain better access to resources and autonomy with the passage of the amendment. Bushra Arain, President, Pakistan Association of LHWs, said that LHW Programme was introduced by Shaheed Benazir Bhutto who had a certain vision about it and was committed to develop LHW Programme into a strong healthcare force. "We are expected to deliver in the remotest of the areas with little care towards our own status," she said. Farhat Parveen, Coordinator, NOW Communities , said that under the constitution of the country, any national or provincial programme that maintained its existence for more than nine months has to be regularized and legalized, but that had not been followed in case of lady health works.
The meeting was also addressed by Fatima Hasan from Sindh Employees Social Security Institution, Ms Shaheen, representative of Sindh Department of Women Development, Iftikhar Solangi, the first Programme Officer for LHW Programme, Mohsin Ahmed Shah, Additional Director, Sindh Health Department, Farhat Ferdous from Aahang, and Mahnaz Rehman, Aurat Foundation, Karachi office.
Aurat Foundation team with the Chief Guest of the seminar on LHWs |
Speakers of the seminar on the issues of Lady Health Workers
Activity Title: ‘National Consultation on Devolution of MoWD: Concerns and Mechanisms’
Date: Thursday, April 13,
Hotel Crown Plaza, Islamabad.
Participants: Nighat Saeed Khan & Zille Zahra (ASR / IWSL), Saima Ashrarf & Maria Rasheed (ROZAN), Sameena Nazir & Taslim Akhtar (PODA), Samina Khan & Arifa Mazhaar (SUNGI), Rehana Hashmi (Sisters’ Trust), Zeenia Masood (SPO), Simi Kamal (GEP), Neelam Hussain (SIMORGH), Fauzia Viqar (Shirkat Gah), Khalida Salimi (SACH), Romana Bashir (CSC), Aqsa Khan (WORD), Nasreen Azhar (HRCP), Naeem Mirza, Ibtesam Qaisrani, Nayyar Shabana, Wasim Wagha, Asim Malik & Sarwat Wazir (AF)
Brief Highlights:
The Legislative Watch Programme team of Aurat Foundation invited renowned women rights organizations and activists in a group meeting so that to discuss the devolution of Ministry of Women’s Development under 18th Constitutional Amendment. The working group meeting was organized on April 13, 2011, at Hotel Crown Plaza, Islamabad.
The main objective of the meeting was to initiate a more widespread and inclusive discussion on the implications of the amendment and the mechanisms that could address and ensure the upholding of universal/national norms and commitments. In particular the focus of this consultation was to discuss the implications and repercussions of disbanding a national focal point that addresses women’s interests; to work towards a process that would ensure that women are represented in the highest echelons of decision making specifically not only with democratically elected representation in the Federal Cabinet and to discuss the implications of disbanding the Parliamentary Standing Committees. Of equal relevance is the question of putting in place national mechanism that would not only ensure that national policies, plans and processes are formulated and implemented in accordance with international norms specifically national and international agreements, conventions and commitments but which could/would be held accountable both within the country and internationally.
Nighat Saeed from ASR and Maria Rashid from Rozan in the consultation on MoWD's devolution |
Participants in the consultation on Devolution of MoWD
Consultation on Devolution of MoWD |
Activity Title: ‘Gender Equity Program of Aurat Foundation Celebrates 100 Years of International Women’s Day’
Date: Saturday, March 26,
Serena Hotel - Islamabad .
Brief Highlights:
Gender Equity Program of Aurat Foundation, supported by USAID, celebrated 100 years of International Women’s Day with the inaugural meeting of National Advisory Forum and launch of a documentary “Main Safar Main Hoon”. Both the event were organized today i.e. March 26, 2011, at the Serena Hotel in Islamabad. Dr Nafeesa Shah, Secretary General of Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, was the chief guest of the event. Dr. Marilyn Wyatt, the wife of U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter; Ms Saadia Danish, Advisor to Chief Minister, Gilgit Baltistan; Ms Ghazala Gola, Provincial Minister Baluchistan; Ms Sitara Ayaz, Provincial Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Ms Tauqeer Fatimah Bhutto, Provincial Minister Sindh; Mr Kamran Michael, Provincial Minister Punjab and Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) were the distinguished guests at the event.
Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, Aurat Foundation, welcomed and briefed the participants on the Gender Equity Program and introduced the National Advisory Forum (NAF) and its members. He said that the main role of NAF is to provide broad policy guidelines to GEP, align GEP with government’s gender commitment, including international commitments, and provide guidelines for on-going cooperation with USAID. He further said that they pledged to perceive the world through the purple lens - the women rights colour in order to reduce gender disparity in this society. Ms Simi Kamal, Chief of Party, Gender Equity Program stated that NAF is an important national forum for consultation and brainstorming broader gender equity/equality strategies and it can provide direction to GEP, as well as to the government and other gender entities in the country.
Members of the National Advisor Forum include Mr Ehsan Sadiq, AIG, Islamabad Police, Dr Nafeesa Shah, Secretary General of Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, Ms Yasmeen Rehman, member National Assembly, Ms Saadia Danish, Advisor to Chief Minister, Gilgit Baltistan, Ms Ghazala Gola, Provincial Minister Baluchistan,Ms Sitara Ayaz, Provincial Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Tauqeer Fatimah Bhutto, Provincial Minister Sindh, Mr Kamran Michael, Provincial Minister Punjab, Samina Pirzada, renown TV artist and women’s right activist, Dr Alya Khan, Professor Department of Economics, QAU, and Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW). Ms Samina Khalid Ghurki, Federal Minister Women’s Development and Shahnaz Wazir Ali, member National Assembly although accepted to be on the NAF, but due to personal engagement could not attend the event.
Ms Saadia Danish, Advisor to Chief Minister, Gilgit-Baltistan, in her address highlighted the problems of women in Galigit Baltistan. She said that rigid elements of GB oppose co-education, so it is necessary that government shall setup colleges and university for women in GB; separate women’s bank and police station be established; women shall be given 33% quota in government jobs, and number of lady health workers shall be increased.
Talking about the plight of women in Sindh, Ms Tauqeer Fatima Bhuttu, Provincial Minister for Women’s Development, Sindh, said that women in rural areas are so much caught in making bread and butter for their family that are unaware of their basic rights. Through Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), the government is trying hard for financial uplift of women so that they can join the mainstream of political, social and economic empowerment. Ms Sitara Imtiaz, Provincial Minister, Khyber Bakhtunkhaw, in her address, said that people of Khyber Pakhtunkhaw are in a state of war, which is affecting women’s very basic human righs. She briefed the participants about the recent steps taken by the government of KP like women’s crisis centre, and Bacha Khan Vocational Training Centre. It was, however, unfortunate that women trained in these training centres still couldn’t find market for their products.
Dr. Marilyn Wyatt, wife of U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, told the forum that the United States has made a long-term commitment to improving the lives of women in Pakistan and that all U.S. development strategies reflect the importance of women’s core roles in raising families, providing health care, running businesses, providing education and feeding children. “We consult women as we design our programs and we hold our programs accountable in terms of the impact they have on the lives of women and girls,” Dr. Wyatt said. “We’re using our resources everywhere to create educational and professional opportunities for women – especially hard-working, ordinary women who are the bedrock of our societies.”
Ms Nafisa Shah, Secretary General Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (WPC), addressing the participants expressed hope that Gender Equity Programme of Aura Foundation would deliver effectively the much needed financial support for women’s rights. She categorically mentiones the struggle of women leaders like Qurat-ul-Ain Bakhtiari from Balochistan, Mariam Bibi from KP, Mukhtaran Mai from Punjab and Sughra Solangi from Sindh as icons of women’s struggle. She mentioned Sindh Government’s policy for acknowledging women’s right to land entitlement. She wished and hoped the policy would also be carried out in other provinces. She stressed that National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) need to more stronger and effective women to influence women’s rights agenda, and that Women Parliamentary Caucus is also working on it. She expressed hope that the joint efforts of government and civil society organization would surely result in a gender sensitive and just society in Pakistan.
Mr Kamran Michale, Minister for Women’s Development, Punjab, appreciated Aurat Foundation for its composed struggle for women’s empowerment. Comprehensive Awareness Campaign on Sexual Harassment workplace in remote districts of Punjab like Dera Ghazi Khan. He stressed the need for effective collaboration between the government and NGOs to deliver women their basic rights. Mr Taimoor Khan, Director General, Ministry of Women’s Development, while representing Ms Samina Khalid Ghurki, Minister for Women’s Development, shared with participants that Aurat Foundation is playing a significant role in smooth running of Benazair Bhuttu Crisis Centres by providing financial supports.
A documentary “Main Safar Main Hoon” was also screened during the event. The documentary focused on the 100 year journey of women all over the world, particularly highlighting the achievements and sacrifices of Pakistani women, starting from 1911 till 2011. The objective of the documentary was to portray a positive image of Pakistani women and highlight their achievements in different fields of life and carries a very motivating message, that is, women can excel at anything they do provided they are determined, committed and strong.
Aurat Publications and Information Services (AF) is implementing a five year, USAID supported Gender Equity Program (GEP) in collaboration with The Asia Foundation. The Gender Equity Program aims at closing the gender gap in Pakistan by proactively supporting the development of women and seeks to facilitate behavioral change in society by enabling women to access information, resources and institutions, and improve societal attitudes towards women's rights issues. Aurat Foundation has been working in Pakistan for the past 25 years and is acting as a catalyzing critical group in society that aims at influencing policy, legislation and programs for women’s greater economic and political power in the society.
Nafisa Shah speaking at the event as Chief Guest; on stage (L-R), Simi Kamal, Sitara Ayaz, Tauqeer Fatimah Bhutto, and Dr Marilyn Wyatt. |
Dr Marilyn Wyatt speaking at the event.
Anis Haroon giving her remarks; on stage (L-R), Sitara Ayaz, Tauqeer Fatimah Bhutto, and Dr Marilyn Wyatt. |
Asma Shirazi, journalist and TV anchor, Ms Sitara Ayaz, Almas Ibrahi, athlete, and Vaneza Ahmed, entrepreneur were invited in the 100th celebration as success stories of women’s empowerment |
21-23 March, 2011 - Civil society facilitated Indian Peace Delegation at Islamabad –
In order to re-initiate people to people dialogue for peace between India and Pakistan, some civil society organizations, SUNGI Foundation, Strengthening Participatory Organizations (SPO), SDPI, Aurat Foundation, facilitated an Indian Peace Delegation from 21st to 23rd March, 2011, in Islamabad, and held their meetings with civil society, youth, media persons, and with the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Below is a detail:
- Event: ‘Indian Peace Delegation talked with media and civil society, at Islamabad’.
Date: March 21, 2011.
Venue: Pothohari Art and Craft Village, Islamabad.
Participants: Members of civil society organizations, and journalists both from print and electronic media.
Indian Peace Delegation talked with media and civil society, at Islamabad
In order to end poverty, hunger, violence against women and marginalized sections, exploitation of workers, especially home-based women workers in India and Pakistan, and in fact, in all the SAARC countries, realization of peace between India and Pakistan is a must. This was an agreed statement by the Indian Peace Delegation and their host civil society organizations, which met the civil society and media at Pothohari Art and Craft Village, Islamabad, today i.e. Monday, March 21, 2011. Before talking to media and representative of civil society organizations, the delegation planted trees in Pothohari village and the tree they planted was named as “Tree of Hope”. The Indian peace delegation is being hosted by the some members of the Insani Haqooq Itehad (IHI), namely SUNGI Foundation, SPO, Aurat Foundation, SDPI, PILER, SAFMA and Pakistan India Peace Peoples Forum for Peace and Development (PIPPFPD). Representatives of electronic and print media organizations and different civil society organizations were also present on the occasion. Indian delegation consisted Mr Kuldip Nayyar, Dr Bhalchandra Mungekar, sitting member of Indian Rajia Sabha, Mr Shahid Saddiqui, farmer member of Indian Parliament, Mahesh Bhatt, Mr Vrinda Grover, Mr Janin Desai, Mazhar Hussain, Ramesh Yadev, Haris Kidwai, Bharai Modi, Kangkal Shanith Kuman and Nikhil Kumar.
The delegation members reiterated that although there are anti-peace forces in both countries, they also agreed that there is a growing realization among masses and even among the fanatic forces in India such as BJP that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in India’s as well as in South Asian region’s interest. “We, the forces of peace and stability, have significantly defeated the forces of fanaticism and extremes” said Mr Janin Desai, an activist-journalist and national Joint Secretary of Pakistan India Peoples Forum for Peace and Democracy, and bureau member of South Asians for Human Rights.
Chauhdry Manzoor, former MNA (PPP) said that he and his party (PPP) believes in the words of Shaheed Benazir Bhuttu who once said that both the government should let the peoples meet freely, and that would bring peace. He, therefore, supported the idea that visa condition between SAARC countries should abolished. Mr Karamat Hussain from PILER said that the member of SAARC have already ratified a Convention in 1987 which calls for “suppression of terrorism” between the SAARC countries. But so far no mechanism has been developed for implementation of the convention. The delegation and the host civil society organizations demanded that the SAARC members must create a mechanism for the convention to end terrorism in the region. They also urged the SAARC countries to make the convention effective.
They said that all SAARC countries should give MFN status to each other which is obligatory under WTO regime. India has given this status to Pakistan but Pakistan has not given such status to India. Also, a No-war pact is also necessary to seriously pursue the peace agenda in the region. They demanded that basic human principles have to be realized and practiced and both countries should fulfill their commitments with regard to social sector allocations especially in education and health.
Pro-people and pro-stability people should cooperate and strengthen each other in both countries to help cooperation and friendship prevail between these two countries to ensure people’s real freedom from hunger, poverty, exploitation, marginalization and discrimination. The pro-peace forces should make the masses aware, mobilize them and provide them different platforms to raise their voices of friendship and peace. In order to positively influence and make the dialogue process meaningful between the two governments, it is necessary that people on both sides put pressure on their governments so that the governments make decisions and make policies according to peoples wishes and aspirations.
During their informal discussion with the students of Qaid-e-AzamUniversity, Mr Shahid Siddiqui, former member of Indian parliament, said that anti-peace element in both the countries are interrupting the peace process repeatedly; we need to fight out these anti-peace forces through mass-movement of people. He also said that we the Indian people and parliamentarians want stronger Pakistan and not the weaker; stronger Pakistan would benefit not only Pakistani people but peoples of all SAARC countries.
- Event: ‘Indian Delegation’s Meeting with the Prime Minister’.
Date: March 23, 2011.
Venue: Prime Minister House.
Participants: Members of host NOGs, and Indian delegation
Indian Delegation held meeting with the Prime Minister
On March 23, 2011, the Aurat Foundation, SDPI, SPO, and SUNGI Development Foundation organized delegation’s meeting the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The Indian delegation was headed by renown journalist Kuldip Nayyar. Other members included Shahid Saddiqui, farmer member of Indian Parliament, Mahesh Bhatt, Mr Vrinda Grover, Mr Janin Desai, Mazhar Hussain, Ramesh Yadev, Haris Kidwai, Bharai Modi, Kangkal Shanith Kuman and Nikhil Kumar.
The Indian delegation’s meeting with the Prime Minister of Pakistan on the day sent significant message as it Pakistan was celebrating the day as National Day of Pakistan an annual national event. The Prime Minister promised the delegation to discuss their demands with the President of Pakistan and concerned cabinet members. He also gave commitment to take up some of the issues Indian counterparts.
Activity Title: ‘Seminar on “Women Empowerment through Equal access to education, training and science and technology”
Shield Distribution ceremony to Women Legislators & Cultural Evening to celebrate Silver Jubilee Year of A F and 100 years of International Women’s Day.’
Date: Monday, March 14,
Provincial Assembly of Sind, Building Karachi.
Brief Highlights:
The Legislative Watch Programme for Women Empowerment of Aurat Foundation organized a seminar on “Women Empowerment through Equal Access to Education, Training, Science and Technology” and celebration of 100 years of International Women’s Day and the Silver Jubilee Year of Aurat Foundation on 14th March, 2011 at the Sindh Assembly building. This Programme of LWP-WE of Aurat Foundation made history by being the first such major event to be held in the Provincial Assembly of Sindh.
The participants at this seminar included Legislators from the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, Govt. Officials, LWP-WE watch group members, representatives of Aurat Foundation, various NGOs, and media persons. The distinguished guests on the panel were Honourable Nisar A Khuhro, Speaker Provincial Assembly, Sindh, Ms Shehla Raza, Deputy Speaker Provincial Assembly, Sindh, Ms Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Minister Women Development, Ms Nargis N D Khan, Minister Social Welfare, Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson, NCSW, Ms Simi Kamal, CoP, GEP, Mahnaz Rahman Resident Director and Adv. Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator LWP-WE of Aurat Foundation.
The proceedings commenced with welcome note by Adv. Rubina Brohi, Regional Coordinator LWP-WE of Aurat Foundation, speeches from the distinguished panellists. Subsequently, there was an award ceremony, in which Mahnaz Rahman Resident Director Aurat Foundation invited Programme Coordinator Adv. Rubina Brohi to present a special shield to Mr Nisar A Khuhro, Speaker Provincial Assembly, and requested Mr. Nisar A Khuhro, Speaker Provincial Assembly to present shields to all the distinguished women parliamentarians and the women artists, as a gesture of appreciation for their continued efforts. The award ceremony was followed by a cultural evening where renowned artists Ms Shazia Khusk and Ms Sheema Kirmani performed.
Nisar A Khuro addressing the seminar on women’s empowerment. |
Rubina Brohi presenting a special shield to Nisar A Khuhro, Speaker Sindh Assembly; on his right Nargis N D Khan and Touqeer Fatima Bhutto; on his left Seemi Kamal, Mahnaz Rahman and Anis Haroon.
Speaker Sindh Assembly presenting shields to women legislators of the assembly - Marvi Rashidi-PMLF (on left) and Nuzhat Pathan-PMLQ (on right). |
Speaker, ministers and women legislators enjoying the cultural evening with Shazia Khushk, renown folk singer |
Activity Title: ‘Pakistani women Celebrated 100th International Women's Day’
Date: Tuesday, March 8,
Mashaal Bardar Walk from Mr Books to National Press Club.
Members of Insani Haqooq Itehand.
Brief Highlights:
In order to celebrate the 100th International Women’s Day, members of civil society organizations, NGOs, women’s rights activists and peoples from different walks of life held a rally today i.e. Tuesday, 8th March, 2011, under the platform of Insani Haqooq Itehad (IHI), from Clock Choke, Kalsoom Plaza to Parade Choke, in front of Parliament House, at 11 am.
Women’s rights activists and IHI members, Rehana Hashmi, Dr Farzana Bari, Naushaba Arif and Rabia Aslam made speeches to depict the 100th International Women’s Day. Wasim Wagha (Coordinator Insani Haqooq Itehand), highlighting the theme of the event spoke that today is not a day to protest but a day to celebrate – to celebrate women’s status as an equal and concerned citizen and not a mere marginalized and discriminated gender. Women’s Charter of Demand which they presented at the event was a significant expression of this fact – that all the demands made in the charter were in fact socio-economic and political issues which peoples of Pakistan are suffering from, including religious intolerance, sectarian violence; the charter also demanded separating religion from state functions, gender equality, balance between administration and justice systems, freedom for press, cultural and educational institutions, provincial autonomy, agricultural reforms, banning weapons, and keeping the peaceful borders. Ms Naushaba Arif, demanded that the ‘Domestic Violence Bill’ which pending in the parliament shall immediately be passed and made a law. Farzana Bari demanded the government to take steps to end religion extremism which is affecting the cause of women’s rights. Arifa Mazhar read famous poem ‘aadhi gawahi’; Nazia Taj also read poems on women’s rights.
Rabeeha Hadi from Aurat Foundation read women’s Charter of Demand as prepared by the members of Insani Haqooq Itehad, especially the renown women’s rights activist and member National Commission was the key in shaping the charter of demand. Pattan’s theatre group ‘Lok Nattak’ presented theatre performance on the issue being faced by the women flood affectees. The women activists also sang women’s tarana ‘Darya ki qasam, maujoon ki qasam - yeh tana bana badley ga’. Earlier, young singer Areeb Azhar and his group enthralled the participants with their music and songs on women’s rights.
The participants were carrying ‘Doves of Peace’, which were prepared by the school children and teachers of Khaldunya High Schoo; they were putting badges with digits ‘83100’ which meant ‘100th 8th March - International Women's Day. They raised following slogans: Kesa chaheya Pakistan - brabar hon jahan sabh insan'; Ham sab ka ek he naara - Aman hey haq hamara; Yeh dehshat gardi, yeh mullah gardi nahen chali ge; Ham aman phelaney nikley haien - Aao hamarey saath chalo; Ham mulk bachaney nickley haien - Aao hamarey saath chalo;
In the evening, IHI members and civil society activists gathered again at 6 pm for Mashaal Bardar Walk from Mr Books to National Press Club.
The participants of the rally carrying banner with the theme of the Day: Women demands – a democratic, secular, just and peaceful Pakistan. |
Participants in the rally enjoying the music performance on 8th March - International womens day |
Participants in the rally on 8th March - International womens day |
Rabeeha Hadi reading Women's Charter of Demand; on her right, Nazia Taj and Nasreen Azhar |
Areeb Azhar singing song in he rally |
Activity Title: Commemorating International Women’s Day - Lahore
‘Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women’
Date: Tuesday, March 8,
Provincial Assembly of Punjab, Lahore.
Participants Guests: Women members Punjab Assembly and members of civil society organizations
Brief Highlights:
HomeNet Pakistan in collaboration with Aurat Foundation celebrated International Women’s Day ‘Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women’ on March 7, 2011, with women legislators in the Punjab Assembly. A number of civil society organizations and Home Based Women Workers (HBWs) also attended the ceremony.
MPA Faiza Malik is presenting the recommendations regarding Home Based Work. |
L to R MPA Faiza Malik, Nasreen Zahra, RD AF, and MPA Amina Bhuttar with cnadles. |
Women members of Punjab Assembly and members of civil society lighting candles with Nigar Ahmed, Aurat Foundation's ED, to celebrate Int Women's Day |
Activity Title: ‘International Women’s Day celebration at Karachi’
Date: Tuesday, March 8,
Press Club to the Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi.
Participants Guests: women, members of civil society organizations, members of theater groups, media persons, teachers, nurses, lady health workers and female students.
Brief Highlights:
In order to celebrate the 100th International Women’s Day on March 8, 2011, the civil society organizations, including Aurat Foundation, held a grand rally on 8th March from the Karachi Press Club to the Arts Council of Pakistan.
At the end of the rally, a seminar was organized at the open-air auditorium of the Arts Council of Pakistan, on ‘Equal Access to Education, Training And Science And Technology: Pathway To Decent Work For Women’.
Bringing to light nurses’ issues, Suraya Nisar, a nurse herself, said that nurses were harassed very frequently but that went unnoticed. The law against harassment had been passed, but now it was up to the government to ensure its effective enforcement.
Rahila Rahim, discussing the troubles of the female flood victims, said that many rural areas had been completely destroyed. The women were the ones who mainly toiled in the fields, and now their work had been brought to an end. Children’s schools had been ruined, and the businesses run by men had been destroyed too.
Zehra Akbar, speaking about home-based women workers, said that the national policy for home-based workers shall be passed immediately.
Speaking about the 100 year struggle for women’s rights, Mahnaz Rahman, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation, Karachi, said that the government shall rehabilitate the girls’ schools that were destroyed in the name of religious extremism.
The celebrations concluded with performances by women’s theater and music groups from Karachi. Moreover, women’s knowledge and skills were displayed at different stalls.
Though the United Nations has declared education, science and technology as a way to access respectable employment, which is true for Pakistani women as it is for women living in other regions, peace and security are vital for meeting these goals.
Participants in the International Women’s Day rally in Karachi. |
Activity Title: ‘Seminar on: International Women’s Day 2011 - Equal Access to Education, Training, Science and Technology: Pathway to Decent Work for Women’
Date: March 7, 2011.
Lourdes Hotel, Quetta
Participants: Women politicians, NGO representatives, media personnel, lawyers, students, home based workers, government officials and ex-women councilors
Brief Highlights:
Celebrating the International Women’s Day, the PDM-VAW team of Quetta office organized a seminar on March 7, 2011, at Lourdes Hotel, Quetta under. The activity was organized in collaboration with the Directorate of Women’s Development and SHADOW, Gwadar. Participants of the seminar included women politicians, NGO representatives, media personnel, lawyers, students, home-based workers, government officials and former women councilors. Prof Dr Shahnaz Naseer Baloch, Principal, Bolan Medical College, Quetta, was the chief guest. Haroon Dawood, Resident Director, Aurat Foundation at Quetta, Gulzar Gichki from SHADOW, Sarwar Javed, member MBR, Saira Atta, Director, WD, and Dr Shahnaz Baloch addressed women’s socio-political rights and challenges. At the end, shields were also distributed amongst those who played phenomenal role for the empowerment of women in their respective fields.
Participants of the seminar on internal women’s day, Quetta. |
Haroon Dawood, RD, distributing shields to women leaders. |
Activity Title: ‘Aurat Foundation attending 55th Session of international Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).’
Date: 22 February – 4 March, 2011.
UN Headquarter, New York.
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation was took active role in sending a delegation for the 55th Session of international Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), held on 22 February – 4 March, 2011, in New York. The Commission on Status of Women’s session takes place every year at UN headquarters in New York, where thousands of women’s rights NGOs, activists and government delegates from all over the world meet to review and identify the future strategies for advancing the agenda of gender equality and development. The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a functional Commission of the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women’s rights. The CSW session was meant to share experiences, as well as agree on priority actions to deal with continuous obstacles to the implementation of the Beijing Declaration to accelerate progress towards gender equality. The priority theme of this year was Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work.
The delegation from Pakistan comprised Anis Haroon, Chairperson National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), Mumtaz Mughal and Nayyar Shabana Kiyani from Aurat Foundation, Nighat Saeed from ASR, Noreen Tawakal from Shirkatgah, Raashda Anwar, Member NCSW, Batool Qureshi, Secretary Ministry of Women’s Development (MoWD), and Nygat Siddique also from MoWD.
 Nayyar Shabana and Mumtaz Mughul with the Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, during CSW session..JPG) |
Nayyar Shabana, Nyghat Siddique, Anis Haroon, Raashda Anwar and Mumtaz Mughul during the CSW session. |
(R-L): Nayyar Shabana and Mumtaz Mughul with the Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, during CSW session.
Activity Title: ‘Round Table on ‘Reviewing Post-Flood Situation & Framing A Way Forward on Citizens Charter of Demand'
Date: March 2, 2011.
Hotel Holiday Inn, Islamabad.
Participants Guests: Members of civil society organizations, lawyers, NGOs, media persons.
Brief Highlights:
In order to discuss and mark the common grounds between the government institutions, donors and civil society organizations, in the up-coming recovery and rehabilitation work for the affectees of August 2010 floods, civil society organizations and National Humanitarian Network - NHN (of which Aurat Foundation is also a member) organized a Round Table titled ‘Reviewing Post-Flood Situation & Framing Way Forward on Citizens Charter of Demands’ on March 2, 2011, at the Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad. Views expressed by the speakers are as under:
Mr Irfan Mufti from SAP-PK, in his presentation said that stagnant, contaminated flood waters still stands in a number of areas of Sindh. Stakeholders including government must attend to ringing alarm bells about a malnutrition crisis of epic proportions in Sindh.
Ms Samina Khan, Executive Director SUNGI Development Foundation, suggested that while the NDMA and PDMAs are preparing the recovery and rehabilitation work at district level, they need to involve the grassroots experience and linkages as development by the National Humanitarian Network (NHN). Mr Karamat Ali, from PILER, said that recent floods provide the third opportunity for the people of Pakistan to develop as a nation, while we have already lost two such opportunities – first in 1947 and second in 1971. Mr Sarwar Bari from Pattan, while sharing the important points of the Citizen’s Charter of Demands said that 70% damages occurred due to the failure of successive governments to maintain and upgrade infrastructure over the years. Mr Jan Jamali, Deputy Chairman Senate of Pakistan, in his address at the round table shared with the participants the flood damages faced by the poor peoples in Balochistan. He was critical of the official authorities responsible for the breach of various water channel embankments to save the lands and properties of big land-owners and feudal.
Key demands of the Citizen’s Charter include implementation of the the article 38 of the Constitution of Pakistan, which prohibits the monopoly of a few families over the means of productive resources. The charter was developed through a consultative process between October 2010 and February 2011 organized by the National Humanitarian Network (NHN) which is an alliance of civil society organizations including SAP-PK, Shirkat Gah, PATTAN, SUNGI, Aurat Foundation, Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum, PILER, PODA, AWAZ, DASE, PPC, SANGTANI, Omar Asghar Khan Foundation etc.
Chief Guest , Ms Farzana Raja, Chairperson Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), could not attend the round table due to urgent cabinet meeting called in reference of assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti, Minister for Minorities Affairs. The participant also observed one minutes silence to condemn the assassination of Minister for Minorities Affairs.
Kramat Ali, Samina Khan, Jan Jamali, Nasir Memon, Sarwar Bari and Irfan Mufti, in the round table. |
Samina Khan, Jan Jamali, Nasir Memon, Sarwar Bari and General Nadeem in the round table. |
Activity Title: Aurat Foundation and OXFAM-GB public event on ‘Women’s Leadership at Grassroots Level: Actions & Achievements’.
Date: February 11, 2011.
Holiday Inn hotel, Islamabad.
Participants Guests: Members of women leaders groups from fifty districts of the country, civil society organizations, human rights activists and media persons.
Brief Highlights:
In commemoration of National Women’s Day (12th February), Aurat Foundation and OXFAM-GB jointly organized a public event to pay tribute to ‘Women’s Leadership at Grassroots Level:
Actions & Achievements’ on Friday, 11 February, 2011 at Hotel (Holiday Inn). Ms Mukhtaran Mai, an icon of struggle and courage in Pakistan and abroad, participated as Chief Guest. Aurat Foundation had invited representatives of Women’s Leaders’ Group to share their stories of struggle for gender equality and political rights with women from grassroots invited in the public event. Women’s Leader Group is a group of fifty women leaders from thirty districts of Pakistan. Aurat Foundation, under its programme ‘Raising Her Voice’, is providing leadership training opportunities for these women leaders.
Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, read out an appeal, as made by Haleema Bhutto which demanded support for justice. He also shared with the participants that Insani Haqooq Itehad ( a network of Rawalpindi-Islamabad based NGOs, civil society organizations and human rights activists) would soon be taking up Haleema’s appeal with the government and the courts. He also demanded the government of Pakistan to immediately hold elections of district government to put the system back in work. Haleema Bhutto, from Ghotki, who is currently protesting a daily sit-in, in front of National Press Club, Islamabad, to demand justice. In March 2010, her husband accused her of ‘karo-kari’ and the village Punchayat declared her punishable and be killed. Since then, for security of her life and struggle to get justice, she came to Islamabad. She vowed to continue her struggle till she gets justice.
Ms Riffat Khan, representative of Women’s Leaders’ Group from Bhakkar, while addressing the participants, gave in details an account of her activities and emergency relief work for the women affected by the recent floods. Qamar Bano, Jacobabad, development Madiha Welfare Centre for women’s skill development; the centre also facilitates women with disabilities. Ms Bano, while telling her story of struggle for empowerment, stated that she had facilitated women of her constituency in getting their National Identity Cards (NIC). Ms Samina Khan, Executive Director, SUNNGI Development Organization, while narrating the historical ‘lathi charge’ on women activist on 12th February, 1983, paid special tributes to women leaders who started the struggle to end discriminatory laws against women. She herself was present in the demonstration of 12th February, 1983, which is now celebrated as National Women’s Day.
Ms Razia Sultana, representative of Women’s Lealders’ Group from Rawalpindi, said that with the support of some civil society organizations and NGOs, they have established a centre for education and skill development and have so far registered 600-700 girls who will get education till metric. Ms Razia Mudassar, Women Leader from Attock, Surya Manzoor from Gujranwala, Ms Sarkar Abbass, Advocate Supreme Court, ex-Member, District Public Safety Commission, Dr Amna Mustafa Solangi, Ms Feroza Zahra, Programme Manager, Raising Her Voice, Oxfam, Ms Attiya Batool and Ghazala Anjum, women leaders from Hafizabad and Sukkur also spoke.
(Left to Right( Ms Haleema Bhutto, Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating officer, Aurat Fooundation, Ms Mukhtaran Mai, Dr Amna Mustafa Solangi and Ms Samina Khan, Executive Director, SUNNGI Development Organization |
Samina Khan, Executive Director, SUNGI Development Foundation telling about police baton charge on women’s demonstration on 12th February 1983; she herself was present in the demon that day. |
Haleema Bhuttu and Mukhtara Mai – two victims of violence together on their way to struggle for violence free society. |
Ms Mukhtaran Mai speaking at the seminar. on stage (L to R) Mumtaz Mughul, National Coordinator, Aurarat Foundation, Ms Haleema Bhutto, Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating officer, Aurat Fooundation, Dr Amna Mustafa Solangi and Ms Feroza Zahra, Programme Manager, Raising Her Voice, Oxfam. |
Haleema Bhuttu sharing her issues with the audience. |
Participants watching the pictures of police ‘12th February 1983 Baton Charge’ on multimedia screen (in the right corner of the picture). |
Activity Title: ‘National Women’s Day celebrations – jointly organized by Aurat Foundation, PODA, NCSW and PTV’
Date: February 11, 2011.
Pakistan National Council of Arts.
Participants Guests: Members of women leaders groups from fifty districts of the country, civil society organizations, human rights activists and media persons.
Brief Highlights:
In order to mark the National Women’s Day, Aurat Foundation, National Commission on the Status of Women (NCWS), Pothohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA) and Pakistan Television (PTV) jointly organized a public gathering on February 11, 2011, at the Pakistan National Council of Arts. Ms Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Advisor to Prime Minister, presented the history of women’s struggle for equal rights and status in Pakistan. Women leader from grassroots, representing Aurat Foundations’s Citizens Action Committees from fifty districts shared their struggle for equal rights and becoming women leaders; most of them also contested the district government elections. Ms Anis Haroon, Chairperson NCSW, gave a guiding presentation on the ‘Way Forward - Where we do go now from here’. Earlier Ms Zahida Hina spoke on the socio-cultural aspect of religious extremism and its impact on women.
Ms Rehana Taufique and Ms Shabnam shakeel read their poetry reference to women’s struggle. Renown singer Ms Fareeha Pervez sung famous poems from Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s poetry – ‘Aaj bazaar main pa bajolaan chalo’ and ‘Hum dekhen gay’.
Ms Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Advisor to Prime Minister, speaking at event.. |
Ms Mukhtaran Mai, receiving award for her courage and struggle to stand for women’s rights. |
Ms Fareeha Pervez sung famous poems from Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s poetry |
Activity Title: Seminar on ‘Issues of Internally Displaced People in Pakistan with Special Focus on Women’.
Date: 31st January 2011.
Hotel Holiday Inn.
Participants Guests: Members of civil society organizations, NGOs, bar councils and media organizations.
Brief Highlights:
In order to highlight the issues of internally displaced persons Aurat Foundation’s Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment (LWP-WE) organized a seminar on January 31, 2011, at Hotel Holiday Inn. The seminar was attended by political workers and members of civil society organization and NGOs working with Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), bar councils and media organizations
This was stated by researcher and lecturer of Fatima Jinnah University at a seminar titled “Issues of Internally Displaced People in Pakistan with Special Focus on Women.
Development consultant Naheed Aziz was the moderator and rights activist Tahira Abdullah was discussant of the occasion.
Salman Hyder while presenting findings of his research said that Pakistan has a long and a rich history of internal displacements and cross border refugee seekers yet the government has not been very efficient in dealing with the issue related to either IDPs or refugees. He pointed out that communal and sectarian tensions, development projects, ethnic riots, tribal clashes and violence against religious minorities were some of the main causes that triggered internal displacement on many occasions in the history. “Other reasons that led thousands of people to move from their native land were army operations, floods and earthquakes.”
While presenting recommendation, Mr Hyder said that domestic legislation, policy making and improved civilian control of disaster management are the key to handle the situation effectively. He stressed the need to identify that emergency response is a part of the solution and not the whole and for it, the right centric approach need to be adopted.
He said that registration process must be made simple and multiple tiers of registration should be removed. He mentioned that the disaggregated data on the axis of age, gender and other relevant variable is very important for the just implementation during rehabilitation process and demanded that rehabilitation should always accompany rehabilitation of economic activity in the area.
(R to Left) Ms Tahira Abdullah, Naheed Aziz, Salman Hyder and Nayyar Shabana. |
(L to R) Nayyar Shabana speaking at the seminar; on her right, Salman Hyder, Naheed Aziz and Tahira Abdullah. |
Seminar on ‘Issues of IDPs in Pakistan with Special Focus on Women’ |
Activity Title: ‘Seminar on: Issues of Internally Displaced People in Pakistan with special focus on women’
Date: January 28, 2011.
Serena Hotel, Quetta
Participants: Women politicians, NGO representatives, media personnel, lawyers, students, home based workers, government officials and ex-women councilors
Brief Highlights:
Aurat Foundation’s LWP-WE at Quetta office held a seminar on ‘Issues of Internally Displaced People in Pakistan with special focus on women’ on January 28, 2011, at Serena Hotel. Salman Haider, Lecturer at Fatima Jinah Women University, Islamabad, and expert on the issue, was the resource person. People from different walks of life i.e. politics, NGOs, media, lawyer forums and bar councils participated in the seminar. During open session, the participants shared that displacements in Balochistan were caused due to mega projects, worst political situation and military operation.
Participants at the seminar on internally displaced peoples, Quetta |
Activity Title: Working Group Meeting: ‘Policy Drafts on IDPs with special focus on women’.
Date: December 29, 2010.
Hotel Holiday Inn, Islamabad.
Participants Guests: Members of civil society organizations, lawyers, NGOs, media persons.
Brief Highlights:
In order to discuss the ‘Policy Draft On Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), With Special Focus On Women’ with the legal experts, human rights activists and concerned citizens, Aurat Foundation organized a working group meeting on December 29, 2010, at Islamabad hotel. In Pakistan, internally displaced persons (IDPs) have not been accorded a special place in legal system. There are only two laws which deal with the IDPs, ‘The Displaced Persons Settlement Act (1958)’ and ‘The Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation) Act (1958); both of these laws address the peoples displaced because of the Partition of sub-continent.
Mr Salman Hyder, Lecturer, Fatima Jinah Women University, while giving a situational analysis and historical perspective of the IDPs and causes behind the displacement, said that mega development projects like dams, disasters and national conflicts have been among the major reason behind the displacement of peoples from their homes. He categorically said that the affect of displacement is gender specific, and women are major sufferer during the displacement. He said that most of the women-headed households were not counted and documented during earthquake 2005 and the military operation in Swat, Malakand and other areas.
Ms Sadia Mumtaz, specialist in gender and law, while reviewing the international definitions of IDPs, informed the participants that the international definitions do not cover the persons displaced due to Blasphemy law and due to landmines at the borders between India and Pakistan. She said that on internally displaced persons Pakistan has signed international instruments including the UN Guiding Principles on International Displacement, International Humanitarian Law (IHL), International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and International Criminal Law (ICL). She pointed out that the government of Pakistan, according to the International Humanitarian Law (IHL), was bound to inform the concerned peoples in time about the military operation in Swat, Malakand and other areas; the government, however, terribly failed to do so, and hence violated the international law.
Mr Shah Khawar, advocate High Court, and farmer Deputy Attorney General of Pakistan, informed the participants that in the Constitution 1973’s chapter of Principal of Policy’, addresses the needs and rights of citizens including shelter. Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, Aurat Foundation, in his closing remarks suggested that the government shall set up a national commission on the internally displaced persons. In order to take this whole process of policy on IDPs, he also suggested to establish a working group comprising he stakeholders including the concerned government department, law experts and NGOs like SPO and SUNGI which have been active in dealing with the issues of person displaced during the 2005 earthquake and military operation in Swat and other areas. Sarwat Wazir, from Aurat Foundation, gave a brief presentation on IDPs and its gender dimensions. Ms Shabana Nayyar Kiani, National Coordinator, Aurat Foundation moderated the working group meeting.
Sadia Mumtaz speaking at the working group meeting on Policy Draft on IDPs. |
Ibtesam Qaisrani, Nayyer Shabana, Mr Salman Hyder and Sadia Mumtaz at the working group meeting on Policy Draft on IDPs |
Activity Title: ‘Women Solidarity Mela’
Date: Saturday, December 4,
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
Auditorium, H-8/1, Islamabad.
Participants Guests: Women from grassroots
communities, civil society, representative of government and
various institutions and commons citizens.
Brief Highlights:
Organized by Aurat Foundation to
celebrate the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence against
Women, which is observed internationally from November 25 to
December 10 each year.
The women mela was one among the
series of activities organized by Aurat Foundation.
Apart from the national women’s day on
12th February and International Women’s Day on 8
March, the 16 Days of Activism is another such opportunity,
more organized and devoted to women rights cause, and in
fact bring the women and human rights activists and
organization at local, national and international in a loop
to express solidarity, share experiences and hence enhance
the impact of their struggle.
The first session was jointly chaired
by Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, Aurat
Foundation, Ms Neva Khan, Country Representative, Oxfam GB
and Ms Ibtesam Qaisrani, Director Programmes, Aurat
Foundation. In his welcome note, Mr Mirza demand from the
government the urgent passage of the ‘Domestic Violence
Bill, from the parliament and swift but careful
implementation of Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace
Act 2010. He also gave a brief
history of 16 Days of Activism. Ms Neva Khan, while
highlighting the need for collective efforts to end violence
against women, said that Pakistan is one of the few
countries in the world to have a negative female-male sex
ration i.e. for every 100 women, there are 108.5 men.
The second session, titled Actions and
Achievements to End Violence against Women, focused on
experience sharing by women leaders from the communities and
institution. The session was addressed by Ms Tahira Abdulla,
a known rights activist and volunteer humanitarian worker,
Ms Sameena Nazir, Executive Director, PODA, six grass root
women leaders, namely Dr Naseem Shakeel from Sialkot, Ms
Tayaba Aziz from D G Khan, Ms Riffat Khan from Bhakkar, Ms
Razia Sultana from Rawalpindi and Ms Nigar Raoof from
Ms Tahira Abdullah, while highlighting
various aspects of violence which women face, categorically
pointed out the flaws present in the census process. She
criticized the Census Organization that it is completely
gender blind in terms of its means and the terminologies it
uses. For example, the staff deputed for census do not
separately ask for boys and girls for the number of children
column and the respondent, usually male of the household, do
not give the names of their women and daughter. She also
stressed the need for making the census terminologies gender
sensitive and that it shall evolve a system where work done
by women is also counted in the census.
The third session comprised showing a
document titled ‘Bol’ (speak), produced by Ms Samar Minallah,
from Ethnomedia. The documentary focused the means and
public place where women are sexually harassed. Other
documentaries shown in the session were produced by the ‘We
Can Campaign’ of the Oxfam GB, to raise awareness on ending
violence against women.
The fourth session was a theatrical
performance by the Lahore based Interactive Resource Centre
and Hum Theater Group, presented by Mohammad Waseem. The
play was titled ‘Dafa 509 (section 509) that is a
section of recently passed Harassment at Workplace Bill,
2010, which highlighted the various provision available in
the bill to register complaints against sexual harassment of
women at workplace. Mr Zamard Khan, Chairman Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal
(PBM), and the Chief Guest for the Fourth and Fifth session,
in his address said that passage of sexual harassment bill
from the parliament in fact showed the commitment of Peoples
Party and vision of its leader Mohtarma Benazir Bhuttu. He
further said that any women facing cancer, hepatitis or hear
ailment could contact PBM and they would be given financial
help. The PBM has also formed a committee in compliance
with the implementation of the Harassment Act 2010. Mr
Shaukat Pervaiz, President of Pakistan Federal Union of
Journalists, in his address categorically stated various
steps the PFUJ has is taking to make the media place as free
of harassment. He said that for the purpose, the PFUJ has
made a committee of senior women journalist to encourage
women journalists to come forward and empower women in
media. In the end of the session, Aurat Foundation staff,
along with the members from civil society, sang their
traditional ‘Women Anthem’ ‘Darya ki Qasam, Maujoon ki
Qasam, ye tana bana badley ga - tu khud ko badal, tu khud
ko badal, phir he to zamana badley ga’.
In the fifth session,
Ms Shema Karman, along with her group performed a
choreography, titled Meri Kanani (My Story) on theme
of violence against women and extremism in the society. The
choreography, through dance expressions, spoke out the
social and cultural violence which women face in the male
dominated society, especially the matters like marriages
where women are denied of their decision and choice. In the
end, renown singer Ms Aliya Rasheed with orchestra presented
Sufi and classical music. The participants of the Mela,
hundreds in number, showed their interest and commitment
through their presence from beginning to the end. A lot or
organization, namely, Potohar Organization for Development
Advocacy (PODA), First Women Bank Limited (FWBL), Ministry
of Human Rights, Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Aurat
Foundation etc, showed their presence through stalls to
display their information and publications.
AF staff members singing AF’s traditional ‘Women
Anthem’ ‘Darya ki Qasam, Maujoon ki Qasam’ |
Naeem A Mirza,
COO, AF, delivering his welcome address; on the
stage (L to R) Younas Khalid, Director, SPME, AF,
Neva Khan, Country Representative, Oxfam GB and
Ibtesam Hassan Qaisrani, Director Programmes, AF. |
(L to R) Nayyar
Shabana, NC (LWP-WE), AF, Dr Naseem Shakeel, Tayaba
Aziz, Riffat Khan, Tahira Abdulla, Sameena Nazir,
Razia Sultana and Nigar Raoof. |
Zamard Khan,
Chairman PBM, Wasim Wagha |
performance by the Lahore based Interactive Resource
Centre and Hum Theater Group. |
Shema Karman, along with her
group, performing choreography, titled Meri
Kanani (My Story). |
Aliya Rasheed with
orchestra performing Sufi and classical music. |
Stalls in the Women
Solidarity Mela |
Activity Title: Rally to Mark ‘16 Days of Activism’.
Date: November 30, 2010.
Regal Chowk to Karachi Press Club.
Participants Guests:
Members of civil society organizations, NGOs, Legislative Watch Group (LWG), Citizen Action Committees (CAC) and media representatives.
Brief Highlights:
As part of celebrating ’16 Days of Activism’ to end violence against women, Aurat Foundation organized a peaceful rally on November 30, 2010, from Regal Chowk to Karachi Press Club, to support voices for elimination of all types of violence against women in the country. The rally was marked with the active presence of members Citizens Action Committee (CAC) and ‘50 Women Leaders Groups’ from different districts of Sindh. A large number of people representing NGOs, like Shirkat Gah, Layari Community Development Project (LCDP), Women Development Foundation- Pakistan (WDF), Labour Education Foundation (LEF), Women Welfare Development Association (WWDA), Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO), members Legislative Watch Group (LWG) and PDM-VAW group, women’s rights activists, lawyers, students and media persons also participated in the rally. Mehnaz Rehman, Residnet Director Aurat Foundation, Karachi office, readout the press release. At the end, Adv. Rubina Brohi of LWP-WE and Farida Tahir of PDM-VAW thanked the participants.
Participants of the rally raising slogans (Karachi, November 30, 2010). |
(R to L) From Aurat Foundation Malaka Khan, Mehnaz Rehman, Farida Tahir, Shahida Sajid, Rubina Brohi Adv. and Shireen Khan in the rally along with other women’s rights activist (Karachi, November 30, 2010). |
Activity Title: Visit to women survivors of violence at Benazir Bhutto Crisis Center
Date: November 26, 2010.
Benazir Bhutto Crisis Center.
Participants Guests:
Dr Marilyn Wyatt, distinguished development professional and wife of US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Muter, Ms Catherine Johnson, Senior Director, Office of Democracy and Governance, USAID, Ms Leslie Gonzales, Programme Advisor, USAID, Ms Julia C Fendrick, Assistant Cultural Attache, Embassy of United States of America, Ms Simin Kamal, Chief of Party, Gender Equity Programme (GEP), Ms Samina Naz, Communication Specialist (GEP), Ms Ibtesam Hasan Qaisrani, Director Programmes (AF), Ms Nayyar Shabana, National Coordinator, LWP-WE (AF), Ms Rabeeha Shah, National Coordinator, PDM-VAW (AF), Ms Sarwart Wazir, Programme Officer, Mina Khan, Programme Officer (AF), Ms Anam Anwar Khan, Programme Officer (AF), and Myra Imran, Staff Reporter, daily The News
Brief Highlights:
As part of its activities planned to celebrate 16 Days of Activism’s Global Campaign for year 2010, , Aurat Foundation, on 26 November, 2010, organized a visit of a delegation of women members from civil society and donors organization to meet women survivors of violence, sheltered in the Benazir Bhutto Crisis Center (BBCC), Islamabad. The delegation comprised Dr Marilyn Wyatt, distinguished development professional and wife of US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Muter, Ms Catherine Johnson, Senior Director, Office of Democracy and Governance, USAID, Ms Leslie Gonzales, Programme Advisor, USAID, Ms Julia C Fendrick, Assistant Cultural Attache, Embassy of United States of America, Ms Simin Kamal, Chief of Party, Gender Equity Programme (GEP), Ms Samina Naz, Communication Specialist (GEP), Ms Ibtesam Hasan Qaisrani, Director Programmes (AF), Ms Nayyar Shabana, National Coordinator, LWP-WE (AF), Ms Rabeeha Shah, National Coordinator, PDM-VAW (AF), Ms Sarwart Wazir, Programme Officer, Mina Khan, Programme Officer (AF), Ms Anam Anwar Khan, Programme Officer (AF), and Myra Imran, Staff Reporter, daily The News.
While talking to media person, Dr Wyatt, said that the USAID will provide $ 25,000 each for infrastructure development in five Benazir Bhutto Crisis Centers located in Islamabad, Sahiwal, Karachi, Jacobabad and Abbottabad. “Despite the crisis situation Pakistan is currently facing on many fronts, it is commendable that the government is maintaining a network of support mechanism for violence victims through out the country,” she added. Ms Catherine Johnson, while briefing about the US government programmes policy on gender issue, said that gender equality makes an important component of US Pakistan strategic dialogue and is incorporated in every single program supported by the US government.
The delegation met with survivors and presented centre with a month’s supply of rice, sugar and milk for the women survivors and their children currently residing in the centre. They also visited the training centre established within the area where violence victims get training on variety of skills. The delegation took keen interest in the products made by the survivors.
Ms Rehana Yaqoob, Manager, Shelter Home for BBCC on the occasion informed the delegation that during July to September, 2010, the center received 103 cases of violence against women, among them, around 59 were victims of domestic violence. While sharing her observations about the kind of violence that has shown sharp increase in past few years, she said that the centre was receiving much more cases of forced marriage compared to past.
Delegation with the staff members of the Benazir Bhuttu Crisis Centre. |
Dr Marilyn Wyatt and Ibtesam Qaisrani with the women survivors of violence at the Benazir Bhuttu Crisis Centre. |
Activity Title: Lecture on the Global Theme of 16 Days of Activism
Campaign 2010: ‘Structures of Violence: Defining the
Intersections of Militarism & Violence against Women’
Date: Thursday, November
25, 2010.
Aurat Foundation office,
Brief Highlights:
In order to start the 16 Days of
Activism, 2010, Aurat Foundation organized a lecture on the
global theme of 16 Days of Activism Campaign 2010, titled
‘Structures of Violence: Defining the Intersections of
Militarism & Violence against Women’. The lecture was
delivered by Ms Anis Haroon, eminent women’s rights activist
and Chairperson National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW).
She said that militarism was creating culture of fear in
Pakistan’s social mindset that had started supporting the
use of violence and women being the vulnerable segment of
society were the direct victim of such culture. Earlier,
Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Aurart
Foundation, while giving a detailed history of 16 Days of
Activism, said that by Resolution 54/134 of December 17,
1999, UN General Assembly designated November 25 as the
International Day for Elimination of Violence against
Ms Anis Haroon,
Chairperson NCSW, delivering Lecture on the Global
Theme of 16 Days of Activism, 2010 |
Participant at the
lecture on 16 Days of Activism, 2010 |
Activity Title: National Consultation on ‘National & Provincial
Legislative Initiatives on Women’s Rights Issues’
Date: Thursday, November
11, 2010.
Venue: Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Participants / Guests:
Aurat Foundation organized a national
consultation to discuss the means and support needed for
legislative reforms. The consultation was attended by Ms
Bushra Gohar, Chairperson Standing Committee of the National
Assembly on Women’s Development, as Chief Guest, Ms Zakia Shahnawaz, Advisor to Chief
Minister, Punjab, Ms Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Minister
for Women Development, Sindh, Ms Raheela
Durrani, Minister for Prosecution, Balochistan, and Ms Amina
Ansari, Member Legislative Assembly, Gilgit Baltistan as Guest Speakers. Presentations were made
by Ms Aqsa Khan Executive Director, WORD, on ‘UN
Women’, and Ms Shehr Bano Khan, a senior journalist, on
‘Security Council Resolution SCR1325’.
Brief Highlights:
Ms Amina Ansari, Member Legislative
Assembly, Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), complained that their
government did not provide development funds to women
members of the assembly directly but through men members
which was, in fact, a clear denial of women’s rights to
representation and political empowerment. She pointed out
that in GB there were no family courts for women, Hence
the family laws could not be extended to the region. She
said that there was not a single women police station in the
whole Gilgit Baltistan as if it was not part of Pakistan.
Further highlighting the discrimination with the women in
GB, Ms Ansari informed the participants that in the seven
districts of GB there was no women lawyer and women judge.
There is no technical institute there and hence women of GB
are deprived of technical education.
In her presentation, Ms Tauqeer Fatima
Bhutto said that the relations between men and women were
improving with reference to their rights and
responsibilities. Unfortunately, still there are some men
who do not want women to be empowered and mainstreamed.
While highlighting the government’s efforts towards women’s
rights, Ms Zakia Shahnawaz mentioned the initiatives taken
in this regard. She said that Social Welfare Department had
established Dar-ul-Amans in 34 districts of Punjab which
provided institutional care to the survivors of violence
against women. She said, “Primary education and awareness
among young girls and women, particularly so in rural areas,
is a primary requisite for change towards gender equality.
Women’s protection at workplace is very important as it
hinders women’s way for employment and economic
independence. Thus, we need to work for ending harassment
of women when they want to make their livelihoods whether in
formal or informal way”. She further said we had good laws
on women’s rights, what we critically needed today is the
implementation and monitoring of these laws’.
Ms Bushra Goher said that one of the
developments towards women’s empowerment was that political
parties had realized and started responding to the fact that
women should be given equal space in parties’ decision
making. In some areas, particularly in FATA and
Gilgit-Baltistan, women still did not have equal right to
citizenship; hence, they were deprived of all basic human
rights as citizens. The present government had introduced
many important legislative initiatives e.g. bill against
domestic violence, sexual harassment etc. Although the
domestic violence bill lapsed in the senate, but we would
soon get it passed according to new procedure adopted for
lapsed bills in the 18th Amendment, she said.
Mr Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating
Officer, Aurat Foundation, in his concluding remarks, said,
“We believe and want other peoples to believe as well that
women’s reserved seats are not charity seats but it is there
right and they have proven their potential for exercising
this right in the last assembly (the 12th National Assembly, 2002-07) and the current assembly”.
While highlight the need for implementation and monitoring
of the legislative initiatives taken on women’s rights, he
said that the women parliamentarians and political leaders
shall put pressure on the government and the concerned
institutions for the implementation of laws recently enacted
on women’s rights.
Naeem A Mirza, COO, Aurat, addressing
the national consultation; on the stage (L to R):
Mehnaz Rehman, RD, AF Karachi office, Tauqeer Fatima
Bhutto, Minister for
Women Development, Sindh, Zakia
Shahnawaz, Advisor to Chief Minister, Punjab, Amina
Ansari, Member Legislative Assembly, Gilgit Baltistan, and Raheela Durrani, Minister for
Prosecution, Balochistan. |
to R): Mehnaz Rehman, RD, AF Karachi office, Tauqeer
Fatima Bhutto, Minister for Women
Development, Sindh, Zakia Shahnawaz, Advisor to
Chief Minister, Punjab, Amina Ansari, Member Legislative Assembly, Gilgit Baltistan, and Raheela Durrani, Minister for
Prosecution, Balochistan |
Aqsa Khan, ED,
WORD, delivering her presentation in the
Activity Title: Monitoring and
Evaluation Workshop.
Tuesday-Wednesday, November 9-10, 2010.
Hotel Elite, Nathyagali
Participants / Guests: AF staff (all regions)
Brief Highlight:
Workshop on Monitoring
and Evaluation was held on November 9-10, 2010, at Hotel
Elite, Nathyagal. The workshop was organized by
Legislative Watch Programme for Women’s Empowerment of Aurat
Foundation and attended by 22 participants of AF
staff. The main objective of the workshop was to provide
basic features about the content and process of monitoring
and evaluation (M&E). The workshop started with an
interactive gender base quiz facilitated by Nayyar Shabana
and Sarwat Wazir; the participants were given cards to
answer a question that ‘how they perceived the difference
between men and women if they are brought to earth from a
planet where there is no discrimination between men and
women’. Later on Mr Hassan Akhtar, Manager Monitoring and
Evaluation discussed the scope of M&E in a project success.
The training workshop was followed by an open discussion on
the high’s and low’s of the M&E in reference to a project
and during and after its implementation. Several sessions
regarding different aspects of M&E were held during the
Participants during
the 2 Day Training Workshop on Monitoring &
Evaluation. |
Ms Nayyar Shabana,
National Coordinator, LWP-WE, and Ms Sarwat Wazir,
Programme Officer, during the interactive gender
base quiz. |
Motherland Flood Relief Campaign
Aurat Foundation responded to Pakistan's worst ever disaster
of its history by immediately launching the 'Motherland
Flood Relief Campaign'. The deadly floods in August 2010
devastated vast swathes of the country in almost all the
provinces of Pakistan. Over 21 million people were affected
and 1,961 lost their lives. Millions of people lost their
homes and livelihoods. Over 8 million acres of wheat,
cotton, sugarcane and other crops were ruined; hygiene and
sanitary conditions have deteriorated alarmingly and there
is grave apprehension of epidemics, especially
gastroenteritis, cholera, malaria and dengue fever, and
large-scale snake bites, scabies, respiratory and digestive
system problems.
of AF's most valuable assets is its citizens' networks.
These networks are based at the grassroots level in all 110
districts of Pakistan and became the vehicle through which
AF launched its major nation-wide flood relief campaign.
In collaboration with hundreds of volunteers from AF's
Citizens' Action Committees for Women's Rights, Women's
Leaders' Groups and District Coordination Committees, AF was
able to make a rapid response to the catastrophe.
first relief goods were sent to the worst hit areas in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Later, AF was able to extend its
Motherland Flood Relief Campaign to districts in Sindh,
Punjab and Balochistan which were swiftly accessible to our
volunteers and were located near AF's regional offices.
the support and cooperation of its global partners, friends
and sympathizers within the country and abroad, AF was able
to raise funds for the Campaign. Women's Learning
Partnership (WLP) from USA, who is our global partners, gave
complete support to our flood relief effort. The WLP and
its 17 other partners across the world also linked their
websites with AF's website on the situation of the flood and
disseminated Motherland Flood Relief Appeal in their
respective geographical areas by translating the appeal into
Arabic, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Similarly, The
Mauritius-based HomeNet South Asia, the Malaysian-based
International Women's Rights Watch Group - Asia Pacific, and
the Australian-based Chamak Pakistan also gave us valuable
support to AF's flood relief activities.
urgent needs for some of the worse-affected were met.
However, AF continues to plan more short and long-term
relief and rehabilitation interventions. Lost livelihoods
and infrastructure will have to be re-established and
re-built. Again, female-headed households are particularly
vulnerable as they will have to struggle to establish their
livelihoods and reclaim their land title rights.
Psychological trauma is a huge concern as rehabilitation
efforts are made more challenging to the state of mind of
the flood-affected.
Aurat Foundation issued the following appeal to local,
national and international partners.
Flood Relief Campaign
for women and children
Aurat Foundation’s country-wide social mobilisation to save
women, children, elderly and special people in Pakistan
from further agony, hunger, disease and devastation
Pakistan is facing the worst ever disaster of its history.
The deadly floods have badly hit almost all areas of
Pakistan . Over 20 million people are affected; the death
toll is 1,600 and rising each day; millions have become
homeless; over 8 million acres of wheat, cotton, sugarcane
and other crops have already been ruined; hygiene and
sanitary conditions have vastly deteriorated and there is
grave apprehension of epidemics, especially gastroenteritis,
cholera, malaria and dengue fever, and large-scale snake
bites, scabies, respiratory and digestive system problems.
Aurat Foundation,
a national non-profit women's rights organization committed
to working for women's empowerment and development in
Pakistan, went into the flood relief activities, immediately
after the floods hit vast areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Later, our offices and our volunteers in the affected and
close-by districts in Sindh, Punkab and Balochistan
continued their efforts with zeal and commitment as our
motherland was hit by a worst-ever disaster. Aurat
Foundation's offices in Islamabad , Lahore , Karachi ,
Peshawar and Quetta will be our main contact offices (see
details at the website).
Having the largest citizens' network in the country at the
grassroots level in all 110 districts of Pakistan, Aurat
Foundation is launching a major nation-wide flood relief
campaign, in collaboration with its hundreds of volunteers
in Citizens' Action Committees for Women's Rights, Women's
Leaders Groups and District Coordination Committees, and
with the support and cooperation of its global partners,
friends and sympathizers abroad (see details at the
The situation is alarming – perhaps beyond
our imagination and estimates.
· So far, we do not have precise data, but only guesstimates,
based on the population displaced vis-a-vis the number of
births per annum, to determine how many women are pregnant
in the flood-stricken areas. The most recent estimate by
the UN indicates that around 90,000 flood-affected women are
currently pregnant and will give birth in the six months
starting August.
· A far more alarming figure is the UN's apprehension that
within the coming six months over 30,000 women and girls in
the flooded regions may die of causes relating to under- and
mal-nutrition, anaemia, lack of hygiene and sanitation, low
immunity and vulnerability to disease, unlike the male
population. International humanitarian aid groups estimate
that 3.5 million of the displaced children risk death from
diseases resulting from polluted water and lack of
sanitation, e.g. cholera, typhoid, dysentery and common
· A far more alarming figure is the UN's apprehension that
within the coming six months over 30,000 women and girls in
the flooded regions may die of causes relating to under- and
mal-nutrition, anaemia, lack of hygiene and sanitation, low
immunity and vulnerability to disease, unlike the male
population. This is a reflection on the outcome of chronic
imbalance, injustice and inequality of women in our society.
Flood Relief
Activity Title: Flood
Relief CSOs/NGOs Coordination Meeting
Date: 27th August 2010
Venue: Ambassador Hotel, Lahore
Panelist: Hussain Naqi, Senior Analyst HRCP
Peter Jacob, Executive Director NCJP
Waseem Ashraf, focal person One UN Unit Punjab
Laila Nusrat, Chairperson Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women
Crisis Center Lahore
Parveen Butt, Senior Programme Officer, Aurat Foundation
Closing Remarks: Yasmeen Rehman, Advisor to Prime
Minister and Federal Minister for Women Development
Moderator: Mumtaz Mughal, Regional Coordinator, Aurat
Brief Review of Proceedings:
Flood Relief CSOs/NGOs
Coordination Meeting was held at Ambassador Hotel. It was
the first coordination meeting of CSO/NGOs in Punjab. More
than 80 participants from different civil society
organizations and media participated in the meeting. The
participants told about their efforts for flood relief.
Discussion among the participants was carried out on
challenges faced during the flood relief activities.
Participants emphasized that the regular follow up meetings
should be held in Punjab. The participants also stressed for
necessary preparations for the rehabilitation of victims of
flood. Participants show their deep concerns about missing
women and children from camps. Ms Yasmeen Rehman Advisor to
PM asked to provide the list of areas where women and
children are missing. She said that the responsible
departments will take actions to prevent this immorality.
One UN Unit, Care Foundation, MDM, SPO, SAP-Pk, Shirkatgah,
ASR Resource Center, NCJP, WAR and other local NGOs
participated in the meeting.
AF Peshawar Office -
3rd September 2010
AF Team: Shabina Ayyaz , Saima, Shirin Javed, Tariq ,Shakeela,
Briefing of AF Islamabad meeting regarding flood relief
Planning for providing Eid package
Saima briefed the AF team about the meeting held at AF
Islamabad office.
Following were shared with the team:
Eid Package
Identification of area and place to work for rehab.
It was unanimously decided to provide following items in eid
package for 200 families in Nowshera
Relief Activities in Punjab
Citizen Action Community
for women rights Muzaffargarh is intensive engaged in relief
activity. District is severely affected with disaster and a
lot of work and efforts are required, anyhow CAC and its
member's organizations & groups are working with their
limited resources. CAC mobilized its member's organization
and formed a civil society network for relief and
rehabilitation activities namely "Muzaffargarh NGOs Network
for Flood Relief" CAC Muzaffargarh relief activities are
continuing with its own volunteer's strength. CAC is
intensively engaged in consultation with others donors to
facilitate their out reach for covering more affected area.
It is important to acknowledge the support of CAC Multan.
Large numbers of affected families have temporally migrated
from affected area to Multan. Multan city district
administration and civil society of Multan is looking after
these affected families. CAC Multan is doing their efforts
for provision of relief services to these families.
Coordinator of CAC Pakpattan district has also visited the
Muzaffargarh and committed support for provision of
medicines for medical camps. AF CAC network is backing the
Muzaffargarh group and it is a good example of strength of
CAC Network.
Relief camp set-up by the Citizens Actions Committee Vehari
relief activities by the 50 Women Leaders Group of District
Situation and Relief Activities in Khyber Pukhtoonkha
Peshawar Office - SBRC Assessment
On August, 1st to 3rd 2010 Five staff members of Samaji
Behbood Rabta Council (SBRC) and Ajmal Malik Sahib CHIP made
a rapid assessment of situation in the outskirts of District
Charssada Nowshera Swabi Jehangira and had meetings with
Community Member and affected people there.
Key Findings: A devastating flood hit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(KP), Gilgit Baltistan & Punjab. Almost all the districts of
KPK have badly affected by the flood due to heavy rains.
As the magnitude of the destruction is very high and most of
the area has still cut off from the rest of the country.
Roads, bridges and all communication infrastructures is
SBRC team made assessment in 3 District of KPK which is
situated at the main Jehangira-Swabi Road at the bank of
river Kabul and Indus. The place is famous as picnic spot
named Kund. The river is wider here and when the water level
got up it created destruction in the nearby area. The area
was inaccessible till 29 July evening and when water level
got down then different reached there. SBRC team was the
first one to reach the area. The UC has 4 big villages
including Jehangira Village as well as Allah Dher. Almost
all the villages of the UCs have been badly affected
including 20,000 people. Almost 500 houses are destroyed.
Total number of live stock lost is 1500 according to the
rough estimate. Standing crops have also been severely
damaged. Apart from this the government assets like schools,
hospitals, roads infrastructure, water channels, bridges all
are affected badly. Approximately government loss is
estimated as billions of rupees.
It is reported that the flood killed 4 persons and some got
injured some are reported missing. But the number may
increase as many children are missing and they are feared to
be swept away in the flood.
AF Staff packing and
distributing Relief items for Flood victims of Swat, Madyan,
Bahrain, Bishigram an Tirat.
Flood Relief
Activities in Sindh
The AF members Shireen
Ejaz and Adv. Rubina Aman Brohi visited the camp of Chakra
Goth on August 25, 2010 at Korangi No.1 Karachi to identify
the issues/ problems of women/ children/ disabled persons
and to collect the data of pregnant women. Hanif Rajpar of
SPSF and Ghulam Mustafa Memon MPA & Member of Sind Council
are looking after the camp.
The overall situation of camp is pathetic but people are
receiving food in time and have no complaints in this
regard. There was just one ceiling fan in a big room where
40-45 people were living. During our visit, there was no
electricity in the camp. There were just one cooler for one
room. Many people were living outside the camp because there
was no space, and due to this, they were not getting the
food, as they are not registered. Women have so many
problems. There was lack of necessities. Children were
suffering from many diseases e.g. diarrhea, skin problems,
fever, flu, chest infection, they are not receiving any
proper medical treatment or medicines from any NGO or
Government. There was a new born baby of ten days namely
Sailab Khan. Most of people belongs to Jacobabad, Thul,
Shahdad kot and Kkubo Saeed Khan.
To collect the data and to identify the issues of women the
AF team divided the women in to two groups (one woman from
one family) to discussed the problems. I.e.
gynecological/pregnancy/personal need etc.
It is worth mentioning here that two ambulances of Edhi were
stationed there for 24 hours for any emergency at camp.
The team of AF handover the food items, clothing, shoes,
chapals, and toys to organizers.
Need Assessment. Water coolers, bucket, washing tubs, toilet
mug, sanitary items,
Glasses, mugs, plates, quantity 50 each
Many of women were suffering with Hepatitis.
Motherland Flood Appeal
Malka contacted AHRC and they are also circulating AF appeal
to their networks.
Flood Relief
Activities in Balochistan
Following are the details of relief
activities conducted by Aurat Foundation Quetta office.
District Sibi:
Mir Shahbaz Khan Barozai coordinator CAC is nominated as
focal person in Sibi by Commissioner Sibi division to
coordinate on his behalf with relief organizations
04 private schools in Sibi are converted into relief camps
by CAC for flood affected families. The families residing in
these schools are provided every kind of help by the members
of CAC
400 pairs of cloths along with shoes are provided to the
flood affected children, Women and men
So far 03 medical camps are organized by CAC Sibi. 1600
patients are provided medical assistance and medicines in
these camps. Process of registration and guidance of flood
affected families and individuals are continued by members
of CAC Sibi. For this purpose members of CAC are working on
bus stop and railway station
District Jaffarabad:
Due heavy floods all the government office of district
Jaffarabad are shifted to Dera Murad Jamali
Water level in Jaffarabad is decreasing after the repair of
Noor Wah canal. The work of repair of Noor Wah canal is in
progress on urgent basis because the water coming from this
canal has created threats to the graves of Benazir Bhotto
and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Ghari Khuda Buksh
Due to the high level of water no relief organization has
the access to the flood affected families trapped in
different areas of the district
Only two helicopters and two boats are providing food and
other relief item to the trapped families as there is no
means or dry land for the evacuation of flood affected
District Naseerabad:
Due to no network of Mobilink in the area of Naseerabad,
contact was not possible with the coordinator CAC for the
update of relief activities.
Activity Title:
Launching of Annual Report on Violence against Women 2009
Policy and Data Monitor on Violence against Women
30 June, 2010
Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.
Ms. Sherry
Rehman, former Federal Information Minister and MNA PPP was
the Chief Guest; Ms. Tahira Abdullah, renowned women’s
rights activist presided over the function. Dr. Rakhshinda
Perveen presented the findings of the report as its author.
Mr. Naeem Mirza, Chief Operating Officer, and Ms. Rabeea
Hadi, National Coordinator PDM-VAW, Aurat Foundation,
moderated the event.
Brief description:
The Annual Report by PDM-VAW ‘Violence against Women
in Pakistan: A qualitative review of Statistics for 2009’
was successfully launched on 30 June, 2010, at a
well-attended seminar in Islamabad. Speakers and
participants expressed concern over the increase in
statistics of violence. It was also emphasized to adopt
means and ways of reducing violence against women at various
levels, particularly at the household level. The governments
were particularly held responsible to take stringent
measures in this regard. Members of political parties, civil
society organizations, social activists, teachers and
students, print and electronic media participated in the
launching ceremony.
Activity Title:
Launching of Annual Report on Violence against Women 2009
Project: Policy and Data Monitor on Violence
against Women
Venue: Press Club, Peshawar
Date: 30 June 2010
Brief Description:
The annual
report on the situation of VAW 2009 in Pakistan was launched
at a public seminar in Peshawar. Shabina Ayaz, Resident
Director, AF’s Peshawar office shared the national data with
the participants. Ms Zubeida Khatoon, Chairperson,
Provincial Commission on the Status of Women was the chief
Activity Title: Focused Group
Policy and Data Monitor on Violence against Women
24 June 2010
Aurat Foundation Office (Islamabad)
Tahira Abdullah, a
senior member of VAW Watch Group, Myra Imran, journalist
(The News) and Misbah Khalid, Program Officer, Rozan
Brief description:
PDM-VAW conducted a FGD
on the theme of ‘Guidelines for the Protection of Dignity
and Rights of the Survivors of Violence - Issues of Policies
and Compliance’. The discussion was based on the set of
guidelines prepared by Rozan a few years ago in
collaboration with other women’s rights organizations. The
discussants were of the view that the guidelines need to be
publicized and adhered to by the CSOs first. The
participants also discussed the reasons behind launching of
guidelines, their necessity and effects along with the role
of media in highlighting them.
Activity Title: Launch of Urdu version of international women’s leadership handbook ‘Pasand ki janab’
Date: 14
June, 2010
Margalla Hotel, Islamabad.
Participants &
Shehnaz Wazir Ali, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on
Social Sector, Ms Nigar Ahmed, Executive
Director, AF, Dr Masuma Hasan,
Founder-Member of Aurat Foundation’s Board of Governors and
former Cabinet Secretary, Government of Pakistan, Ms
Rubina Saigol, a feminist thinker/activist, Ms Amar Sindhu, a political and
civil rights activist and academician, Ms Zahra-tul-Fatima,
a training specialist and gender expert and Mr Naeem Mriza,
Chief Operating Officer, AF.
Aurat Foundation organized the inauguration of an international
leadership handbook for women Pasand ki Janab (Leading to Choices), on June 14, 2010, at Hotel Margalla.
The handbook, authored by Mahnaz Afkhami, Ann Eisenberg, and
Haleh Vaziri, is based on the premise that effective
leadership relies on the ability to communicate, listen,
build consensus, and work in partnership with allies to
develop a collective vision and implement an action plan.
Culture-specific adaptations of the manual are currently
available in fifteen languages world over. The handbook has been translated into Urdu by Dr Masuma Hasan,
Founder-Member of Aurat Foundation and Treasurer Board of
Activity Title: Provincial
Conference on Launching of Women’s Legislative Agenda:
Current Status & Way Forward
Legislative Advocacy and Action on Women’s Rights
by Provincial Women Legislators
By Pakistan Legislative Strengthening Project (PLSP)
10 June 2010
Chief Guest: Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan, Speaker Punjab Assembly
Guest of Honor: Zakia Shahnawaz, Advisor to Chief Minister (Punjab), Mahnaz
Rafi, Former Member National Assembly
Panelists: Nazia
Raheel, MPA, PML-N, Najmi Saleem, MPA, PPPP, Seemal Kamaran,
Dr. Asma
Mamdoot, PML-F
Moderator: Mumtaz Mughal,
Regional Coordinator, Aurat Foundation
Brief Review of Proceedings:
Conference on ‘Launching of Women’s Legislative Agenda:
Current Status & way Forward’ was held at Pearl Continental
(PC) hotel, Lahore. A large number of women MPAs and
representatives from civil society organizations and women
political workers across the province participated in the
conference. The consultation discussed the findings of the
desk review and thrashed out core issues of concern for
women for future legislation.
Title: Provincial
Conference with Women MPAs and CSO and media representatives
Advocacy and Action on Women’s Rights by Provincial Women
By Pakistan Legislative
Strengthening Project (PLSP)
Date: 10 June, 2010
Serena Hotel, Quetta
Women parliamentarians, including ministers of Balochistan
Assembly, along with the representatives of media, lawyers,
CBOs, NGOs participated in the one-day provincial conference
held to share the findings of desk review and provincial
women’s rights agenda for future legislation in Balochistan
Assembly. Representatives of government departments, members
of CACs, political activists, members NCSW, former women
parliamentarian and staff of Aurat Foundation Quetta office
and provincial staff of PLSP Balochistan also participated
in the conference.
Seen in the pictures are Ms. Raheela Durrani, Provincial Minister for Prosecution, Ms.
Ghazal Gola, Provincial Minster for Women’s Development, Dr.
Ruqiya Hashmi, Provincial Minster for Inter- province
Coordination, Ms. Hussan Bano, Adviser to CM, Ms. Nasreen
Khetran, Provincial Minster, Ms. Shahida Rauf Adiser to CM,
Ms. Rukhsana Ahmad Ali, member NCSW, Ms. Saima Javaid,
Senior program officer AF Quetta.
Title: Provincial
Conference on Launching
of “Provincial Legislative Agenda of Women’s Rights”
Legislative Advocacy and Action
on Women’s Rights by Provincial Women Legislators (USAID-PLSP)
9 June,
Avari Hotel,
Chief Guest:
Nisar A. Khuro Speaker Provincial Assembly of Sindh
Guest of Honour: Syed
Sardar Ahmed Minister & Parliamentary Leader MQM
Panelists: Shama Arif Mithani
MPA-PPPP, Humaira Alwani MPA-PPP, Nusrat Sehar Abbasi
MPA-PML(F), Shahnaz Saifuddin MPA-MQM, Mahnaz Rahman
RD, AF Karachi.
Moderators: Rubina Brohi, Advocate,
Regional Coordinator, AF Karachi, Huma Ikramullah Provincial
Coordinator of USAID-PLSP.
Foundation in collaboration with USAID-PLSP launched a draft
Provincial Legislative Agenda on Women’s Rights on 9 June,
2010 at a Provincial Conference in Karacahi. Nisar A. Khuro
Speaker Sind Assembly was the Chief Guest and Syed Sardar Ahmed Minister& Parliamentary Leader MQM
was the Guest of Honour. A large number of women
legislators, political party women, members of women’s
wings, lawyers along with CSO activists & media persons
attended the conference. The conference was the
culmination point of the process that started with the desk
review to determine what achievement women legislators had
made and what was required to do in terms of legislative
Activity Title: National Gender Reform Agenda: State Responsibilities and
Project: Legislative Watch Programme - Women’s Empowerment
Date: 8 June, 2010,
Holiday Inn, Islamabad
Participants &
Ms Yasmeen
Rehamn, Advisor, Ministry of Women’s Development, Ms Anis
Haroon, Chairperson, National Commission on the Status of
Women (NCSW), Mr Mukhtar Javaid, Director General
(Operations), Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), Ms
Rehana Hashmi, National Project Director (GRAP) and Mr Naeem
Mirza, Chief Operating Officer of Aurat Foundation.
Foundation organized a national seminar to discuss the
gender reforms agenda and state responsibilities and its
response. The theme covered the mandate and performance of
Gender Reforms Action Plan (GRAP), Benazir Income Support
Programme (BISP), and Gender Crime Centre. Seminar was
attended by cross section of society, including members of
women wings of various political parties, students from
gender studies department of Quaid-i-Azam University and
Fatima Jinnah Women University and representatives of civil
society organizations. The participants were all unanimous
in their firm resolve not to allow any roll back of the
national gender reform agenda of the government to empower
women in all spheres of life, particularly on women’s
political representation in the local government system and
mainstreaming gender into national bureaucracy.
Title: One Day Working
Group Meeting to finalize the Desk Review
Project: Legislative Advocacy and Action on Women’s Rights
by Provincial Women Legislators
By Pakistan Legislative
Strengthening Project (PLSP)
Date: 4 June, 2010
Avari Hotel, Karachi
Aurat Foundation in collaboration with Pakistan Legislative
Strengthen Project of USAID called a working group meeting
in Avari Hotel to finalize the desk review in the light of
Provincial Consultation held on 4th June. The
meeting discussed the “Women’s
Legislative Agenda” with legislators, gender and law
experts and representatives of CSOs and media.
Shahla Raza, Deputy Speaker, Provincial Assembly of the
Sindh, Bilquees
Mukhtar, MPA (MQM), Nusrat Sehar Abbasi, MPA, (PML-F), Shahnaz Saifuddin, MPA (MQM), Zareen Majed, MPA(MQM),
Heer Soho, MPA(MQM), Shama Mithani, MPA (PPPP), Naheed
Begum, MPA( MQM), Musrat Bano, MPA (MQM), Justice (R) Mjida Rizvi, Mahnaz Rahman AF Resident Director Karachi, Maliha Zia, Huma
Ikramullah, Provincial Coordinator of USAID, Rubina Brohi,
Regional Coordinator along with some notable lawyers, legal
experts, CSO members, media and AF staff .
Activity Title: One
Day Working Group Meeting to finalize the Desk Review
Project: Legislative Advocacy and Action on Women’s Rights
by Provincial Women Legislators
By Pakistan Legislative
Strengthening Project (PLSP)
Date: 2
June, 2010
Serena Hotel, Quetta
Women parliamentarians of Balochistan Assembly along with
the representatives of NGOs, media, lawyers, government
departments, provincial staff of PLSP Balochistan and staff
of Aurat Foundation Quetta office participated in the
provincial working group meeting. The meeting was held to
share the findings of desk review with women
parliamentarians of Balochistan Assembly and identify
women’s rights issues for future legislation in Balochistan
Assembly. During the meeting special session was held on
18th amendment and possibilitiesfor future legislation at
provincial level.
Activity Title: One
Day Consultation Meeting with Women Legislators on
Provincial Agenda on Women’s Rights: Sharing of Ideas and
Identifying Priority Issues
Project: Provincial Legislative
Strengthening Project (PLSP)
Date: May 20, 2010
Venue: Avari Hotel, Lahore
Participants: Women Parliamentarians
of Provincial Assembly of the Punjab and Media.
Brief Description:
Aurat Foundation organized a one day
consultation meeting with women legislator on Provincial
Legislative Agenda on Women’s Rights: Sharing of Ideas and
Priority Issues in collaboration with USAID-Pakistan
Legislative Strengthening Project (PLSP). In this
consultation the desk review on “Women’s Legislative Agenda:
Current Status and Way Forward was shared with women
legislators of Punjab Provincial Assembly and discussion was
carried out to know about the current legislative status of
women specific laws and policies: and to work out a strategy
on how to identify key priorities for future actions in this
SESSION ON: “Provincial Legislative
Agenda on Women’s Rights”
Preside by: Mr Rana Mashhood Ahmad
Khan, Acting Speaker of Punjab Assembly
Chair by: Ms Zaib Jaffar, Political
Assistant to Chief Minister of Punjab and member
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab-PLM (N)
Justice (R) Nasira Javaid Iqbal,
Ms Shazia Ashfaq Matto, MPA-PLML (N)
Ms Faiza Malik, MPA-PPPP and Parliamentary
Secretary for Irrigation and Power
Ms Bushra Nawaz Gardezi, MPA-PML
Ms Nasreen Zehra Aurta Foundation, Lahore
Moderated by:
Ms Azma Zahid Bukhari,
Parliamentary Secretary for Culture & Youth Affairs, Member
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab – PPPP
“Identifying the Key and Priority Issues”
Preside by: Ms
Yasmeen Rehman, Advisor to Prime Minister and Federal
Minister for Women
Development – PPPP
Chair by: Ms
Nazia Raheel, MPA – PML (N) and Parliamentary Secretary for
Special Education
Ms Anjum Safdar, MPA – PML (N)
Ms Saghira Islam, MPA – PPPP and
Parliamentary Secretary for Women Development
Ms Amna Ulfat, MPA – PML,
Moderate by:
Ms Maiza Hameed, MPA – MPL (N)
Activity Title: Provincial
Consultation Meeting with Women MPAs of Balochistan
Provincial Assembly
Project: Legislative
Advocacy and Action on Women’s Rights by Provincial Women
By Pakistan
Legislative Strengthening Project (PLSP)
Date: 12
May, 2010
Serena Hotel, Quetta
Brief Description:
Women parliamentarians
of Balochistan Assembly along with the representatives of
PLSP Balochistan and staff of Aurat Foundation Quetta office
participated in the provincial consultation meeting. The
meeting was held to share the findings of desk review with
women parliamentarians of the assembly and get the findings
endorsed from them for future legislation.
Activity Title: Presentation on
Blasphemy Laws ,present situation and the way forward
April 20, 2010
Venue: Aurat Foundation Karachi Office
Brief Description:
Foundation Karachi in collaboration with Women Action Forum
organized a presentation on Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan. Mr.
Mansoor Raza an independent researcher presented his study
Blasphemy laws of Pakistan Background, present situation and
the way forward-2009/2010.
Activity Title: ADVOCACY GROUP
April 14, 2010
Venue: Aurat Foundation, Karachi
Brief Description:
meeting of HomeNet in collaboration with Aurat Foundation
was held at AF Karachi office. The purpose was to form a
advocacy group for Home based workers. The meeting was
presided by Ms. Ume-Laila Azhar, Executive Director Homenet
Pakistan. Ms. Mahnaz Rehman, Resident Director Aurat
Foundation, Mr. Shakeel Abro, Regional Director AHAN, Mr.
Wali Haider Joint Director, Roots, Ms. Farhat Parveen Now
Communities, Ms. Shabana Sheikh, Programme Officer Action
Aid, Mr. Nasir Mansoor from Labour Education, Ms. Raffat
from SAFHR, Ms.Malka Khan, Adv.R ubina Aman & Ms. Fareeda
Hannan of Aurat Foundation participated in the meeting.
Activity Title: Professional Development on Leadership
April 13th, 2010
Venue: Aurat Foundation, Karachi
Brief Description:
A training session concerning
Professional Development on the topic of Leadership for the
staff of AF Karachi was arranged by Resident Director Mahnaz
Rahman. The trainer was Ms. Zahra tul Fatima from Islamabad.
The training proved to be very informative and
Activity Title: Demostration by Mai Jury Jamali
Date: March
18 , 2010
Venue: Press Club,
Brief Decription:
The Resident Director Mahnaz
Rahman, Malka Khan and Adv. Rubina Aman Brohi of Aurat
Foundation Karachi participated in a demo at press club
Karachi ,to show solidarity with Mai Jury jamali against the
rigging in by-elections at the
district Jafferabad, Baluchistan.
Activity Title:
Focus Group Discussion
Date: March
16th , 2010
Venue: (Peshawar) SS Club
Participants & Guests: 25 ( 9 Women, 19 Men)
The participants were members CSO, Lawyers, journalists,
students and AF staff
The topic of FGD : “Rise in crime
rate against women in NWFP .”
Activity Title: Women Mela
March 10th, 2010
Venue: Arts Council, Karachi
Activity Title: Women
Assembly on political and constitutional Rights of women on International Women
March 9th, 2010
Venue: Hotel Regent Plaza, Karachi
Guests &
Sharmila Farooqi Advisor
to CM, Justice ®
Shaiq Usmani, Asim Malik, Nusrat Sahar MPA PMLF, Shama Arif
Mithani MPA PPP, Shahnaz MPA MQM, Nasreen Jalil, Mahnaz
Rahman, Advocate Rubina Brohi,Malka Khan and other civil
society members.
Brief Description:
On the occasion of 8th
March International Women Day, Aurat Foundation held a
“women Assembly on political and constitutional Rights of
women” on 09 March 2010 at hotel Regent Plaza Karachi.,
leaders and activists Various women, including political,
community, and development leaders, as well as leading
educators, sport and literary personalities, were invited to
speak at this event. Ms. Sharmilla Farooqi, Justice( r)
Shaiq Usmani , Ms.Shama Arif Mithani MPA,Ms.Nasrin Jalil,
Nusrat Sehar Abbasi MPA , Ms Mahnaz Rahman, and Asim Malik
National Coordinator (WEP) AF were the main speakers.
Shields were presented to “icon of sport” Ms. Naseem Hameed
Gold madlist from sindh & Ms. Sidra sadaf silver medlist
from Punjab in the South Asian Games
Activity Title: Rally on International Women's Day
March 9th, 2010
Venue: Hotel Regent Plaza to Press
Club, Karachi
of Civil Society Organizations, Political and Social
Activists, Media persons, Business groups and youth
organizations participated in
the rally
Foundation Lahore on 8th March, 2010
At Provincial Assembly Punjab, Lahore
Rights, Equal Opportunities and Progress for All”
International Women Day celebrated with women
parliamentarians of Punjab assembly
First time in the history of Pakistan, the international
Women’s Day was celebrated in a provincial
parliament, the Punjab Assembly – with full support
of women members of the assembly. Women
parliamentarians in the Punjab Assembly, in
collaboration with Aurat Foundation, celebrated 8th March, the International Women’s Day, 2010 with a
theme of “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities and
Progress for All”. Addressing the gathering, the
parliamentarians from Punjab assembly presented a
joint statement and reiterated that they
overwhelmingly support the struggle of women for
their rights through out the world. They expressed
their solidarity with the women, children and their
families who are the victims of terrorism and vowed
to continue support the struggle for the restoration
of peace and establishment of a society based on
justice, tranquility and equality. Women
parliamentarians gathered on the occasion, across
their party divide, issued following statement:
“ We strongly recommend that government should fulfill
its commitments to bring women in mainstream through
socio-economic development in accordance with the
international conventions and treaties, ratified by
Pakistan particularly CEDAW Conventions, Human
Rights Convention, Millennium Development Goals,
Child Rights Convention and other agreements and a
parliamentary monitoring committee should be formed
to effectively implement on all international
commitments to achieve equal participation of women
in socio-economic and cultural activities. We also
recommend that a quota of 10 % jobs for women in all
the public and private sector should be implemented
It is strongly recommended that the early appointment of
lady doctors, psychiatrists and lawyers in all Dar-ul-Amans,
and Women Jails. Women should be included as member
election commission of Pakistan and its bodies at
federal and provincial level.” |
Activity Title: Seminar on Crimes in the name of Honour and parallel
legal system
Date: January 29 , 2010
Venue: Hotel Regent Plaza, Karachi
A Seminar was held by NCSW in Collabotration
with Aurat Foundation on Crimes in the name of Honour and
parallel legal system at Hotel Regent plaza, Ms. Sharmilla
Farooqi Advisor to CM, Chairperson NCSW Anis Haroon, Justice
® Nasir Aslam Zahid, DIG Khalique Sheikh, Resident Director
AF Karachi Mahnaz Rahman, Amar Sindhu, Irfana Mallah were
guest speakers of the programme
Activity Title: Provincial Peace Conference
Date: January 27th , 2010
Venue: (Peshawar) Pearl Continental, Hotel
Participants & Guests: 80 (participants were members of CSO,
journalists, MPAs, Lawyers, Students, Councilors)
Activity Title: Peace Mela “True Face of NWFP”
Date: January 26th , 2010
Venue: (Peshawar) Pearl Continental, Hotel
Participants & Guests: 193 (participants
were members of CSO, MPAs, Media ,Lawyers, Councilors, Govt.
Officials, Students , Teachers, )
Activity: State Women's Rights to Vote in
January 26 , 2010
Venue: Hotel Marriot, Karachi
Speakers: Touqir Fatima Bhutto Minister for women
Development, PPP’s Taj Hyder PPP. Human Rights activist
Adv.Noor Naz Agha, Aurat Foundation’s Resident Director
Mahnaz Rehman, Pakistan Workers Party leader Yousuf Masti
Khan, MQM’s parliemantary leaderand Ministetr Syed Sardar
Ahmed and Ms. Nargis Rahman participated as guest speaker.
Aurat Foundation, Karachi
Adv. Rubina BrohI of Aurat Foundation
presented the LWP-WE Newsletter to First Lady of Pakistan
Begum Fouzia Gillani and briefing about Aurat Foundation on
her visit to Karachi at Governor House, Karachi.
Activity: Aman
Itehad Rally
January 1st , 2010
Venue: (Lahore) From Regal Chowk to
Assembly Hall
Participants: Representatives
of Civil Society Organizations, Lawyers,
Political and Social Activists, Media persons, Business
youth organizations, teachers and students participated in
the rally
Seen in the pictures are Ms. Asma Jehagir Chairperson
Human Rights Commision of Pakistan, Mr. I.A rehman, Ms. Mumtaz
Mughal, Mr. Mehboob Khan, Mr. Ahmed, Ms. Umme Laila Azhar,
Ms. Shumaila Tanwir and Ms, Humaira Imtiaz and other civil society members
Activity: Aman
Itehad Rally
January 1st , 2010
Venue: (Karachi) From Press club to
Governor's House
Participants & Guests: Civil
Society Organizations, Lawyers, Political and Social
Activists, Media persons, Business groups, youth
organizations, teachers and students
Saturday 2nd January, 2010
Rally in
capital reaffirms commitment to promote peace |
Saturday, January
02, 2010
By Rasheed Khalid
More than 1,000 citizens marched in the Federal
Metropolis as part of a nationwide campaign in which
people took out rallies in 53 cities and towns of
Pakistan to reaffirm the commitment to peace and
observe Jan 1 as a day to express solidarity with
those who suffered violence and injustice.
Under the banner of Aman Ittehad, the peaceful rally
marched to the point law enforcing agencies allowed
it to proceed near the Parliament House here on
Friday. Chanting slogan of “Aao milke zulm mitaey —
hissay ki apne shama jalaen,” the demonstration was
one of the 53 public rallies held nationwide at Aman
Ittehad’s call across Pakistan.
Representatives of civil society organisations
including trade union leaders, mediapersons,
business groups, youth organisations, lawyers,
students, teachers, and political activists
participated in the rally in Islamabad.
According to a spokesperson of the Aman Ittehad,
rallies were also held in Karachi, Lahore, Quetta,
Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Muzaffarabad, Multan,
Hyderabad, Dadu, Badin, Larkana, Sukkur, Jamshoro,
Naushero Feroz, Mithi, Umerkot, Jacobabad, Khairpur,
Nawabshah, Bahawalpur, Faisalabad, Sialkot,
Gujranwala, Chakwal, Dera Ghazi Khan, Rahim Yar
Khan, Khushab, Muzaffargarh, Okara, Gujrat,
Hafizabad, Sheikhupura, Chiniot, Mandi Bahauddin,
Kasur, Mardan, Swabi, Mingora, Abbottabad, Haripur,
Mansehra, Karak, Dera Ismail
Khan, Buner, Havelian, Mohmand Agency, Kurram
Agency,Orakzai Agency, Khyber Agency, Kohat, Loralai
and Sibi.
Ali Asghar Khan, younger brother of late Omar Asghar
Khan, addressing the rally in Islamabad said that
the fact that citizens from every part of Pakistan
are holding public rallies today reflects public
aspiration for peace and their resolve to strive for
an end to violence and extremism. He said that we
will continue this struggle for democratic
governance, rule of law, and equal opportunities for
all citizens.
Earlier, Naeem Mirza of the Aman Ittehad requested
participants to pray for all those that have lost
their lives due to suicide attacks, target killings,
drone attacks, etc.

Derogation of Human Rights in Conflict
A Lecture by Ms. Asma
Jehangir Cahirperson Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Focal Group Discussion on "Impact of
Conflict Situation on women & Childrens"
Feminist Mushaira on
Violence Against Women
Activity: Candle Light Vigil
Date: 25th
Nov, 2009
In front of Press Club, Lahore
Participants: Representatives
of Civil Society Organizations, Lawyers,
Political and Social Activists and Media.
Seen in the pictures are Executive Director, Aurat
Foundation Ms. Nigar Ahmad, Ms. Umme Laila Azhar, Ms. Mumtaz
Mughal, Ms. Shumaila Tanveer, Ms. Nabeela Shaheen, Ms,
Humaira Imtiaz and other civil society members
Activity: (Legislative Watch Programme) One day
Provincial Consultation on
“Gender Based
Critique on Post Budget: Challenges and opportunities for
Date: 7th
July, 2009
SunFort Hotel, Lahore
Chief Guest:
Mr.Tanwir Ashraf Kaira (Minister for Finance, Government of Punjab)
Mr Qais Aslam, Senior Economist
Mr Sohaib Marghub, Senior Journalist,
Magazine Editor, Jang Group
Syed Nasir Ali Kazimi, Gender
Mainstreaming Unit, Finance Department, GRAP.
Ms. Mumtaz Mughal Regional Coordinator
LWP, AF Lahore.
Member Provincial Assembly of Punjab, Legislative watch Group Members,
Representatives of political parties, Civil Society Organizations,
Lawyers, and Media participated in the provincial
Activity: Travel Exhibition:
Gender and Water: Insights, Innovation and Transformation
Date: 13th
March, 2009
Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad
Dr. Zil-e-Huma, Member of
National Assembly & Parliamentary Secretary, Women’s
Naeem Mirza, Director
Programme Aurat Foundation
Farhana Sohail, DAMAAN
Development Organization
Wasim Wagha, Gender and
Water Alliance, Pakistan
Mohsin Babbar, SUNGI Development Foundation
Activity: Inaugural
ceremony of a Five-Year Report on:
Performance of Women Parliamentarians in the 12th National Assembly
Date: 5th
March, 2009
Margalla Hotel, Islamabad
Ms Sherry Rehman, Federal
Minister for Information ,
Dr Sissel Volan,
Minister Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of
Ms Yasmeen Rehman (MNA)
Ms Samia Raheel Qazi (Ex-MNA)
Ms Mehnaz Rafi (Ex-MNA)
Begum Ishrat Ashraf (MNA)
Ms Anis Haroon, Aurat
Archived Activities |